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My Daily Life and Thoughts while in San Diego | List of Best Posts
This blog is where I express myself to the world or at least to those who might stop by to read what I post . Maybe God will use what I post (I am a Christian and this blog will have a most decidedly Christian bent to it) to good effect in the lives of my readers.

I may turn some of my posts into a book. I may cease blogging here altogether. Who knows. But for now..I am content to post away in this, my own little corner of the world.

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Please know that I am open to any input on any topic I write about. If you have something to say about anything you see written here please....feel free to speak up in the form of leaving a comment or sending me a PM (private message).

And if you are in San Diego and wish to meet the one and only Carlos (that's me )...drop me a private message. I always enjoy meeting one of my readers!



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God's continuing provision for my needs!!

Posted 08-08-2009 at 06:25 PM by carlos123
Updated 08-09-2009 at 06:29 PM by carlos123

Just wanted to post a quick note on God's continuing provision for my needs.

First a little background. My one consistent and ongoing computer programming client who has had me doing work for him for the last couple of months went out of town toward the tail end of last month and has been gone out of town again this past week. Such that further work from him has been delayed substantially.

He has more work and has said so (and there is no reason to doubt this as he has proven faithful to be truthful with me so far about various other things) but his being out of town left me with diminished work.

I did get some extra work from another client but that was a one time deal.

So on the 1st of this month I had enough to pay rent for August, enough to pay my web hosting account (which among other things allows me to have a more professional email address and to host a web site to showcase my skills to prospective clients), and enough to pay for my toll-free phone number (that others can reach me through including potential or existing clients). But little more left over for food.

With the result that I have been scraping by financially again. So much so that I am down to less than $5 to survive until I get more money rolling in again.

Which neccessitates my eating a slice of bread when I get hungry and waiting till I get hungry again to eat another slice of bread and so forth.

Along with throwing in a bowl of oatmeal and a carrot in every once in a while (food I have previously bought).

But $5 doesn't go very far these days so I have been contemplating what to do when that money runs out while I try to get more work either from the one main client I have or others.

Bear in mind that I have bad knees (recently one knee blew up like a balloon and I had to go to the emergency room to attend to it...I couldn't even hardly walk to the bathroom for a quite a while). And I have a bad back that has been bothering me some lately and gotten all whacked out of shape (probably from sitting for such long periods of time in front of my computer and from having had to hobble around on one leg for so long).

I still have no car and no money for bus fare. So I can't really get around to potential jobs (assuming there were any that I could physically do).

I must continue to focus on working over the computer. It's the only way out of my financial difficulties that I see. And that is what I have been focusing on. But the last few weeks, as a result of my one client's time out of town, I have been left scraping by again.

Okay...enough about the background. Now on to the really good stuff!

I have faced these types of circumstances countless times in the past. I mean lots. And EVERY single time, without fail, God has always and I mean always come through for me somehow to provide for my needs. Often just in the nick of time but always such that my ultimate need for shelter, food, or clothing has been met.

But...just as faithfully as God has provided for me I just as faithfully have always struggled to believe that He will do it again .

I don't know why that is. I mean what does the Lord have to do to prove His living reality and willingness to provide for me other than what He has been doing all along?

After a short period of time wondering if God was really, I mean really going to provide for me again...I determined in my heart to trust Him no matter what and to move forward as best I could in view of the countless times He has come through for me in the past.

As I got on the computer again after taking a little break from working on my consulting web site (through which I hope to generate more new clients as I get the word out about my services)...lo and behold I had a voice mail message from one of my good friends.

A friend that I don't see very often mind you because I have no car to be able to go a visiting such that I must rely on others who are going to his home group meetings to give me a ride there in order to see him (occasionally he makes the trip to come see me but he is just too busy to make the long trip to see me very often).

He happens to be the home group leader.

He was calling me to invite me not only to attend a meeting at his house tomorrow but to tell me that afterwards they were planning on having a picnic in the park and that perhaps there would be lots of food left over to give me!! And that he knew someone who was coming his way that I could hook up with to get a ride.

Please note...that I did not and do not tell my friend or anyone for that matter what my needs are most times. At least with respect to going around as with a hat in hand trying to get people to meet my needs. I just don't do that. Not so much out of pride but more because I think doing so is a disgrace to the living God.

God wants us to look to Him for our needs while we set our hearts to love others according to their needs, not our own. He knows our needs and will work in our circumstances to look out for us if we comitt ourselves to Him and trust Him to do so.

