Health Care - Scarborough, Maine

1. Coastal Women’S Healthcare

City: Scarborough, ME
Category: Health Care
Telephone: (207) 885-8400
Address: 96 Campus Drive

Description: Coastal Women’s Healthcare (CWH) is a private office affiliated with Maine Medical Center. The office has eight staff physicians specializing in OB/GYN and related care for women, as well as three nurse midwives. Staff at CWH, which was formed in 1995 when two long-standing local OB/GYN practices merged, treat high-risk pregnancy and infertility, in addition to offering routine obstetrical care and gynecological services. All of the staff physicians are also OB/GYN surgeons. Lab, ultrasound, mammography, and bone-density testing are available on-site. Most major health insurance is accepted.
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