Thread: Trump=The End
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Old 04-05-2017, 08:37 AM
Chance and Change
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Originally Posted by southward bound View Post
Yikes. I can't believe this isn't from Obama's Fan Club. Oh yes -- it IS. Fawning Fan Club.

Did you forget Obama's shady, suspect connections? Or they are OK with you because it's Obama, a "traditional President" ?

Amazing how deja-vu this is...all the left wing media talking points ...again. Left wing 'righteous concern about Trump" is an oxymoron. The left has no "righteous" concern.

Oh, by the way, YES I have heard of many wonderful things Trump has done for others. I wouldn't post them here because the "righteous" left would tear them to shreds.
If it was truth, it would stand upon its own.... so .... nice try.
You don't get it, Trumps issue may be many, but the racist divide he promotes and utilized in campaigning, is one of his biggest issue, its so deep he is obsessed with attacking anything and everything Obama did, as well as trying to ensure that not one dime of wealthy peoples money support any civic humane programs.

His concern about United States having a firm Industrial Foundation is good, but he has not been able nor will he be able to convince the mass of Wealthy White Men who Control the Industrial Sector to stop chasing slaves labor around the world. What Trump fails to grasp because he does not understand it, because he grew up following Jim Crow Edicts designed by the wealthy.

He does not understand the fact he will never stabilize American Industry to remain firmly rooted and production % stable on US Soil, until he addresses and can work a ingenious way to diminish Racism !!!! (it is not high on his priority list and may not even be on the list) "Now that is saying a lot, but if one understand the damage of Racism" they'll understand what I mean.
Trump has made it impossible for him to address it, when one considers the wealthy he has surrounded and filled his cabinet with, and then made a bigot of the past 5 decades an Attorney General. [i] This is an atrocity beyond words to describe. not to mention the "white nationalist, who is a leading Alt Right Promoter".. those things are symbolic of the truths, he has no a clue of what and how Racism has decimated American, nor does he understand it can't be repaired nor placed on a positive trajectory until he addresses it and comes to effort to change the dynamics and abolish Racism in the upper ranks of this American Nations System of Governance, Congressional Leadership and Industrial and Financial circles of the elites.

That is a task he is not equipped to pursue nor to address, nor will he make such an attempt, because he has no concept of the elements of such as what damage Racism has done to America. He failed in every effort to even know how to speak to the black citizens of America, and he blames his failure on black people, rather than on himself for his inability to speak with respect of humane regard and social dignity to black people, or even begin to address the elements of their concerns and interest. The Alt Right, and other racist group would have gone kibitzer! if he had made honest overtures of understanding with blacks. He did not know how to speak to both groups at the same time.

One thing Minority Black people know more than any on the planet in American, is 'There is no means to become to Trusting the Wealthy White Ma[font="Arial Narrow"]le, who is driven by aims of amassing wealthy. ( a lot of women can attest to this same things, ( Ok, ... I'll name a couple for you, Ivana Trump, Marla Maples-Trump ) Engaging conduct that result to become Inhumanity has no meaning or concern to him, no that's not about his wives , that's about his personal ethnic when it comes to money and power seeking, he see's it as a a element of necessity in the pathway to wealth gathering. Thus so, it is second nature to abuse it at any time, it poses any concerns of questions about his wealth gathering aims. Black people know this without a shadow of doubt because we've seen it for 100's of yrs played out, acted out and spoken about in the confines of their parlors, even so with blame people standing less than 50 inches from them.
Today, that label"The Poor" includes whether it is poor whites or poor minorities. This is what poor and working poor white society fails to grasp and fear knowing, and will deny it as they see it, to avoid acknowledging the truth of such fact.

Business Left American, after the passage of the Civil Rights Bill, because it meant once the bill passed, WOMEN, AND MINORITIES OF ALL GROUPS, WOULD BE ABLE TO GET GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT, SEEK ECONOMIC EQUILIBRIUM AND ENGAGE IN THE MIDDLE CLASS STANDARDS.