That's not to say that we should be tight lipped about our needs if someone asks us how we are doing or even that we should not on occasion initiate to let our needs be known. Only that the focus of our interaction with others should be to love them and not to get them to meet our needs.

Isn't the timing of this call amazing!

And that's not all! My bank will reimburse me $45 in overdraft fees as a result of a company going into my account 3 months ago to take out money that they should not have taken out in the way they did. But their reimbursement is conditioned on this company admitting they made a mistake in a letter on their official letterhead!

A letter that this company is willing to write me! Even though their "mistake" was really partially my fault (that I have acknowledged to them)!

That in itself is somewhat miraculous! I mean how often is a company willing to go through the hassle of writing a letter admitting their part of an accounting error that was in part the fault of the customer asking them for a letter?

And all over a measly $12 in a charge that should not have happened.

Again it's the timing of this that is providential. I have needed that money to eat.

There is so much more that I could say on this but I think I will leave it at that.

It's possible that neither one of these things will come through for me. Maybe I will not ultimately get a ride to a picnic and be given lots of left over food. Maybe the company writing me the letter will back out and not do it.

But in the end it is God that is the source of my provision. Not my job, my clients, my friends, or companies that make accounting mistakes that negatively impact my financial well being.

Nor is He bound by whether my computer continues to work, by whether my landlord continues to allow me to rent here, by whether my legs continue to hold out such that I can walk on them or anything else!

He is GOD!

GOD is my provision and He does not change, get tired, or forget about me. He is not without means and is willing to help me. And He is gracious and merciful to me through Jesus Christ.

I can count on Him even as I continue to struggle to believe when these types of circumstances come into my life.

God often tests my heart in that a source (from a natural perspective) of provision fails me or in how something I was relying on (like my computer working properly for example) is taken away.

The key for me lies in continuing to surrender to Him all that I am, all that I have, and all that I hope to be. That I continue to allow Him to do whatever He might wish to do with me and all that He has entrusted me with.

This surrender is a daily thing. Not something that happens once for all time. I must die daily to my self, my will, and my desires that He might have His way with me.

But what an adventure this is! To learn to rely on the living God is a precious thing. A lesson that is being taught to me through circumstances that in and of themselves are not so good. But circumstances that I would not change for all the world if attaining to better circumstances would mean my missing out on the lessons the Lord is teaching me about His living reality in meeting real needs in real time.

How hard it is for those who are rich in this world to learn this lesson. Not that I should purposefully go out of my way to be poor. That's just foolish.

But if find myself unable to get out of my poverty...how blessed I am to be in a financial state where I must look to God for my needs. Where I cannot rely on a fat bank account, a car, a nice job that is secure and any number of other things that I simply don't have.



Well...I was able to make it to the church picnic today. Thank God!

A friend of my friend picked me up and took me there and back which was very nice of him.

Aside from enjoying the fellowship and otherwise getting to know some new people I also walked away with a bunch of left over food that the home group leader (my friend) gave me. Unopened bags of chips and pretzels, unopened container of grapejuice, brownies, more chips and pretzels, hot dog buns, and assorted other items. Enough food to last me a few days at least with respect to alleviating any hunger I might experience. Not the most nutritious food in the world mind you (I felt a bit sick after gorging on chips, brownies, pop, and hot dogs there in fact) but enough to keep me from getting hungry for which I am very thankful.

Hopefully the letter from the one company will come through in the next few days and I will be able to get the $45 in overdraft charges back to allow me to buy more food when my present supply of food runs out.

I will also be working on my consulting web site such that I hope to finish that in the next day or two which should allow me to start calling all kinds of local business to offer my services to them.
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  1. Old Comment
    I think you are optimistic.
    Usually I will be very very afraid to have only $5 with me.Because I don't live in a place where the god will help the people who need help.LOL.
    It is so miraculous like you said.

    I have a few questions to ask you,but if there is some one you don't want to answer ,you could keep silent of course.

    Why don't you live with your family?
    Where are your wife and children?
    What is your job?

    I don't know whether my questions have something taboo ,maybe you will consider me as a discourteous girl,if so ,please forgive me.
    Posted 08-11-2009 at 12:01 AM by haller32 haller32 is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Hi haller32! Great to hear from you again. Hope everything is going well for you.

    I don't mind questions at all haller. Truly. Feel free to ask me anything you like. I may not always give you an answer but if I don't I will let you know why not.

    Regarding your questions and comments...

