Abbey Road On The River - Annual Events & Festivals - Louisville, Kentucky

City: Louisville, KY
Category: Annual Events & Festivals

Description: Each year, tens of thousands of Beatles fans from all over the world flock to Louisville’s waterfront for the largest Beatles festival in the United States. It takes place on Memorial Day weekend and lasts for five days. Although it had its start in 2002 in Cleveland, Ohio, the festival moved to its current location in 2005. Known as Abbey Road on the River, it gets bigger and better every year and attracts an average of at least 60 bands. Many types of tribute bands make an appearance, and while some bands look, sound, and act like the Beatles, others try to replicate the Beatles sound without dressing or acting like them. Still other bands celebrate the music of Lennon, McCartney, and Harrison without trying to reproduce the band’s sound. In addition, there are speakers, collectors, and exhibits. For ticket prices or information about the sister event in Washington, D.C., over Labor Day weekend, go online at