Relocation - Boston, Massachusetts

1. Boston Realty Advisors

City: Boston, MA
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (617) 375-7900
Address: 745 Boylston St.

Description: Concord and Lexington both have top-drawer schools and attractive historic town centers, and are close enough to get to work easily almost anywhere in the city. Lexington has a reputation for a global vibe and diversity as a result of a large Chinese and Indian population. The median home price in Lexington is $723,000; a small starter home will get you in the market for $600,000.On the North Shore, towns such as Manchester-by-the-Sea and Essex offer pristine beaches and rich housing stock, but because of the sometimes-challenging commute to Boston, there are bargains to be found. The median home price in Essex is $439,000, which will buy you a four-bedroom antique with loads of charm. Consider telecommuting.
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