Vieng's Asian Bistro, 139 Crocker Park Bl, Westlake, OH 44145 - Commercial FSO < 25000 sq. ft. inspection findings and violations

Business Info

Restaurant name: Vieng's Asian Bistro
Address: 139 Crocker Park Bl, Westlake, OH 44145
Phone: (440-871-2888)
Restaurant type: Commercial FSO < 25000 sq. ft.
Last inspection: 01/07/2016

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Inspection findings

Inspection date


  • Critical: Person in charge did not ensure their employees are properly trained in food safety.
    To prevent foodborne illness, the person in charge shall ensure that employees are properly trained in food safety, including food allergy awareness, as it relates to their assigned duties.
  • Observed food employee touching ready-to-eat food with bare hands. Observed employee preparing sushi with bare hands.
    To prevent contamination, except when washing raw fruits and vegetables, food employees may not contact exposed, ready-to-eat food with their bare hands and shall use suitable utensils.
  • Observed improper method for cooling TCS foods. Chicken brother was cooling at 48F in covered 5-gallon buckets from yesterday.
    To prevent the growth of pathogens: (1) Cooling shall be accomplished in accordance with the time and temperature criteria by using one or more of the following methods based on the type of food being cooled: (a) Placing the food in shallow pans
  • Critical: TCS foods were not being held at the proper temperature. Sweet and sour soup and egg drop soup were holding at 96F and 121F on the stove.
    To prevent the growth of pathogens, except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as a public health control, TCS food shall be held at 135°F or above (except that roasts cooked using time and temperature parameters in 3717-1-03.3 may be held at 130° F), or at 41°F or less. Items reheated to 165F.
  • Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods held refrigerated for more than 24 hours were not properly date marked. PHF's in the coolers were noit date marked.
    To prevent foodborne illness, refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS food held at a temperature of 41°F or less for more than 24 hours shall be clearly marked at the time of preparation or the time the original container is opened to indicate the date or day, that is a maximum of seven days, by which the food shall be consumed, sold, or discarded. The day the food is prepared or opened is day one.
  • Equipment and/or components are not maintained in good working order. Observed a bulk storage container that appeared to be melted on one side and was used to store food products.
    Equipment shall be maintained in a state of repair and condition that meets the requirements specified under rules 3717-1-04 and 3717-1-04.1 of this code. Ensure food storage containers are in good repair to prevent possible contaminatiion to the food.
  • Observed re-use of single-service or single-use articles. Observed food products being stored in opened cans and in grocery bags.
    Single-service and single-use articles may not be reused. Properly store all food products in food grade containers.
  • Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils were not being sanitized.
    Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be sanitized. Thoroughly clean and sanitize interior of microwaves, interior of coolers/freezers, shelving and storage buckets to remove build-up.
  • Observed rice being improperly acidified to render it non-TCS, or without a HACCP plan.
    To prevent foodborne illness, an FSO or RFE that acidifies white rice for the purpose of rendering it a non-TCS food shall meet the applicable requirements of this chapter and shall have a HACCP plan that complies with this rule. Ensure Ph is recorded on a daily basis
01/07/2016Standard Inspection

  • Discussed exclusions and restrictions

  • Discussed glove use and handwashing procedures
  • Observed employee preparing sushi with bare hands,
    all ready to eat foods shall be handled with proper glove, utensil use to prevent cross contamination
  • Employees are not knowledgeable to food safety questions
    Ensure employees are knowledgeable to proper temperatures, procedures and food handling

  • Food products received from approved sources
  • soup was holding at 96F to 121F on the cookline.
    PHF's shall be hot held at or abovev 135F to minimize microbial growth
  • broth was cooling at 48F in bulk covered containers from yesterday.
    PHF's shall be cooled to 41F within the 4 or 6 hour process using an ice bath, ice wand, shallow pans or a blast chiller.
  • PHF's in coolers were not date marked.
    PHF's shall be date marked to ensure a one week rotation if product is not used within 24 hours

  • PHF's were cold held, thawed properly. Discussed cooking and reheating

  • raw animal foods were properly stored in a manner to prevent cross contamination

