Education - Hartford, Connecticut

1. Community College System Office

City: Hartford, CT
Category: Education
Telephone: (860) 244-7600
Address: 61 Woodland St.

2. Public Schools

City: Hartford, CT
Category: Education
Address: 165 Capitol Ave.

3. Trinity College

City: Hartford, CT
Category: Education
Telephone: (860) 297-2000
Address: 300 Summit St.

Description: Trinity College promotes a traditional liberal arts education as it incorporates innovative new fields and interdisciplinary studies. It is the second oldest college in the state (after Yale), founded in 1823. It has been coeducational since 1969 and has 38 majors. Graduate courses lead to a master of arts. The 100-acre campus is located in the heart of the capital city. Three buildings dating from the 1870s make up the “Long Walk” and display the Victorian collegiate Gothic style.

4. Hartford Seminary

City: Hartford, CT
Category: Education
Address: 77 Sherman St.
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