FedEx locations in Great Falls, MT

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FedEx - Albertsons - Outside

Address: 2250 10th Ave S
City and Zip Code: Great Falls, MT 59405

FedEx - Discover Moving And Stora - Outside

Address: 812 2nd St S
City and Zip Code: Great Falls, MT 59405

FedEx - Old Ironworks Bldg - Inside

Address: 1321 8th Ave N, Suite 204
City and Zip Code: Great Falls, MT 59401

FedEx - Silver State - Outside

Address: 18 6th St N
City and Zip Code: Great Falls, MT 59401

FedEx - Stockmans Bank - Outside

Address: 25 5th St N
City and Zip Code: Great Falls, MT 59401

FedEx - Strain - Inside

Address: 410 Central Ave
City and Zip Code: Great Falls, MT 59401

FedEx - Da Davidson - Inside

Address: 8 3rd St N
City and Zip Code: Great Falls, MT 59401

FedEx Drop Box - Outside USPS

Address: 215 N 1st Ave N
City and Zip Code: Great Falls, MT 59401

FedEx - Ship-it

Address: 825 5th Ave S
City and Zip Code: Great Falls, MT 59405

Ratings Summary

Based on 1 vote

Overall Rating:
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Product quality and selection:

1 User Review:

Joan Hurley

Added on Sep 2, 2014 9:58 AM
Visited on Sep 2, 2014 5:00 PM
Product quality and selection:
overall I've been extremely happy with FedEx but sometimes their customer service isn't updated with what's going on with my package with my package otherwise though I've always gotten everything on time. I personally love going to the ship at store because it's a small mom and pop shop and I like to support that once a week they have a lady that comes in with pies and if you're the customer there that day they buy you one and that's really cool and one time I was lucky enough to get it there was also another time I came in and I didn't have enough to mail my package the woman who owns a store gave me money to mail my package D on good faith that I can pay her back which of course I did I wouldn't go anywhere anything at all in the town of Great Falls because they are hands down amazing they go above and beyond with customer service and that's really what I look for
Would you recommend FedEx - Ship-it to others? Yes
FedEx - Ship-it respresentatives - respond and add information

FedEx - OfficeMax

Address: 1601 Market Place Dr, Suite 55
City and Zip Code: Great Falls, MT 59404

FedEx Express Ship Center

Address: 1400 Air Cargo Dr
City and Zip Code: Great Falls, MT 59404

FedEx Drop Box - Outside USPS

Address: 3400 9th Ave S
City and Zip Code: Great Falls, MT 59405
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