Shopping - Scarborough, Maine

1. Cabela’S

City: Scarborough, ME
Category: Shopping
Telephone: (207) 883-7400
Address: 100 Cabela’s Blvd.

Description: Word on the street had it that L.L. Bean was nervous about the arrival of this outfitting giant in Maine in the spring of 2008. And well it should be. Cabela’s caters to all those outdoorsmen and -women who wouldn’t be caught dead in L.L. Bean’s lifestyle wear. Bean has let its hunting and fishing and camping market share slip in favor of ladies clothing and housewares. Cabela’s, the Nebraska-based retailer, is glad to pick up the disaffected Bean customers, selling all manner of goods for the outdoors, from fudge to footwear, in this gargantuan new 130,000-square-foot depot. There’s even an indoor archery range, a 10,000-gallon aquarium, a horse corral, and parking for semis.
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