Accommodations - Hampton Roads, Virginia


Lodging is where this place really shows its split personality, with a huge resort hotel and motel industry in Virginia Beach serving the Oceanfront and the more obvious chains offering plenty of places to stay in the other cities.

Obviously, prices are highest right on the beach in the heart of the tourist season. But those Boardwalk resorts can be bargain getaways in the winter, when you can appreciate the warm, indoor view of a stormy winter Atlantic. Most area hotels provide free parking for registered guests, but you’ll want to check their policy before inviting friends to visit or if using more than one vehicle on your vacation.

Like any major metropolitan area, you’ll find a wide range of amenities and prices to match in Hampton Roads. But this area isn’t known for super bargains, so you’ll want to do some research before staying in a place that seems really cheap—it might not meet your standards or be in a safe location. And like any city, convenience comes at a price. If you want to be right in any of the downtowns or in the middle of the resort strip in Virginia Beach, you’ll pay for it. The trade-off is the time, aggravation, and parking fees you’ll wind up saving.

One final proviso: I wouldn’t recommend staying on the Peninsula if your main interest is enjoying the Southside beaches. The tunnels are too often backed up in summer, and you’ll wind up spending more time seething in traffic than sizzling on a towel.

Since nearly 3 million of the folks who visit here every year are heading for the beaches, we’ll look at the resort area separately. In addition to the 20,000 rooms for rent there, you’ll find many of the area’s bed and breakfasts, the only youth hostel, and the bulk of the commercial campgrounds serving this market. The beach also has plenty of summer rentals and cottages in Sandbridge that go by the week or season. Check with some of the realtors in the relocation chapter for listings.

Then I’ll break down the lodging situation for each of the other cities. Obviously, this is no comprehensive listing, just a good sample of well-respected facilities to get your search going. Most places here are non-smoking, handicapped accessible, and accept major credit cards. Very few welcome pets.

1. Angie’S Guest Cottage

City: Hampton Roads, VA
Category: Accommodations

2. Barkley Cottage Bed And Breakfast

City: Hampton Roads, VA
Category: Accommodations
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