Laurel Heights Hospital - Health Care - Atlanta, Georgia

City: Atlanta, GA
Category: Health Care
Telephone: (404) 888-7860
Address: 934 Briarcliff Rd. NE

Description: This licensed psychiatric hospital has more than 100 beds and approximately 150 employees on staff. Its 12-acre campus offers seven residential cottages, separate clinic, school, cafeteria, gym, swimming pool, and several outdoor playgrounds. Laurel Heights specializes in the treatment of children and adolescents with complex psychiatric and behavioral problems, and co-occurring developmental disabilities; it has a specialty program for children with autism spectrum disorders. Laurel Heights’ intensive residential treatment program provides long-term care for young people ages 4 to 21 and their families. In a highly structured environment, with 24-hour supervision and various modalities of therapy, youths with emotional and behavioral problems learn to take responsibility for their choices in life. Year-round schooling by accredited teachers is also made available so that their general education will not be neglected.