HOPE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL - Relocation - Albuquerque, New Mexico

City: Albuquerque, NM
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (505) 822-8868
Address: 8005 Louisiana Boulevard NE

Description: Hope Christian School educates youngsters from prekindergarten though grade 12. It was established in 1976, and its mission is “to pray for, equip and send Christ-centered, passionate leaders to change the world.” Around 1,400 students attend, with approximately 600 in pre-K to fifth grade, and 400 students each in the middle school and high school. Average class size in the lower levels is 22, with a ratio of 16 students per teacher in the upper level. The school operates on a 20-acre campus, and students come from around 230 church congregations in the Albuquerque metropolitan area. Hope Christian School offers an academically challenging environment, an emphasis on teaching biblical principles, and an interscholastic athletics program—home of the Huskies! Over 95 percent of Hope graduates continue on to college. In addition to the usual testing, interviews, and teacher reference, the application process requires a character reference from the pupil’s pastor.