Parks & Recreation - Norman, Oklahoma

1. Westwood Tennis Center

City: Norman, OK
Category: Parks & Recreation
Address: 2420 Westport Dr.

2. City Of Norman Parks And Recreation

City: Norman, OK
Category: Parks & Recreation
Telephone: (405) 366-5472
Address: 201 W. Gray St., #C

Description: The Norman Parks and Recreation Department maintains 55 neighborhood and community parks. Pavilions and shelters are available for rent in several of them. For information on the city’s parks, contact the Parks and Recreation Department at the number above or visit the city’s Web site.

3. Reaves Park

City: Norman, OK
Category: Parks & Recreation
Address: 2501 S. Jenkins Ave.

Description: More than 3,000 volunteers helped build a 13,000-square-foot playground for this park in five days. Designers took suggestions from children and incorporated them into the design, making this a true children’s park. The children’s area has a dinosaur slide; games, like tic-tac-toe; swings; a tree house; and a rock wall. Of course, there are the usual park facilities like picnic tables, back stops for baseball and softball practice, a shelter, a jogging and walking course, and restrooms available Apr through Oct. Reaves Park is home to the Medieval Festival in Apr and it hosts numerous softball games. To learn about the Medieval Festival, visit the “Annual Events” chapter of this book. To learn more about the softball games, visit
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