Cooper Aerobics Center - Health Care - Dallas, Texas

City: Dallas, TX
Category: Health Care
Address: 12200 Preston Rd.

Description: In addition to serving as a premier fitness facility, the Cooper Center in Dallas’s beautiful Preston Hollow neighborhood devotes a significant area to wellness programs for individuals and companies. Your interest may be simply to check in annually for a consultation and wellness exam and to come away with a specific, customized plan for health improvement as the result of a 4-, 6-, or 13-day program, with facilities for overnight stays. Companies can look into the 360-degree Health Audit, working with your firm’s insurance company on ways to be a more health-minded company. Individuals can take water fitness classes, run on the indoor track, work out with a trainer, or follow a specific fitness plan as directed by one of the physicians on staff who can help you deal with cardiology, cholesterol, or diabetes issues, as well as injury therapy.