Retirement - Florida Keys, Florida


If we are to believe Noah Webster, retirement means “withdrawing from active life.” Not so in the Florida Keys. Our retirees are anything but retiring. Each year, about the time Jack Frost starts whistling up north, the influx of snowbirds to our sun-­kissed islands begins, and the collective pulse of our communities quickens.

Unlike other retirement areas in Florida, our seniors usually don’t keep to themselves in preplanned communities. You’ll find them living in residential neighborhoods and condominiums, RV parks, and mobile-­home villages. Our seniors contribute an added dimension to our communities. They form a much-­needed core of volunteers for many of our public services, including the county libraries, local hospitals, and area schools.

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) accepts individuals age 50 and older into membership, , and some are taking the Florida Keys by storm. These prime-­of-­lifers have taken a career-­course detour, leaving that corporate 9-to-5 (or, more likely, 9-to-9) grind to venture off the track into uncharted territory.

Regardless of age, the retirees in the Florida Keys remain youthful. Our warm, tropical climate is kind to old bones (young ones, too!). The pace of our lifestyle moves to a different drummer—well, more of a reggae beat. Some people even feel we live longer down here . . . and they’re in their 90s. Our energetic retirees enjoy fishing and scuba diving, golf and tennis, boating and bridge. They are active in myriad special-­interest organizations the length and breadth of the Keys. Many pursue artistic hobbies long put on the back burner while the rest of their lives simmered. Some go back to school, developing new skills and honing others.


At the heart of the retirement community in the Florida Keys are the senior citizen centers, which serve as cohesive units of companionship and support to retirees of all ages and circumstances. The centers were constructed and are maintained as a joint venture between Monroe County and the local chapters of AARP. Membership in AARP is not a prerequisite for most activities of the senior centers, but anyone age 50 or older may pick up an application to AARP at any of the centers. Because our seniors participate in activities based all throughout the Keys, we have organized this chapter by interest group, incorporating all areas of the Keys from Key Largo to Key West.

1. Big Pine Key Senior Center

City: Florida Keys, FL
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (305) 872-3990
Address: MM 31 Bayside, 380 Key Deer Blvd., Big P

Description: Not to be outdone by the other Keys centers, the seniors in the Lower Keys boogie in a bevy of activities like their compatriots up the Keys. The winter season finds them country line dancing and exercising, taking French lessons, and attending classes in hatha yoga. The center shows classic movies and hosts potlucks and bingo. The Big Pine Key Senior Center, which is right behind the Big Pine Key firehouse, is open every day for card playing and puzzle making. During the winter season the center often holds dances, playing recorded Big Band music.

2. Marathon Senior Center

City: Florida Keys, FL
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (305) 743-3346
Address: MM 48.8 Bayside, 535 33rd St., Marathon

Description: This lively bunch in the Middle Keys maintains a whirlwind of activities, especially during the winter season, such as bridge, crafts, weekly bingo, and regular exercise sessions. The seniors trip the light fantastic with special events, such as the Valentine Sweetheart Dance and the St. Patrick’s Day party. The Marathon Senior Center has a large lending library. It also has free income tax preparation when that dreaded time rolls around. Free flu shots and blood pressure checks are available on a regular basis.

3. Florida Keys Community College Middle Keys Campus

City: Florida Keys, FL
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (305) 743-2133 or (305) 743-07
Address: MM 50 Oceanside, 900 Sombrero Beach Rd.,

Description: The Middle Keys branch of FKCC offers general-­interest classes in foreign language and computer science as well as more unusual fare, such as nature walks, tours of the Everglades, conservation classes, and photography instruction.

4. Florida Keys Community College Upper Keys Campus

City: Florida Keys, FL
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (305) 852-8007
Address: MM 89.9 Oceanside, Coral Shores High Sch

Description: Seniors and retirees particularly enjoy the computer classes offered at this branch of Florida Keys Community College. They also sign up for such classes as conversational Spanish, watercolor painting, beginning drawing, creative writing, and American and English literature.

5. Key West Garden Club

City: Florida Keys, FL
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (305) 294-3210

Description: The Key West Garden Club maintains the gardens of West Martello Tower, an old Civil War fort at Higgs Beach on Atlantic Boulevard. The club meets once a month for a short business meeting followed by a presentation by a guest speaker, often a visiting horticulturist. These events are open to the general public. Twice a year the group holds a plant sale at its West Martello Tower headquarters. You can walk away with beautiful plants at bargain prices and a wealth of free gardening tips and information to boot.

6. American Association Of Retired Persons

City: Florida Keys, FL
Category: Retirement
Telephone: Key West, (305) 295-5156

Description: The nationally known American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has local chapters in most cities. Here in the Florida Keys there are four offices from Plantation Key to Key West. Each chapter offers their own programs in areas of interest to their members. You must be at least 50 years of age to join. For a nominal fee, members can select from line dancing and computer classes to county services. Helpful folks with helpful information.

7. Community Support Services

City: Florida Keys, FL
Category: Retirement

8. Monroe County In-­Home Services

City: Florida Keys, FL
Category: Retirement

9. Monroe County Social Services

City: Florida Keys, FL
Category: Retirement
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