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Is the job market really improving for fresh college grads?

Posted 05-25-2015 at 08:49 AM by Chance and Change

Originally Posted by Chance and Change View Post
The sad state of a situation – America’s Predicament

There is a saturation of 'degree's" floating around. I wonder if people pay attention to the fact, America GAVE AWAY ITS INDUSTRIAL BASE" in pursuit of slave wage labor in foreign lands. Yet it still tell kids to go to college and chase a degree and feed them delusions of lucrative jobs; when the University already knows there is no full list of jobs for these graduates.
If it was not for "government back and government funded programs", and supplemental government contracts, there would likely be far less jobs for graduates to pursue. Yet, we have a mass of "anti-government people" who detest the government funded programs. Although many who detest government, probably would not be employed themselves if it was not for government funded programs and government contracts.

The private sector has all but created treason against the American people, but the professors won't tell this truth to the students, because many are bought and paid for by big corporation grants which keep the professors working.
No one tells the truth about what is the reality in America.
America would prefer to see any foreign nation who provide slave wage labor to progress, before it would like to see poor whites, women and minorities in this country to progress. It's always been the American system since the days of slavery and indentured servitude through the era of share cropping. All of which is systems that bleed the people for the sake of the wealthy, and then left the people destitute when it found out it could find slaves on foreign shores. As a result it turned American into the 'dumping ground for imports" and turned the American people into dime store and dollar store clerks.

Until there is an uprising at the Ivy Leagues and expose the madness spread across the nation to the many universities, where ethic is dead, and strong nationalist structure is not supported; Sadly, the truth will continue to be hidden and the holders of wealth from the stock traders and brokers to the industrialist, will continue to bleed the people of this nation and then feed them the same of spill of telling the American people " we can't compete".. Yet, we pay the same price for this imported stuff, as if it was produced by an American Living Wage Employee. We had better wake up, and teach that America is made strong through the works of its people, the production of its industry and the system of governance which supports that programming, and a governance that understanding the only way to be a strong global player, is first and foremost to be a strong nationalist producer of goods and services through the labors and education of its people, who understand and support this premise. We cannot any longer live by seeking out slaves on foreign soil.
The thirst of America to retain its slave seeking mentality, is a era that should have died out with slavery, instead we only found a new method of slavery, by seeking it on foreign soil. We need to get the 'Slavery System Grooming Out of Our American Consciences" - first we have to recognize this is what has destroyed us, only then can we wake up to invoke change. Seeking slaves built this nation as well as now it has destroyed the industry of this nation. When will we learn that Slavery is Evil !!!!!! whether its on American soil, or sought on Foreign Soil... It is and will always be a self destructive force.
Example: Iphone- why does American pay 2-3 time more for this unit than it cost to produce it? At that rate of return, why can't it be produced on American soil - still the sellers of this crap will still make and earn 100% above production and distribution cost. But we American's are too unaware to challenge the nature of this mess, because we are too busy posting to face book and downloading do nothing apps, and playing games. We'd rather chase the 'popularity of a name brand", that look at the facts behind it.
We act as if we are incapable to know how to use machinery and manual labor in concert, yet, China does it everyday to a levels that makes us look like amateur and greed monsters who can't figure out how to keep its own people employed.

Ask yourself, why is there no American Made Products such a Purses, with a world known marketing stand. Yet people pay an outrageous sum for some plastic, with cheap cloth lined with leather strips, just because it has a French Name. Does this imply there is no creative and qualified American Designers ????? Evidently so, because for the past 30 yrs, people have been chasing these foreign branded purses and paying outlandish prices for it.

Are we to continue to accept that American can't even produce the clothes we wear? because most of the attire is made in a foreign land. Yet, we wonder why we don't have jobs and the infrastructure is crumbling and cities going bankrupt.

Today, we can't even grow fruits and vegetables, we eat because Central and South Americans, continue to produce agriculture produce. anything produced on American soil is injected with deadly chemical rather than produced naturally for the health and nourishment of people, instead it is chemically filled only for the sake of profit at the expense of the health of the people.
We produce OBESITY, by non digestible chemical and fat producing ingredients in everything produced on American soil as claimed as being edible.

So, what good is all these Degree's, when information is used to defeat the good nature and good will of the humane system of American life. When we can't even provide 40% of the things we consume and utilize within the American Landscape and system of business on American Soil ?????

The biggest business in America is OVER SATURATION WITH ADVERTISING. We get ripped off with Cable, and even allowed Cable to disband Analog TV, so cable could dominate and charge us, to watch 5 minutes of commercials for every 7 minutes of a show. We can't flip an internet page and find what it claims, because they bombarded the page with advertisement and want you to click to another page so they can sell more advertisements, all while giving tid bits of a incomplete story.

