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My Daily Life and Thoughts while in San Diego | List of Best Posts
This blog is where I express myself to the world or at least to those who might stop by to read what I post . Maybe God will use what I post (I am a Christian and this blog will have a most decidedly Christian bent to it) to good effect in the lives of my readers.

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Anybody care to have their tax dollars pay for abortion?

Posted 08-05-2009 at 12:47 PM by carlos123
Updated 08-07-2009 at 12:30 PM by carlos123

One of the most disgusting and self-centered things I can imagine is for a mother to abort a baby for reasons that have nothing to do with the life of the mother.

But rather to do with not wanting a baby while going to school, or because it might cause some stretch marks on the tummy, or other such nonsense.

We're talking killing a baby to allow us to continue our self-centered pursuits or maintain our vanity folks!

Has anyone here ever seen a video of a live, late term baby, being chopped up by device inserted into the womb that then sucks out the baby piece by piece??

I have!

It is so incredibly disgusting that when I saw such a video once I could not stomach staying to watch the whole thing.

Every person who thinks abortion is just another issue that can be decided upon by thinking about the issue alone should look at such a video at least once.

Raw and disgusting. It is one of the most incredibly inhumane things that can be done to a human being and indicative of how incredibly deceived mankind has become. Not to mention indicative of how worthy we are of God's unrestrained and holy judgment and wrath...which will come in it's own good time.

I am talking about a baby that is fully formed and able to survive as a human being folks! A baby who is aware of it's sorroundings. Who responds to stimulus in the womb. Who is a living but helpless person being cut up while alive and being sucked out in pieces.

All because a woman doesn't want her parents to get angry with them for being pregnant or because they don't want stretch marks on their nice bellies!

Being irresponsible and getting involved in sexual promiscuity leading to pregnancy does not justify killing the unborn baby. Anymore than being irresponsible and not looking for work is justification for standing on a street corner and panhandling or being irresponsibly late for work is not a cause for being fired.

There are consquences to our choices and actions. And one of the consquences of having sex is that a woman can end up being pregnant. If a woman is not willing to accept the risk of getting pregnant then she should not get involved in sexual intercourse no matter how much she may want to be intimate with her significant other.

Better yet she should submit to God's rule over her life and not have sex at all until she can find a man who will marry her, truly love her and be a good husband to her and any children that may come of their union.

If a man needs to be responsible in taking care of the woman that he gets pregnant then the woman needs to be responsible to take care of the baby developing in her womb until birth...at which time she can give the baby up for adoption if she is so concerned about having the quality of her life being diminished by what to her is a thing rather than a beautiful baby, that came out of her body.

And now on top of how disgusting abortions are...Americans that are against abortion will now be put into a position of having to fund abortions by federal mandate if the health care reform working it's way through Congress passes!

Mind you abortion to save the life of the mother is not even an issue. I am talking about abortions for all kinds of reasons that have nothing to do with saving the life of the mother.

If you are interested in reading more about this...

Gov't insurance would allow coverage for abortion



I just read the account of King Solomon in the Old Testament judging between two women who were disputing over who was the mother of a baby (1 King 3:16).

King Solomon judged between the women so as to determine which one was the real mother by declaring that the baby in dispute should be cut in two. With one half being given to each mother.

The real mother had compassion on her baby and told Solomon to give the baby to the one who was not his real mother so that the baby would not be killed.

1 Kings 3:26
Then the woman whose child was the living one spoke to the king, for she was deeply stirred over her son and said, "Oh, my lord, give her the living child, and by no means kill him." But the other said, "He shall be neither mine nor yours; divide him!"

Then the king said, "Give the first woman the living child, and by no means kill him. She is his mother."
A woman who aborts her child does incalculable damage to herself psychologically and emotionally by going against the natural grain of a mother to preserve her child.

Many women who have had abortions regret their decision later and have given ample testimony to the damage aborting their baby caused them. From nightmares to being suicidal and everything in between, aborting a baby is against all that God created a woman to be as mother and is not risk free.

Better to give birth and give the baby away to strangers through adoption, just as the mother in the account of Solomon's judgment was more willing to give her baby away than to have him be killed, than to abort the baby and end up with the resultant psychological and emotional trauma of going against the grain of what God intended for mothers to be.

