Annual Events & Festivals - Cary, North Carolina

1. Tinsel Town

City: Cary, NC
Category: Annual Events & Festivals
Telephone: (919) 462-2025
Address: 8003 Regency Parkway

Description: Most Southerners have never seen a white Christmas or glided hand-in-hand across an icy pond. But as more transplants make the Triangle home, a collective longing for cold sets in during the darkest days of winter. To oblige, Booth Amphitheatre sets up an outdoor skating rink, surrounded by trees dressed in white lights. Santa visits on the weekends. Holiday music plays. Hot cocoa is served. Sometime the weather even cooperates and Jack Frost show up to nip at skaters’ noses. Admission for skaters Monday through Thursday is $6, or $4 for ages 3 to 12. Admission Friday through Sunday is $8 for adults, $6 for children. Skate rentals are $2, free for those younger than 2. For those who just want to walk around and take in the winter, admission is free.
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