Tours & Attractions - Encinitas, California

1. Quail Botanical Gardens

City: Encinitas, CA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Address: 230 Quail Gardens Drive

2. Magdalena Ecke Ymca

City: Encinitas, CA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (760) 942-9622
Address: 200 Saxony Road

Description: The Y has been an important source of kidstuff throughout the county for years. Its varied programs are well supervised, age-specific, and lots of fun. Choose to have the kids experience horseback riding, surfing, skating, crafts, gymnastics, or a dozen other fun camps, workshops, and ongoing classes. The skateboard park is world-famous, including two of the best “cement pools” in the country, and was featured in the 2003 X-Games. Beginning skaters can learn in “mini land.” Visitors are also enjoying the Y’s brand-new aquatic center with retractable roof. There are also classes and sporting teams for parents and teens as well as family campouts. Call or check the Internet for prices, locations, and a current schedule; Y members receive a discount on events and trips.
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