Nightlife - Ronks, Pennsylvania

1. Sight & Sound Millennium Theatre

City: Ronks, PA
Category: Nightlife
Telephone: (800) 377-1277
Address: 300 Hartman Bridge Rd. (Route 896)

Description: Described as “the largest faith-­based live ­theater in America” and “the Christian Broadway,” this venue, which draws audiences from all over the country, stages big, big, big-­scale original biblical-­inspired productions. When I say big, I mean more than 50 professional performers, hundreds of costumes, live trained animals ranging from camels and horses to flight-­trained birds, and elaborate special effects. A perennial holiday favorite is the Miracle of Christmas. Productions are definitely family-­friendly but generally run about 2 to 2.5 hours, so they may be a little long for very young children. Adult tickets are $57. 
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