Restaurants - Coronado, California

1. Azzura Point

City: Coronado, CA
Category: Restaurants
Address: 4000 Coronado Bay Road

2. Chez Loma

City: Coronado, CA
Category: Restaurants
Address: 1132 Loma Avenue

3. Rhinoceros Cafe

City: Coronado, CA
Category: Restaurants
Telephone: (619) 435-2121
Address: 1166 Orange Avenue

Description: American bistro-style cooking is featured here in this cozy cafe. Choose from steaks, poultry, fresh fish, and shellfish dishes as well as a selection of delicious pasta entrees. Light eaters lean toward the pasta dishes or the herb-sauced poached salmon. A good selection of beer and wine is offered. The atmosphere is casual, and all menu items are available for takeout. Lunch and dinner are served daily.
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