St. Mary’S Dominican High School - Relocation - New Orleans, Louisiana

City: New Orleans, LA
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (504) 865-9401
Address: 7701 Walmsley Ave.

Description: The tradition of Dominican education was born in New Orleans in 1860 when seven young Dominican sisters arrived from Dublin to educate daughters of Irish immigrants. Despite the Civil War the nuns within five months had established St. Mary’s Dominican Academy, a “select school” for girls, founded for literary, scientific, religious, and charitable purposes. Today the Carrollton school continues its pursuit of academic excellence through a traditional yet innovative college prep curriculum. Curriculum includes a variety of electives as well as advanced placement classes in a number of subjects. An estimated 99 percent of students go on to four-year colleges including Carnegie-Mellon, Clemson, Columbia, Oxford, Georgetown, Harvard, and Yale. Admission is based on cumulative school records with special attention given to math, English, and reading grades as well as attendance, conduct, and standardized test scores.