This was not to be allowed by the wealthy establishment, who maintained segregation for 100yrs, and fought it on every front during the 1960's and in the late 1960 created every means to circumvent the Bills standards. By 1969, they had devised a plan and Richard Nixon was President and Head Installer of that plan, it was to ship all labor to Foreign Countries, The first business of order was "Ore Processing" to bust up the Steel Workers Union, as it was the strongest behind the Rail Way Workers Union, Then the Automotive Industry Unions and other industry that had combined Union presence.
Martin Luther King was Killed in 1968, because his next challenge was "Economic Opportunity", in pursuit of Economic Equilibrium... This was something the "White Wealthy Establishment Would Not Accept", they would choose to weaken American and diminish the existing middle class, before they would accept a pathway for blacks to have economic parity in the middle class ranks of American Society.

Most white people don't want to know this truth, Universities won't teach it, and White Churches won't discuss it, therefore in the white community it is information they are not to be presented with. They were being used to promote Racial Divide in the Streets, and remain unaware, that it involved using them as collateral damage losses, to sacrificing the opportunity for the uppper middle class white society to maintain separation from the lower middle class and a greater gap between the upper white middle class and the poor, which included poor whites as well as poor minorities. It was racism that was suppose to give the poor whites their distance from poor blacks.

Therefore if you don't understand this and surely Trump does not either, then there is no fixing American, until you fix the Wealthy White Men who Orchestrate this Madness. Trump does not have enough wealth to do that, and the Office of the President does not have the power to do it. If it had, Obama would have achieved it. But it is not possible, when the Wealthy White Males OWN many of the long term Republican Congress and equally so OWN some of the Right Leaning Democrats.

This is the behind the scenes reality of what is Political Sciences in the Social Atmosphere of the American Society and its System. No College Course will teach this, because the Wealthy White Men will have any professor who approaches this type of exposure barred from every entering a classroom, and all they have to do is make a phone call and claim to without their yearly contributions and withdraw their support from programs, which enrich them. They will accept that loss to maintain a "low wage service class of the Poor as being the service class of society made up of poor whites and poor blacks".

They need this to ensure they have clerks in their stores, and cleaners in their business and the daily routine operators to perform the labor in their industries. so their profit margins rival those of a Plantation Owner.

The system was designed more than a few hundred yrs ago. If white people stopped for one minute to think and learn the real truth, they could help change the dynamics. It was one group after the other subjugated to varying forms of indenture along with slavery, that a segment of white males in America could dominate the trajectory of the nation. Which is why we have as many dire poor whites today, that outnumber the poor blacks, and always have outnumbered the poor blacks even during slavery, times the number of destitute and struggling whites was an astronomically high numbers, who was continually set up and pitted against one another, and even in that conflict as a group they were pitted against the black people. Why white people can't understand it, is simply... they are too afraid to let go of the illusion that the simplicity of their skin color will be their salvation. Truth and reality is far different, many of them die a many horrible deaths after living a man horrible lives in squalor of various levels, and set up in cycles of destitution.
During the Clinton Administration when poor whites and minorities were making economic strides, along came the Bush Administration, war and that was followed by economic depression, and it pushed them even lower than they were before the Period of uplift gained during the Clinton Term.

After President Obama saved the homes of many and stopped the complete decimation of many peoples pensions and saved the Auto and all its network system jobs, Republican were Rabid with anguish. because they practically had the system broken down for their aims of control by the wealthy. They hated Obama with a passion and they took to the uneducated and unaware and drilled that hate deep within them, until they became blind by hate to the point they voted against themselves, in electing Trump. That's what Racism does, how hatred works and the combination of Racist Hate, has been and continue to be the downfall of the American Social Economic and Civic Systems.

If White society does not wake up from the stupor, they will be the supporters of their own demise and further indenturing. Yet, they can't see it. They are worried about if some white girl wants to sleep with a black man, or if they can get a larger line of credit than the black man. They are caught in the game of fools. When history is filled with white men, poor and wealthy disregarding and disrespecting his own white wife to go sleep with black women, but he could not dare to think the thought of the white woman he felt he OWNED, sleeping with a black man. Never in his mind has it dawned, that he does not OWN any person, the White Women Nor the Black People he forcibly constricts to destitution to extract labor to enrich himself, now he extracts the same from poor whites, poor white women, and minorities, and all his concern is for is, "wealthy gathering'.. He will use and discard the white woman, the minute wrinkles show on her face, or her breast fall to the level that gravity meant them to be. He will trade her in for a new model. Sadly many women married to wealthy men know this, they will endure inordinate pain at the plastic surgeon to maintain an appeal they hope he will accept, that she may maintain her lifestyle.

