Upaya Institute - Retirement - Santa Fe, New Mexico

City: Santa Fe, NM
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (505) 986-8518
Address: 1404 Cerro Gordo Rd.

Description: This Buddhist contemplative retreat and study center (see Worship and Spirituality chapter) offers the well-established Being With Dying: Professional Training Program in Contemplative End-of-Life Care for those wishing to care for people who are terminally ill. Founded and taught by Upaya spiritual director Joan Halifax, the program addresses the need for health care providers to develop knowledge and skills in the psycho-social, ethical, and spiritual aspects of dying: an approach to caregiving that is relationship-centered, including community development and cross-cultural issues; the development of skills related to care of the caregiver; and the means to implement these skills in traditional medical settings. Halifax teaches nonsectarian, contemplative practices based in Zen Buddhism to help bring peace and acceptance to individuals at any stage of illness or grieving. The caregiver helps nurture a calm, sacred space that emphasizes prayer, deep listening, and mindful silence or meditation. The one-week trainings cost $1,590 per person and take place twice a year at Upaya. Places are limited. Preregistration and an application fee are required.