    Yeah...being with less than $5 to my name would, under normal circumstances cause me to pull my hair out. Sometimes I almost do LOL.

    But I've been down to the wire so to speak often enough and have seen God provide for me often enough where it doesn't get to me like it once might have. I guess you could say that my faith is growing though certainly my faith is not always steadfast.

    My immediate family (brothers and siters and mom) is spread out all over the U.S. and South America. So the first reason I don't live with them is because we are seperated from each other by vast distances. Also they are busy and involved with their own lives and for me to be with them would be a burden to most of them I think. A burden I don't want to be on them.

    Secondly and far more important a consideration for me is that me and the rest of my family do not see eye to eye on the things of God. They are Catholic either devoutly so or in name only and I am Christian. While one can be a Catholic and a Christian at the same time it is only possible if one does not understand Catholic teaching for the Catholic Church and Christian belief are ireconciliably at odds with each other.

    Also I have in times past taken a strong stand on the things of God before my family such that I have stated that He will provide for me if and when I should fall into real need. It would be inconceivable to me and a disgrace to God for me to now go and get with my family to now stay at their places as though God did not exist anymore. Some of them hate God (though of course they will not admit to this). How can I go and be with them and live in their homes when they mock the very name of Him whom I love? I can't.

    Not to mention that God has and continues to provide for me regardless of my families anti-Christian bias against me and the things of God.

    To be sure when I first became a Christian I went home and told my whole family they were heading for hell, wiped my mouth, and sat on the couch to watch TV type of thing. I was very unloving and judgemental. So I must take responsibility for some of their anti-Christian bias.

    But they are also very, very deceived about spiritual things and absolutely resistant to the truth of God as contained in the Bible. There is nothing I can do about that other than stay in contact with those who are willing to let me be myself without hiding Jesus under a bushel basket. Between most of us we just don't have much to do with one another anymore as we have such different beliefs about what is right and wrong, true and false and otherwise.

    Where are your wife and children?
    I've never had children of my own haller. My wife is in Canada. We seperated a number of years ago and although I have made attempts to communicate with my wife again she is resistant to the idea of getting back together with me. These days I leave it up to her to initiate with me when and if she wants to.

    We both had our issues. I was not always the easiest man to live with. I can be judgmental and cold. Overbearing and prone to wanting my own way no matter what. In my natural self I am one of the worst husbands I know in terms of falling short of what a woman would want in a husband.

    Though in the Spirit, when I am walking in line with the Spirit's leading, I can be one of the very best imaginable.

    Unfortunately, during the first years of our marriage, I was not walking with the Lord much if at all and my wife primarily saw the worst side of me as I did her. It got to the point where we just could not get along and continue to live together and so we seperated. I moved out and started living in my truck and did that for 3-4 years before I finally decided to come South to San Diego. I could not continue to see my life going down the drain in Canada, freezing to death, waiting for the day that my wife might come to her spiritual senses and be willing to re-enter relationship with me under God. She did not even want to come to the airport to say goodbye to me.

    So I left Canada. I can still go back but only within a span of 3 years. If I am outside of Canada for longer than 3 years I will loose my Landed Immigrancy status there and be unable to return.

    Apart from being with my wife there is no reason for me to be in Canada. And though I would hate the thought of going back to freezing weather again (I HATE cold) if my wife was willing to truly re-enter relationship again and love me unconditionally as I must love her...I would go back.

    Mind you I did not stay in Canada just in the hope that me and my wife might get back together but the fact that such a thing did not seem possible after years of being seperated and given my wife's unwillingness to even see me...there was no real reason for me to stay up there.

    We started to get into a relationship again over the phone a few months ago. A contact she initiated and things were going real well for a while until one night...we had a slight spat. A slight conflict and my wife turned around again, completely closed down, and disappeared. She just can't take conflict in our relationship no matter how infrequent or how relatively small it is these days. Every time there is conflict of any kind it causes memories of old conflict to resurface in her and she just can't take it.

    Which essentially means...we can't be together as there will always be some chance of some conflict in any relationship no matter how good it may be or become. She has never learned to deal with conflict and forgive so as to continue loving. A lesson I still have to grow in myself though not as much as she needs to grow in it I think.

    Regardless I consider myself to still be married in the eyes of God and will consider myself married until death do us part. Even if I must live a single lifestyle apart from my wife. God hates divorce! I will never divorce my wife unless and if she gets involved with another man. But even then I think I would let her initiate a divorce if that is what she really wanted to do but I certainly would not cooperate in making something that God hates, easy to do.