  • consumer advisory observed in menu

  • chemicals were properly stored in a manner to prevent chemical contamination
  • Facility did not have a HACCP plan for acidified white rice
    Provide a HACCP plan for preparing acidified white rice. Ensure it included a daily Ph log.
01/07/2016Critical Control Point Inspection
  • The person in charge was unable to demonstrate proper knowledge of food safety and prevention. When asked cooking temp of chicken, chef stated 160 F.
    The person in charge shall demonstrate to the licensor the applicable food safety knowledge at the time of inspection. The person in charge shall demonstrate this knowledge by compliance with the food code by having no critical violations during the current inspection, or by being certified in food protection, or by responding correctly to the inspector's questions as they relate to the specific food operation.
  • Observed food that was unsafe, adulterated, or not honestly presented. # 10 cans in storage areas found severely dented. Removed
    Food shall be safe, unadulterated, and honestly presented.
  • Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety foods held refrigerated for more than 24 hours were not properly date marked. souces and soups in walk in coolers must be date marked to ensure a 7 day expiration date.
    Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food held refrigerated for more than 24 hours shall be clearly marked at the time of preparation or the time the original container is opened to indicate the date or day to be consumed, sold, or discarded as required.
  • Observed raw animal foods separated from ready to eat foods during storage, preparation, holding, and display.
07/31/2015Critical Control Point Inspection
  • Critical: The person in charge did not ensure that employees are properly cooking TCS foods and/or using thermometers as required. When asked cooking process of chicken being preped, a cooking temp of 160F was given. Cook was instructed to cook and verify an internal temp. of 165F
    To prevent the growth of pathogens, the person in charge shall ensure that employees are properly cooking TCS food, through daily monitoring of cooking temperatures using appropriate calibrated temperature measuring devices.
  • Observed food that was unsafe, adulterated, or not honestly presented. #10 cans of food in storage area were severely dented. Removed.
    To prevent foodborne illness, food shall be safe, unadulterated, and honestly presented.
  • TCS foods were not being held at the proper temperature. Shrimp and beef in top of prep cooler were at 44F. Ice bags placed over food.
    To prevent the growth of pathogens, except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as a public health control, TCS food shall be held at 135°F or above (except that roasts cooked using time and temperature parameters in 3717-1-03.3 may be held at 130° F), or at 41°F or less.
  • Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods held refrigerated for more than 24 hours were not properly date marked. Sauces and soups in 5 gl containers in walk in cooler not date marked.
    To prevent foodborne illness, refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS food held at a temperature of 41°F or less for more than 24 hours shall be clearly marked at the time of preparation or the time the original container is opened to indicate the date or day, that is a maximum of seven days, by which the food shall be consumed, sold, or discarded. The day the food is prepared or opened is day one.
  • Observed a build-up of dirt and debris. Clean floor areas under equipment in bar area and in kitchen.
    The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean, and cleaning shall be done during periods when the least amount of food is exposed.
07/31/2015Standard Inspection

  • Discussed exclusions and restrictions with employees

  • Discussed proper glove, utensil use with employees
  • Observed employees handling ready to eat food with bare hands.
    All ready to eat foods shall be handled with proper glove, utensil use to prevent cross contamination
  • Employees were not knowledgeable to food safety procedures.
    Employees shall be knowledgeable to proper temperatures, procedures and food handling

  • Food products received from approved sources
  • PHF's were not date marked.
    PHF's shall be date marked to ensure a one week rotation if product is not used within 24 hours.
  • Chicken broth was cooling at 48F in 5-gallon buckets from overnight.
    PHF's shall be cooled to 41F within the 4 or 6 hour process using proper procedures.

  • PHF's were cold held, hot held, thawed and cooked properly. Discussed reheating procedures

  • Raw animal foods were properly stored in a manner to prevent cross contamination

