Chicago Tribune - Relocation - Chicago, Illinois

City: Chicago, IL
Category: Relocation

Description: Looking at its executives, the Chicago Tribune would easily be considered friends of the Republican party, and it has almost exclusively endorsed Republican political candidates, but from the perspective of its columnists and editorial pages, its largely considered a toss-up in terms of bias. Looking back at history, the Tribune has certainly had its share of negatives aimed at both parties. It’s also still considered the more “intellectual” of Chicago’s two major dailies, maybe partly because of its traditional fold-over, broadsheet size. Founded in 1847, the Tribune’s most famous editor and co-owner Joseph Medill ran it from 1855 pretty much until his death in 1899 (though he took time off for political aspirations, including a term as mayor of Chicago). Circulation for the Trib is a bit higher for its weekday paper than the Sun-Times, and its Sunday circulation is quite high, nearly 800,000 (many residents subscribe to Sunday-only delivery). Coverage in the Tribune tends to be slightly more national in scale than the Sun-Times as well. The Tribune Company also publishes the Red Eye and the online lifestyle guide, as well as its little sibling (“the voice of teen Chicago”),