    As for my job...I presently do PHP and MySQL programming along with HTML and CSS for a client that has hired me to do work for them on an up and coming social site that has not yet gone live. Along with this I also pick up additional work from time to time from others that need similar web development work though those jobs have always been one shot deals and are not ongoing.

    I hope that answers your questions . If not feel free to ask me some more.

    Posted 08-11-2009 at 02:19 AM by carlos123 carlos123 is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Dear carlos:I am perfectly glad that you answerd me so quickly and don't mind my questions at all.

    Well,when I read what you said,I feel sad.I never know the faith can even cause so serious conflict among the family members.I think God doesn't want to see this too.He absolutely prefers that you can get along very well with your family ,and live a happy life together with them.

    About the relationship of you and your wife,I have some opinions.
    I have ever got an information in your entries that you had bought a gift for your wife when you came across it which you thought your wife would love.I considered you were a circumspective man,and must be a good husband,not the worst one like you said.
    I don't know why you tend to want your way no matter what.It is very difficult for two people to live together ,if both of you don't know how to yield to each other,the conflict between you two will never disappear.
    I think you should be active to give place to your wife as a man .And she will be moved and also learn to give place to you.
    Don't be so overbearing to your wife who needs your love so much.God also hope that you can tolerate the others,further more ,she is your wife.
    I don't know whether you used to living lonely,but I think you should live together with your wife.She still loves you ,otherwise she will not contact you at all.

    Maybe you can't change the conflict caused by faith among you and your brothers,sisters and mom.
    But you can change the relationship between you and your wife,easily.
    I really want you to live happily.

    Best wishes for you.
    Posted 08-11-2009 at 09:03 PM by haller32 haller32 is offline
  4. Old Comment
    Hi Haller,

    I am not sure that you understood some of what I said Haller.

    I am the worst husband I know in my flesh. My flesh being that part of me that has nothing to do with God. It is not controlled by Him, it does not yield to Him, it wants it's own way and does it's own thing whenever it can.

    The flesh is a part of every human being though our own particular flesh has a propensity to sin in it's own unique ways unlike that of anyone else.

    That is the part of me that does not make such a good husband.

    On the other hand that which God has birthed in me through the new birth is created to be like God in all righteousness and love. It loves the things of God. It is humble and submissive to Him. It loves and is unselfish. It looks out for the interests of others and is otherwise inclined to be like God in it's outlook, opinions, and actions.

    That part of me makes the most wonderful husband.

    Every Christian has both the flesh and the spirit fighting within them. Tugging at them to be either like God or like the opposite.

    In my spirit I do not want my own way. In my flesh I do. And whether I will yield to God or not on any particular day will determine whether I will be inclined to be one or the other way that day.

    My wife got a barrel full of the flesh in me for the first years of our marriage since, for the most part, I was not looking to God at that time in my life to feed my spirit and to give me help to live by His ways. That damaged our marriage.

    Add to that the fact that my wife also was generally walking in her flesh for a large portion of our marriage and well...sparks of less than agreeable harmony flew quite often .

    Also...you have to bear in mind that I entered a mixed marriage in that my wife had already had two daughters of her own own who did not accept me as their father. That alone was a never ending source of conflict and heartache for everyone involved.

    I definitely think that if possible that it would be God's best for both me and my wife to be together. Now that her kids have grown up I think at least that source of conflict would be greatly diminished if not entirely gone.

    Unfortunately at this point, however much I may want at times to be with my wife, she does not want to be with me and there is little of anything that I can do about it except pray for her.

    I do not always want to be with her since to be with her is to re-introduce into my life some of what made my marriage with her difficult but I am willing.

    Mind you, there are some distinct advantages to being single. I really don't mind it and am content to be single the rest of my life if that is the way things will be for me.

    Being married is not a cure all to what ails the heart of man. Being single is not a prison sentence either. A person can find contentment, peace, and a meaningful life either way as long as one is in right relationship to God.

    I do not believe it is easy to change the relationship between me and my wife Haller as you seem to think it is. Perhaps it is and I am just not seeing it.

    If you have further advice or suggestions for me by all means let me know.


    Posted 08-11-2009 at 09:45 PM by carlos123 carlos123 is offline
  5. Old Comment
    Hello Carlos,I read your reply last night by printing it out.Because I don't have a PC in the dormitory ,so I can't reply you in time.Sorry.

    Maybe as we live in different countries,we have distinct life styles.
    Though I can understand what you said mostly, there is still something I can't understand at all.

