Child Care - Washington, District of Columbia

Child Care

As we have mentioned at least a couple of times by now, Metro Washington is a wonderful place to live and—as many people happily discover—raise children. Few places can match the abundance of stimulating cultural, educational, historical, and recreational outlets for youngsters to pursue. Here’s a brief look at child care, an important consideration in an area where many household budgets may only be fulfilled with two incomes.

First, here are a few words about what to expect from this chapter. Like some of the other subjects we’ve covered, child care is one that could easily be the sole focus of an entire book. Because Washington-area residents can choose from literally thousands of child-care options, to present a complete rundown with descriptions, services, and other information is simply not possible here. Instead, we’ve tried to provide a primer on the subject, combining sound advice for choosing child-care facilities with a listing of agencies, nonprofit organizations, and referral agencies. The experts there can answer specific questions and help parents make decisions.

Few quality-of-life issues have become as important to families in recent years as the availability of top-notch child care, something that experts agree is crucial to a child’s well-being and healthy development. As with any large expenditure, especially one involving a family member, parents should carefully weigh the various options and talk with relatives, friends, neighbors, and co-workers who have experience in this area.

Whether you’re in search of a chain-affiliated commercial day-care center, a private in-home operation, a program associated with a school or religious institution, or something tailored to the special needs of groups such as the physically challenged, the learning disabled, and the non-English-speaking, you’re sure to find it in the Washington area. A scan through the Yellow Pages, a community directory, an Internet search, or a listing provided by a human services agency will quickly confirm the wealth of choices available.

1. Washington Child Development Council

City: Washington, DC
Category: Child Care
Telephone: (202) 387-0002
Address: 1400 16th Street NW, Suite 715

Description: Contact the council for referrals and other child-care resources.

2. Child Care Assistance And Referral

City: Washington, DC
Category: Child Care
Telephone: (703) 449-8484

Description: Parents can contact this office for lists of child-care providers throughout the county.

3. Child Care Training Programs

City: Washington, DC
Category: Child Care
Telephone: (703) 324-8000

Description: Child-care providers can contact this office to enroll in training courses.

4. Head Start Programs

City: Washington, DC
Category: Child Care
Telephone: (703) 324-8290

Description: This national program offers early childhood and parent education classes to low-income families.

5. Permits And Regulation

City: Washington, DC
Category: Child Care
Telephone: (703) 324-8000

Description: This division inspects and issues permits for family child-care homes.

6. School-Age Child Care Program

City: Washington, DC
Category: Child Care
Telephone: (703) 449-8989

Description: SACC provides before- and after-school and summer programs at county elementary schools. A program called Club 78 provides recreational activities and homework help for middle-school students.

7. Office Of Community Education—Extended Day Care Office

City: Washington, DC
Category: Child Care
Telephone: (703) 248-5683
Address: 7124 Leesburg Pike

Description: Contact this office for information about the before- and after-school child-care program.

8. National Association For The Education Of Young Children (Naeyc)

City: Washington, DC
Category: Child Care
Telephone: (202) 232-8777, (800) 424-2460
Address: 1313 L Street NW, Suite 500

Description: Founded in 1926, NAEYC is the country’s largest professional organization focused on promoting quality education for children ages eight and younger. Membership includes more than 300 local, state, and regional affiliated organizations. Among many other services, the association offers educational literature and videos and a national voluntary accreditation program for early childhood centers.

9. National Black Child Development Institute

City: Washington, DC
Category: Child Care
Telephone: (202) 833-2220
Address: 1101 15th Street NW, Suite 900

Description: This nonprofit organization, founded in 1970, strives to improve the quality of life for African American children. It provides child-care resources to parents and professionals and offers leadership training in child care and education.

10. Mothers’ Aides Inc.

City: Washington, DC
Category: Child Care
Telephone: (703) 250-0700, (800) 526-2669
Address: 5618 Ox Road

Description: Founded in 1979, this agency is a member of NAEYC, an organization described in the Helpful Organizations section. It provides permanent, temporary, and on-call nannies.
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