Tours & Attractions - Santa Fe, New Mexico

91. Río Grande Zoological Park

City: Santa Fe, NM
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 903 10th St. SW

92. Bradbury Science Museum

City: Santa Fe, NM
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (505) 667-4444

Description: We’ve organized this list of highlights based on when the event usually occurs. Unless otherwise noted, prices are per adult ticket, and parking is free. (During Indian Market, Fiesta, and other big celebrations some entrepreneurs and nonprofit groups may set up lots and charge for parking. If you don’t want to pay, you can park elsewhere for free, but you’ll have a longer walk.) You’ll notice that many events happen on the Plaza. You’ll find the Plaza downtown at the northern end of Old Santa Fe Trail, at the corner of Lincoln and Palace avenues. In addition to this calendar, don’t forget the public events at the Indian pueblos near Santa Fe, which are listed in the Pueblo Culture section of our Local Culture chapter.
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