Barrymore’S - Nightlife - Omaha, Nebraska

City: Omaha, NE
Category: Nightlife
Telephone: (402) 476-6494
Address: 124 N. 13th St.
Insider Pick:

Description: Located in the backstage area of one of Lincoln’s oldest movie theaters (now operating as the Rococo Theater), Barrymore’s is old-school in the best possible way. Many of the original backstage elements survived: A wall of colored lights and levers is at the hidden alley entrance, and lots of ropes and pulleys that once operated curtains and sets still hang from the incredibly high ceiling. More recent updates to the bar brought in new furniture, vintage posters, and television sets. The crowd skews older but still very hip. The list of house cocktails features modern takes on vintage drinks, and a number of house martinis are all good. When there’s a concert happening at the theater next door, listen closely and you’ll be able to take in a free rehearsal performance before the show begins.