It is not much different from the days of Slavery, if the woman did not obey the man, her life was doomed, she was not considered a Person, so she had no rights, and she was not allowed to own things, nor to work, except in the areas that provided men entertainment, so she too was cast into a madness system, and remained there for centuries and decades, and only got a reprieve when the Civil Right Bill Passed.

Women Rights movement followed every step that minorities (blacks) made, but she could not join when the black in mass numbers prior to the Civil Rights passage, and after she was still in limited numbers, because she was rejected by the upper middle class white male if she showed any sign of independent or support for the independence and equality of economic equilibrium with minorities.

Now... have no Illusions about What Trump Can do.... He may have pushed a Noble Ideal, but he knew it was not something achievable, and unfortunate as it is, all he could do was follow what he knows, and that is to try and put more money in the hands of powerful white men... and hope they had developed heart. but he knew that was not so, because he had to use racism as an inroad, so... he became to be what he was groomed to be... a Wealthy White Man, with a Plutocratic Agenda, where race plays a great dividing role. So.. his platform is fiction. His Aspirations meet with what he was groomed to know.. which was a 1940's -1950's child hood of Jim Crow Upbringing in the wealthy who orchestrated to keep Jim Crow Society Alive and Thriving.

It's so much white people don't know, because they never thought they needed to know or had a reason to pursue learning to know. They always saw it as a black thing, a black issue and not a white person issue.
Reality shocked many of their arse's awake, and still may want to pretend it was all just a bad dream, while they find, low paying jobs, degrees that are worthless and old system teaching old stuff to young students and charging top dollar to do it, and duping them that a degree is their salvation. When the only degree for the commodities owned by the wealthy has jobs that pay well RESERVED for the children of the upper middle class and the lower of the wealthy class.

What do we have now, other than the mid-west filled with drug addicts kids, giant signs selling and advertising where the local sex toy shop is, beer bars, and segregated rural areas, unaware of how to team work and rebuild with a sense of diversity and equality, so they suffer in the fiction, chasing illusions, and each year, they find they become more challenged as they age, and angry because they have given their entire life to this cause, and it has left them in the same condition as the elders's they inherited their land from. Many just gave up and sold the land, and moved to the city trying to buy a dream, and grew old and found out they were nothing more than outsiders, or the big chief in a small town that was slowly dying.
When old age consumes them, the cycle of the conditions has permeated ignorance to a level, they may find themselves abused by their own offspring's out of sheer lack of knowledge, chosen ignorance and desperation's of every sort. they look out and see broken down farm equipment, and go into town and see closed shops and thrift stores outnumbering even hair and nail shops, and then they get a Walmart and suddenly they become surrounded by every type and brand of $1.00 stores, a few repairmen shops and hope like hell the oil and gas digger come to their region.
When they do, they rush out buy up big trucks, atv's colorful toys and within 2yrs when the job is gone to the next region, they are left with a truck they can't pay for and everything deteriorates around them, they beat the wife and detest the responsibility of the kids and the kids are lost because they have no more material elements to place their sense of self value. so drugs consume them or they go about killing each other. The they start popping out babes and leave the women struggling, because he has lost all confidence in himself, the system and life and wander off... The mid west, old mill towns and many of the once upon a time industrial centers all over America is littered with millions of these exact scenarios.

Now call me a lie if it makes you fell better, but it won't change these facts from being within the base and expanse of reality.

Now, if Trump has no concept of the evils that Racism has made, then he can fix nothing!!! all he can do is make the wealthy more wealthy and more powerful over the masses and try and put them masses under containment laws derived by the wealthy...

And that is exactly what the early arrivals in America ran from, when they came here trying to escape tyranny, (cruel and oppressive rule, of which Plutocracy as in "government controlled by the wealthy over the poor"... will certainly create such).

Man Tries to Recreate from what he came from... his arrival in American came from Tyrannical Nations, and he wanted to install himself as the new Tyrants of a New Nations and has been in pursuit of that since the usurping of the very same Constitution that Guaranteed him freedom from Oppression.
yet ins the desperation's of wealthy, it is he as the wealthy whom has now become the Oppressor.

If you don't take off the blinders, let go of the fear or knowing, you will do nothing but feed the system of Plutocracy to over take every aspect of your lives.

You are free to research anything I've said, if you can stomach what you uncover to discover awareness of.

Last edited by Chance and Change; 04-05-2017 at 10:05 AM..

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