    I am a girl who haven't got married,although I know there are different issues in every couple,I haven't experienced personally.But I understand the heartache of you.I am sorry to hear that.
    I am willing to be your friend and listen to your inner when you feel alone.

    I am pleased that you enjoy your single life.

    I think you could have a visit to your wife when you miss her so much and she must be happy with it.

    I hope everything goes well .
    Posted 08-12-2009 at 09:27 PM by haller32 haller32 is offline
    Updated 08-12-2009 at 10:33 PM by haller32
  6. Old Comment
    Not sure what is is that you don't "undestand at all" haller but thanks for your encouragement.

    By the way...what country do you live in? I am just curious. I live in San Diego in the United States.

    Posted 08-13-2009 at 09:04 AM by carlos123 carlos123 is offline
  7. Old Comment
    I live in beijing,the capital of China.
    Do you know beijing?The 2008 Olympic Games was held here
    Posted 08-13-2009 at 07:19 PM by haller32 haller32 is offline
  8. Old Comment
    I don't know why my comments shoud be moderated every time.
    Posted 08-13-2009 at 07:33 PM by haller32 haller32 is offline
  9. Old Comment
    Hi Haller,

    Wow! A reader all the way from Beijing China! What a treat! I mean to have someone reading my blog all the way from China. Incredible. I mean in that our words can reach around the world in a way that few would have envisioned even 20 years ago.

    I do not know Beijing personally Haller (there are so many cities in this world that I will never have the chance or money to come and visit).

    Regarding what you said about comments being moderated. I am not sure what made you realize that your comments are moderated but yes...I do moderate all comments to my blog. That's the way all blogs are set up here on city-data. Blog authors moderate their own blogs and alleviate normal moderators from having to take on that additional responsibility.

    I let through almost all comments by the way. The only one's I have ever not let through were comments which might have been perceived as violating city-data rules against solicitation.

    I never prevent comments from being included in my blog just because someone disagrees with me, speaks badly of something I do or say, or otherwise...though if someone gets unreasonable and decides to make me or any of my readers the object of personal attacks, that's where I draw the line.

    That's never happened though so just to let you know Haller with respect to being moderated just say whatever you want to say. If anything gets moderated I will let you know why I moderated your comment and discuss it with you through PM to see if we can't work something out to allow you to say the same thing in a different way.

    I hope that makes sense. Don't be concerned Haller. You do not seem like the kind of person that will ever cause me to feel that I must prevent one of your comments from getting through and being posted.

    I appreciate having you as a reader!

    Posted 08-13-2009 at 08:50 PM by carlos123 carlos123 is offline
  10. Old Comment
    Thanks a lot carlos.
    The moderation I said refers to the forum system.LOL.
    Maybe it moderates all the comments automatically.
    The only thing I mind is that you can't read my comments at the first time.
    Because when a comment is being moderated,nobody can read it except the people who write the comment.

    Beijing is a beautiful city,though you have never come here ,you must have ever heard the Great Wall and the Forbidden City, both of them have a very long history,the Great Wall even has a history of over two thousand years.
    If you one day have a chance to come to China,I am very willing to be your guide.LOL.(I must keep on study English hard)
    Posted 08-13-2009 at 11:35 PM by haller32 haller32 is offline
  11. Old Comment
    The moderation I said refers to the forum system.LOL.
    Oh...okay LOL. I thought you were talking about little ol' me moderating comments left on my blog.

    Yeah moderation can sometimes be a pain but it's the only way to keep public forums like this one from disintegrating into a free for all where everyone says whatever they want, in whatever way they want, to whomever they want to say it to no matter how rude it may be.

    That's great to hear that Beijing is a beautiful city. I'd read mostly news reports during the time of the Olympics about how polluted it was and how the efforts of the authorities to make it look nice for the world coming to the games had not been all that successful.

    China has a wonderfully rich history Haller at least up until the 20th century when things took a turn for the worse there.

    Your English is actually pretty good by the way. If I ever come to Beijing I would love to have you show me around while we converse in English .

    Posted 08-14-2009 at 01:18 AM by carlos123 carlos123 is offline
  12. Old Comment
    Oh oh oh yeah,the weekend is coming.
    Have a wonderful weekend carlos
    Posted 08-14-2009 at 03:52 AM by haller32 haller32 is offline
  13. Old Comment
    You too Haller. You too.
    Posted 08-14-2009 at 10:52 AM by carlos123 carlos123 is offline

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