Tours & Attractions - Yountville, California

1. Napa Valley Museum

City: Yountville, CA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (707) 944-0500
Address: 55 Presidents Circle

Description: A major capital project that was years in the planning, the nonprofit museum celebrates the valley’s artistic, historical, and cultural heritage with a permanent exhibit called “The Land and People of the Napa Valley.” Its central, permanent exhibition is “California Wine: The Science of an Art.” Using music, the spoken word, and the power of technology, it effectively presents the winemaking process in near entirety. The Napa Valley Museum is open Wednesday through Monday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Admission is $4.50 for adults, $3.50 for students and seniors age 60 or older, and $2.50 for youths ages 7 to 17. Kids under 7 get in free.

2. Napa Valley & Sonoma Bike Tours

City: Yountville, CA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (800) 707-2453
Address: 6488 Washington Street

Description: You feel the breeze, you burn the calories, but someone else wrestles with the logistics. Sound all right? These winery tours begin at 9:30 a.m., end about 3:00 p.m., and cost $139 per person. Along with a bicycle and helmet, you’ll get a fully catered picnic, a friendly guide, and a support van to lug bottles of wine (and bodies of worn-out riders). Bring along some cash for the tasting fees. Napa Valley Bike Tours also rents cycles for two hours ($20) and by the day ($30)—tandems run $40 and $65.

3. Lincoln Theater

City: Yountville, CA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (707) 944-1300
Address: 100 California Drive

Description: Restored to the tune of $20 million, Lincoln Theater reopened in 2005 as a world-class venue with all-new lighting and sound systems, and an extra 30,000 square feet with balcony seating. Home to the Napa Symphony, the 1,200-seat theater has attracted major musical performers and theatrical troupes since the renovation. The repertoire is all over the place, so there’s something for everyone: One night it might be Garrison Keillor pontificating about fictional Lake Wobegon, two nights later it could be a staging of Mozart’s Don Giovanni, or even a burnin’-down-the-house performance by the Temptations. Tickets can range from $20 to $100, depending on the artist. The theater is on the grounds of the California Veterans Home, a bit of an attraction in its own right.
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