Relocation - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


In Greater Philadelphia, there is no shortage of resources to help you relocate, and one of your first calls will be to find a real estate agent to help you search for a new home.

1. Association of Realtors

City: Philadelphia, PA
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (215) 423-9381
Address: 1341 N. Delaware Ave.

Description: If you have any question pertaining to Philadelphia regulations and services, just dial 311. Tell the operator what your question or concern is and you will be connected to the appropriate city department. The City of Philadelphia’s website ( also offers a wealth of easily accessible information on and resources for finding just about everything from after-­school programs to zip codes and including tax forms, a library card application, tenant/landlord guidelines, public transportation (SEPTA) accessible services, and paying a parking ticket. This is also the best place to find services for senior citizens.

2. Association of Realtors

City: Philadelphia, PA
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (610) 260-9931
Address: 470 Norristown Rd.

Description: If you have any question pertaining to Philadelphia regulations and services, just dial 311. Tell the operator what your question or concern is and you will be connected to the appropriate city department. The City of Philadelphia’s website ( also offers a wealth of easily accessible information on and resources for finding just about everything from after-­school programs to zip codes and including tax forms, a library card application, tenant/landlord guidelines, public transportation (SEPTA) accessible services, and paying a parking ticket. This is also the best place to find services for senior citizens.

3. Central Library

City: Philadelphia, PA
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (215) 686-5322
Address: 1901 Vine St.

Description: Philadelphia’s first free library opened in 1895 and moved into its current beautiful Beaux Arts Building location on Logan Square on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in 1927. Today this wide-­ranging resource houses more than 6 million items, ranging from books and magazines to art, music, films, and other media. Also available are adult education (e.g., GED high school equivalency) and English as a Second Language classes, programs for visually impaired/physically handicapped individuals, author events, career services and workshops, children and teen programs, and senior services. There are also 54 library branches throughout the 5-county area. You can find the one closest to you on

4. Philadelphia City Taxes

City: Philadelphia, PA
Category: Relocation

Description: Income tax: gross earned income of Philadelphia residents is taxed at 3.93 percent, regardless of whether the income was earned in Philadelphia or in a surrounding city.Real estate tax: $8.264 per $100 of assessed value. Surrounding cities all have their own income and property tax structures; you can call their municipal offices for information, or call the State of Pennsylvania’s Fact and Information Line at (888) PA-­TAXES or visit sales tax: 8 percent is applied to items sold in Pennsylvania. Exceptions to the sales tax include food, clothing, drugs, and textbooks.

5. State Income and Sales Tax

City: Philadelphia, PA
Category: Relocation

Description: State income tax: 3.07 percent of gross income.State sales tax: 6 percent state tax is applied to items sold in Pennsylvania. Exceptions to the sales tax include food, clothing, drugs, and textbooks.

6. Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW)

City: Philadelphia, PA
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (215) 235-1000
Address: 800 W. Montgomery Ave.

Description: If you smell gas or have an unsafe condition, call (215) 235-1212 immediately.

7. Philadelphia Water Department

City: Philadelphia, PA
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (215) 685-6300

Description: Information about how and where to register is available from the Pennsylvania Department of State at (877) VOTESPA (877-868-3772);
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