Annual Events & Festivals - North Miami Beach, Florida

1. Greynolds Park Love-In

City: North Miami Beach, FL
Category: Annual Events & Festivals
Telephone: (305) 945-3425
Address: 17530 West Dixie Hwy.

Description: Break out the tie-dye and hippie gear as an alternative to Woodstock, which is an annual day-long event that usually runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. In past years, the 1-day event has drawn a crowd of roughly 5,000. Music and food vendors are scattered around the park and activities and exhibits in past years have included a costume contest, arts and crafts, hula hoop contests, a kid’s zone, tie-dying activities, and photo opportunities. Those with children need not fear—despite its name, there’s no free love happening at this festival and the vibe is very PG-rated. Admission is free but parking is $10 so carpool if possible. Also, coolers are not allowed so bring money for drinks or pregame.
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