We had better pay attention, and realize we've groomed a mass of executives who have no ethics, and will bombard a gullible society with non-sense and promoting foreign made products, and then boast revenue for advertising in the 10's and 100's of Billions of Dollars on multiple web site. Is this what we graduate people and claim degree for ???? Yet, we are gullible by the lure of drama and absurd slap stick comedic ignorance, to continue to watch this stuff and be lulled into paying cable for access to watch a bunch of advertisements.

"Cable started out as PAID TV, and the reason it was Paid, was because it was void of advertisement and did not show any commercials. Now it is nothing but commercials, with the delusion of over dramatized shows that do nothing but further erode the sense of dignity and integrity in what its programming presents.

We wonder why the world of life in American seems unhinged, then we need only consider what we push in the media programming to find our answers.

Unfortunate as it is, we have expanding ineptitude in so many fields today, until its absurd, to get any kind of quality service, one has to be in the upper income ranks and pay and excessive fee to get ethical based service. Yet, we say nothing and go about as if we don't know any better than to accept ineptitude even when it comes to our lives and our health concerns. We are bombarded with killer pills, telling us all the side effects, as if we are to self subscribe our-self to these medications. the doctors give us what is the highly marketed product, instead of actually finding our what is the problem and carefully select the treatment program and then move toward providing more of a cure program, rather than just a treatment.

We have a long ways to go to get off the 'status bandwagon, and get back to being a nation which actually cares to have integrity and ethics in profession, above a simple money chase of who can get wealthy the quickest. But, the question is: "do we know enough to even demand this change?????"

How many "do nothing" Degree's have been sold to our young people, leaving them indebted and unable to find viable employment. How many Degree have been sold, where the recipient does not know enough about a particular field to be functionally contributory to the field? How many who hold degree, who have NEVER worked anywhere close to the field they claim their degree?
We hail people with PhD, who have become nothing more than people who are in their minds, above being questioned and do not listen, because "how dare anyone say anything, when one claims they are a PhD".... how dare you try to have a informed conversation, when the PhD takes it as an insult, just because you are talking to or trying to talk with them.
We have economist, who can't think in simple terms to revert back to the understanding that "Industry Builds Nations", they ignore this premise when they are paid to say what ever the profit seekers tell them to day.
Yet, we've seen what Industry has done for China, it has uplifted and set this nation ahead of us in only 40 years, where we are now the debtors to China, and cannot function as a nation without the imports from China.
Still these Economist won't support RE-INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF AMERICA. It's purely insane !!!!!! and we go along with this ignorance and brainwashed spill of madness out of the mouths of these imbeciles.

Our kids now are work and labor averse, they have been deluded to think they will all get clean hands, no labor administrative jobs - until they resent the labor involved work, and have been made to detest industrial factory labor works. Kid now walk around in flip flops to even pajama bottoms, as if they have a life of leisure chasing material external status imagery, until they have a detestable mentality when it comes to the elements of work. if you don't give them a title, and let them be off when ever they want, they simply quit and job hop for the next 10 yrs until they find out they have squandered their life chasing delusions.

American helped itself and the world, when it had industry - we created systems and programs to benefit society, the global system and everything about and across the world. Then we got dumb enough to think only "paper shuffling was the answer" and gave up our industry. This is the ignorance we gained from the reliance on "degree's as being the answer to everything. All it produced was a lot of people, expecting to be paid to shuffle paper, detest labor and have a disdain for industrial function on American soil. They became so elite minded, they did not beleive in 'hands on work" for Americans, they only cared about seeking slaves on foreign soil, so they could do nothing but "push paper and shuffle paper" and get paid. RESULT !!!! American Declined as rapid as the spike in reliance on degree's rose. Respect for workers, and regard for labor industry was decimated by degree mentality who despised the worker being paid anything close to what a degree rider earned. so they busted the Unions, and disbanded companies, shipping production to foreign shores.
Still we remain unaware to tie the dots and pay attention and learn how to change this mad and sad paradigm.

Ask yourself -
Why can't Americans produce "appliances" ?
Why can't Americans produce computers on American Soil"
Why can't Americans produce shoes?
Why can't Americans produce clothes?
Why can't American produce nuts and bolts?
Why can't American produce its own cinder blocks?
Why can't American produce building materials?
Why can't Americans produce furniture?
Why can't American produce the same plates, knives and forks they eat from?
Why can't American produce, the carpets that cover their floors, or the wall paper that covers their walls?

