Media - Norman, Oklahoma

1. Norman Transcript

City: Norman, OK
Category: Media
Telephone: (405) 321-1800
Address: 215 E. Comanche St.

Description: Founded in 1889, this newspaper is Norman’s oldest business. The first issue came off the press on July 13, 1889, three and a half weeks after the Land Run of 1889. This daily newspaper’s goal is to provide a unique identity for Norman, Cleveland, and McClain Counties in south-central Oklahoma. They do this by covering local news, community events, sports, and more for these areas. The paper has features on food and fashion and it makes wedding, engagement, and anniversary announcements. It also provides TV listings, classified ads, and more. Its circulation runs a little over 12,500.Readers can pick up the paper off a rack around town for 50 cents for the daily edition and $1 for the Sun edition. Home delivery subscriptions cost $8.95 per month.
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