Relocation - Falmouth, Massachusetts

1. Francesca Parkinson Ermine Lovell Real Estate

City: Falmouth, MA
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (508) 548-0711
Address: 881 Palmer Ave.

Description: This company deals primarily with properties in Falmouth, Woods Hole, and Pocasset and Cataumet in Bourne. Options include land, waterfront, and residential properties; the company also operates a busy summer rental business.

2. Harriet Dugan Realty

City: Falmouth, MA
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (508) 548-4093
Address: 598 Main St.

Description: This company handles a full range of properties and services, including commercial land sales and leases, and waterfront property. The office, which also handles summer rentals, specializes in properties in Mashpee and Falmouth.
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