Look at construction projects: Americans are so ill willed in these professions, nothing can be built in a timely manner and within cost ranges, its' over budget, and delayed timing while the gouging continues and then we result to build substandard construction. It's INSANE.
We can't build a high speed rail, because we can't trust contractors to do the job they were paid to do in a timely and cost managed process. We have people who gouge on land cost, and then paper work games that delay everything while it seeks another means to fleece the people. This is the wilds of private enterprise.
The only way we will get a High Speed Rail, is to have a government organizations with government employees designated to specific projects. If it is left up to private industry the cost will triple or quadruple and the delay will become years upon years. Left to Private Industry, by the time all the bribes and under the table payments and rip off are made, there will be no more than "5 cent" on the dollar left for the projects material and labor needs.

If we want anything built or done right, "KEEP THE POLITICIANS OUT OF IT" their job should be limited to authorizing funds !!!!! IF; We want to design and construction done right, then we rely on the Army Corp of Engineers to Approve Plans.
Today; if we had to build Hoover Dam, between politicians and corrupt contractors it would never get done. Eisenhower Freeway plan was brilliant, yet; today we can't even maintain what so much effort went into building. This is the pathetic nature of the degree riders who collude any project all while they are bent on overpaying themselves, and wanting their name stamped on something. We can't even modernize our cities because "degree riding ego maniac" - are busy grid-locking something, all trying to give themselves some unquestioned notoriety. while waiting for a under-the-table payoff, to either get out of the way or stamp the "go" to the project.

We complain about Chinese Corruption, while holding a blind eye to the stagnation nature of corruption in our American system.

We can respect the degrees in sciences, technology, engineering, medicine and Law, but Law has to be based on core ethics and not based upon "sham the system for billing hours and collusive profit angles and justifying wrong doing".

We had better start asking these questions if we expect for America to regain its ability to be America?!?
We need to think of how to improve jobs for people, not just university graduates, but American People, PERIOD.
We need to re-learn what is the value and meaning of producing a high % of what we consume and utilize in our daily living, then we can learn what it means to Re-industrialize America.

We need our wealthy to get over themselves, and not base their measure on how many mansions they have and how much they can over pay for a hotel room and how much they can waste on a over priced lunch. and think in terms of what responsibility they have to re-invest in what is America and help in rebuilding what is America. then they can have a sense of what is Legacy and what respectful responsibility it has.

Only now some are learning, the waste on overly obnoxious homes with insidious numbers of bathrooms and bedrooms, which go unused and costly to maintain just for the status of saying "I have this or that".
some segments of the wealthy will never learn, especially the newly wealthy, they have no sense of legacy, they are into external buffoonery and tabloid fodder, that shows their lack of integrity and wasteful mentality.
Some have squandered 100's of millions chasing delusions and look quite foolish after they have lost their money and have absolutely nothing to show for it, except the embarrassment of being foolish.

Some have tried to live a luxury life from what they inherited, and resulted to squander all the gains from their forefather, and result to sell off the company and insult everything their forefather worked to build.
some have become gluttons who result to be drunkards and drug addicts, unaware of the responsibility and overwhelmed by party while they ignore the duty they chose to disregard.
Some settle for the insidious ignorance of being tabloid headlines, more than they care about being responsible individuals, and have some cultural dignities to respect the ability to be a contributor, instead they become the buffoons of the era.
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  1. Old Comment
    I truly feel that the business sector for freshers level graduates has marginally enhanced, after a seemingly endless amount of time, from the recession in 2008-09. But, I agree with your view, that the construction work is taking place in delay timing and this is due to the corrupt politician. There are lots of civil engineers who can perform these works within the time range.
    Posted 08-25-2015 at 07:14 AM by BillyCraig BillyCraig is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Calling all recent graduates from the last three years:

    A recent opportunity to work in a sales-based role in the financial sector has just become available within my company.

    The benefits within this role are the opportunity to work in a range of offices across the world and has the added incentive of uncapped commissions? This alongside the chance to kick-start your career in the financial services sector.

    I myself am currently on the current Graduate Scheme out in Malta, and can give you as much detail as you'd like into the job and your potential earnings and lifestyle.

    Also for those interested, there will be a live Webinar next Thursday, 25th, at 1pm, with Mark Reed, Head of the Graduate programme, who will give you a clearer understanding of what the role entails, so don't hesitate to contact me regarding log in details for the Webinar next week.

    Message me on here or email me at [email]owain.mumford@devere-group.comf[/email]or more details on upcoming availabilities!
    Posted 08-18-2016 at 10:56 PM by Owain_Devere Owain_Devere is offline

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