  • Consumer advisory observed in menu

  • Chemicals were properly stored in a manner to prevent chemical contamination
  • Facility had missing information in HACCP plan, Did not observe a Ph log of acidified rice.
    Provide a complete HACCP plan for acidified rice and keep logs current.
12/11/2014Critical Control Point Inspection
  • Critical: The person in charge was unable to demonstrate proper knowledge of food safety and prevention and shall ensure all employees are knowledgeable to food safety questions.
    To prevent or correct factors that may cause foodborne illess, based on the risks inherent to the food operation, during inspections and upon request, the person in charge and employees shall demonstrate to the licensor the applicable food safety knowledge at the time of inspection.
  • Critical: Observed food employee touching ready-to-eat food with bare hands. Observed employees handling ready to eat foods with bare hands.
    To prevent contamination, except when washing raw fruits and vegetables, food employees may not contact exposed, ready-to-eat food with their bare hands and shall use suitable utensils. Discussed proper procedures with employees and they placed gloves on their hands.
  • Miscellaneous sources of contamination observed. Observed handle of ice scoop touching ice in ice bin.
    Food shall be protected from contamination that is not specified under 3717-1-03.2 (A) to (X). Discontinue storing handle of scoop inside food product to prevent cross contamination.
  • Facility did not have proper documentation regarding the freezing of fish for parasite destruction.
    To prevent the growth of pathogens, if raw, raw-marinated, or partially cooked fish are served or sold in ready to eat form, the person in charge shall record the freezing temperature and time to which the fish are subjected and shall retain the records at the facility for at least ninety days, or shall obtain a written agreement or statement from the supplier stipulating that the fish supplied are frozen to the required temperature
  • Critical: Observed improper method for cooling TCS foods. Observed chicken broth cooling in 5-gallon bucket containers from overnight in the walk-in cooler at 48F.
    PHF's shall be cooled to 41F within the 4 or 6 hour process using an ice bath, ice wand, shallow pans or a blast chiller. Items voluntarily discarded. Recommended filling containers no deeper than 4" to cool rapidly.
  • Critical: Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods held refrigerated for more than 24 hours were not properly date marked.
    To prevent foodborne illness, refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS food held at a temperature of 41°F or less for more than 24 hours shall be clearly marked at the time of preparation or the time the original container is opened to indicate the date or day, that is a maximum of seven days, by which the food shall be consumed, sold, or discarded. The day the food is prepared or opened is day one.
  • Critical: The concentration and/or temperature of a chlorine sanitizing solution did not meet the minimum requirements specified in the code. During inspection, the LTDM had a chlorine concentration of 0ppm.
    To prevent pathogen growth, a chlorine solution shall have a minimum temperature based on the concentration and pH of the solution as specified in the code. LTDM was primed to have an ending concentration of 100ppm.
  • Observed re-use of single-service or single-use articles. Observed food products being stored in opened cans and in grocery bags.
    Single-service and single-use articles may not be reused. Properly store all food products in food grade containers.
  • Non-food contact surfaces of equipment are dirty.
    Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept clean. Thoroughly clean shelving to remove build-up and change cardboard as necessary.
  • Observed rice being improperly acidified to render it non-TCS, or without a HACCP plan. Facility did not have a complete HACCP plan on site. Facility does not record Ph of rice on a daily basis.
    To prevent foodborne illness, an FSO or RFE that acidifies white rice for the purpose of rendering it a non-TCS food shall meet the applicable requirements of this chapter and shall have a HACCP plan that complies with this rule.
12/11/2014Standard Inspection
  • Critical: Observed single-use gloves being used improperly. Observed employee handling raw shrimp with gloves and not changing gloves or washing hands prior handling cooked food products and produce.
    If used, single-use gloves shall be used for only one task, used for no other purpose, and discarded when damaged or soiled or when interruptions occur in the operation. Employee changed gloves and washed hands after discussing proper procedures. Correct By: 04-Jun-2014
  • Critical: Facility did not have proper documentation regarding the freezing of fish for parasite destruction.
    If raw, raw-marinated, or partially cooked fish are served or sold in ready to eat form, the person in charge shall record and/or retain the records as required in this rule. Correct By: 04-Jun-2014
  • Critical: TCS foods were not being held at the proper temperature. PHF's Iex=curry sauce, liquid eggs, chicken eggrolls, sushi fish) were holding at 44F to 60F in the coolers and on the counter.
    Except during preparation, cooking, or cooling, or when time is used as a public health control, TCS food shall be held at 135°F or above (except for those roasts that are cooked as required may be held at 130° F), or at 41°F or less. Items on counter placed in ice bath. Items 49F and above in coolers was voluntarily discarded. Correct By: 04-Jun-2014
  • Observed re-use of single-service or single-use articles. Observed food products being stored in opened cans and in grocery bags.
    Single-service and single-use articles may not be reused. Properly store all food products in food grade containers.
  • Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils were not being sanitized.
    Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be sanitized. Thoroughly clean and santiize exterior of cookline equipment, interior of reach-in freezers, interior and exterior of microwaves, white storage gallon buckets and shelving in walk-in cooler to remove build-up.
  • Critical: Observed rice being improperly acidified to render it non-TCS, or without a HACCP plan.
    An FSO or RFE that acidifies white rice for the purpose of rendering it a non-TCS food shall meet the applicable requirements of this chapter and shall have a HACCP plan that complies with this rule. Ensure employees document pH of acidified rice on a daily basis. Correct By: 04-Jun-2014
06/04/2014Standard Inspection

  • Employees are knowledgeable to exclusions and restrictions
  • Observed employee using single use gloves for multiple tasks.
    Employees shall change gloves as needed and wash hands as necessary to prevent cross contamination

  • Ready to eat foods were handled with proper glove, utensil use to prevent cross contamination

  • Employees knowledgeable to food safety questions

  • Food products received from approved sources
  • PHF's were cold holding at 44F to 60F in the coolers and on the counter.
    PHF's shall be cold held at or below 41F to minimize microbial growth. Items on counter placed in ice bath. Items in cooler at 49F and above were voluntarily discarded.

  • PHF's cooked, hot held and cooled properly. Discussed thawing and reheating procedures.

  • Raw animal foods were properly stored in a manner as to prevent cross contamination

  • Consumer advisory observed in menu
06/04/2014Critical Control Point Inspection

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