Relocation - Chicago, Illinois


City: Chicago, IL
Category: Relocation

Description: Owned by the Sun-Times, this site is loaded with listings of restaurants, bars, theater happenings, and more, and adds useful extras like its “virtual L,” which offers a roundup of what to do near each El stop.


City: Chicago, IL
Category: Relocation

Description: A longtime favorite go-to for in-the-know coverage on dining, nightlife, theater, live music scenes, this Chicago Tribune–run web site is impressive for its extensive photos and also includes a rundown of great deals around town.


City: Chicago, IL
Category: Relocation

Description: Online recommendations and user reviews of locations across the city including restaurants, bars, spas, shops, and more. An annual Best of Citysearch competition generates some buzz.


City: Chicago, IL
Category: Relocation

Description: Like a friend who always knows the latest and greatest, Daily Candy lets readers in on everything from a new local jeweler, a just-opened sandwich shop, or where to find the cutest new hostess gift.


City: Chicago, IL
Category: Relocation

Description: Once a print pub, this alt weekly went totally digital a few years ago and now runs interviews with up-and-coming musicians, artists, writers, filmmakers, and more, along with bold reviews of the same, along with videos, blogs, and free music downloads.  
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