Education - Key West, Florida

1. Grace Lutheran School

City: Key West, FL
Category: Education
Telephone: (305) 296-8262
Address: 2713 Flagler Ave.

Description: Established in 1952 and designed for pre-­kindergarten through eighth-­graders, Grace Lutheran offers computers and teaches Spanish in all but pre-­kindergarten classes. During “God Time,” students learn about Christian ideals and how to live them.

2. Key West Montessori Charter School

City: Key West, FL
Category: Education
Telephone: (305) 294-4910
Address: 1400 United St.

Description: The Key West Montessori Charter School is a nonprofit, public school teaching children in kindergarten through middle school. The school utilizes the work of Maria Montessori, who developed a method of educating children focusing on the child as the foundation for learning.

3. Mary Immaculate Star Of The Sea

City: Key West, FL
Category: Education
Telephone: (305) 294-1031
Address: 700 Truman Ave.

Description: Mary Immaculate follows a pre-­kindergarten through eighth-­grade curriculum outlined by the Archdiocese of Miami, including religious instruction. The school’s mission is to provide opportunities for all Lower Keys families to experience a Catholic education. Within a Christian environment, the instructors foster spiritual, academic, and social development.

4. Florida Keys Community College

City: Key West, FL
Category: Education
Address: 5901 W. College Rd.

5. Wesley House Family Services Coordinating Agency

City: Key West, FL
Category: Education
Address: 1304 Truman Ave.
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