Education - Woods Hole, Massachusetts

1. Sea Education Association

City: Woods Hole, MA
Category: Education
Telephone: (800) 885-3633
Address: 171 Woods Hole Rd.

Description: This unusual college program offers the academic equivalent of a full college semester on board the Robert C. Seamens or the Corwith Cramer, both 134-foot brigantines. The Cramer is named for the founder of SEA, who designed a program for college students that enables them to spend 12 weeks on shore studying oceanography, nautical science, and maritime studies, followed by six weeks at sea practicing oceanography. Each student is also expected to complete an academic project. Students do not need any prior sailing experience, nor do they have to be science majors. The academic complex, a ca. 1889 estate located on a scenic hilltop site, includes a lecture hall, classrooms, a laboratory, student library, computer room, study areas, and faculty and staff offices.
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