ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC SCHOOL - Relocation - Albuquerque, New Mexico

City: Albuquerque, NM
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (505) 242-6271
Address: 224 Seventh Street NW

Description: St. Mary’s provides a Catholic education from kindergarten through eighth grade. There is also a preschool program for four-year-olds. The school was founded in 1863 by the Sisters of Charity from Cincinnati and the Jesuit Fathers of Immaculate Conception Parish. The school has a faculty of around 55 teachers and teacher assistants, who educate over 600 students. Preference for admissions is given first to siblings of current students, then to Catholic students registered at Immaculate Conception Parish, then to Catholic students registered at other parishes, and, finally, to non-Catholic students. St. Mary’s Catholic School encourages involvement from parents in the child’s academic and spiritual education and also requires parents to provide 20 hours of service to the school or 10 hours for single parents.