Caring, loving, and nurturing over their babies.
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  1. Old Comment
    Personally, I think this post is way off limits of description of the actual abortion procedure. I would like to remove this part. It turns my stomach reading here on the public blogs. We are all adults and we all know whats involved at the surgery center, maybe not to the exact detail but know enough and whats happening.
    Posted 08-05-2009 at 01:32 PM by 2goldens 2goldens is offline
  2. Old Comment
    I agree 2goldens that the normal abortion procedure is a rather sanitized procedure where one does not even see the body parts that are taken out. Oftentimes the baby being aborted is so small and as yet hardly formed that one would not see much even if they were given a chance to look.

    What I described is a late term abortion of the kind where a fully formed and able to live outside the womb baby is aborted.

    While it may turn your stomach respecting the image I painted by my words...it is a very real thing that really happens. And it is precisely the stomach turning part that people need to come to grips with if they are to make an informed decision regarding their stand on the abortion issue.

    It is quite true that we are all adults but it is equally true that as adults we can blind ourselves to the disgusting nature of abortion by never facing what is actually involved. Precisely because it is so disgusting. I don't think it would be appropriate for me to post photos and other such images of actual abortions. That would definitely be over the top 2goldens and completely uneccessary to make my point.

    Abortions, especially late term abortions, turn my stomach too 2goldens. For sure.

    Abortion by it's very definition is the cutting apart of a baby in the womb in order to take it out. I don't know how else to define the word that does justice to what actually happens.

    Incidentally I think I need to point out that although abortion is disgusting to me personally (and I believe to God) that does not mean that women who have had abortions disgust me (or God). God loves us all no matter what we have done. There is forgiveness for all of us in and through Jesus Christ and hope for us all. Whatever the nature of our sin has been. I just felt a need to point that out in case any women who have had abortions see this post and walk away thinking that God is disgusted by them as persons.

    In my life, when contrasted with the holy and righteous standard of God...I have been among the worst of sinners but now saved and washed clean by the blood of Jesus. Just as anyone can be.

    Posted 08-05-2009 at 03:06 PM by carlos123 carlos123 is offline
    Updated 08-05-2009 at 04:26 PM by carlos123 (Added some clarifying thoughts...)
  3. Old Comment
    I don't believe in abortion personally and would never do such a thing. However, I have always had the means to support a child if I had one either married or single.
    I understand your point, but I don't think you should have titled it how we want to spend our tax dollars when you are talking about a moral and religious issue.
    But as you did. Let's talk about the taxpayers dollar.
    Most women who have abortions on the taxpayers dollar are or will be on welfare .
    I have to say, we have to be good stewards of the money we have been granted by God. That includes supporting how our taxes are spent.
    It costs about $200 to abort an unwanted baby
    It costs about $200,000 to raise that baby in the welfare system. That is if he baby is healthy.
    If it is born addicted, or abused, or becomes a criminal because of the circumstances it is raised in the price could be millions and there is no glory to God in that life. A few beat the odds but most don't.
    In the present time, until people who oppose abortion are willing to adopt all of those unwanted children and raise them in their family with their own funds, they have no right to make any judgment at all.
    In a perfect world, we would re-instill morality into our children, but that is no longer an option.
    We are too busy too lazy and too plugged into the world of acquiring wealth and possessions to protect our children on a daily basis.
    In our current society, I would like to see some form of birth control that can be administered by injection (available for women now) and can only be counteracted when two people in a committed relationship are ready to have a child. I know this sounds like some futuristic horror story, but we have created the circumstances ourselves and now must pay the price. Children are required to have immunizations to attend school, why couldn't birth control be one of them?
    You would be horror stricken to know how many women in their 30's that I worked with started their daughters on quarterly birth control shots at the age of 13-14. But they did not want them to suffer teenage pregnancy and the heartache that goes along with that like they did.
    Our society has made males very weak. In our day, when men took advantage of a woman, they stepped up to the plate and took care of her and his child. Now they don't care. They are self indulgent and just want what they want. Woman are the same way. They don't want to be the only one to take responsibility. So who loves the innocent children?
    So is it harder to cut apart a baby in the womb when he is unconscious. Or is it better to cut him up or shoot him in an alley, or have him/her sexually or physically abused in a foster home, or die an excruciating death of an overdose, or have society kill him in the electric chair.
    Which is the real cruelty and which is the real kindness?
    Why, as humans arewe more willing to adopt an unwanted animal than an unwanted human being?
    As usual, something to contemplate. That is why God gave us the ability to think, reason and feel the pain in our hearts.
    Posted 08-06-2009 at 01:58 AM by yukiko11 yukiko11 is offline
    Updated 08-06-2009 at 02:15 AM by yukiko11
  4. Old Comment
    Hmm...you bring up some interesting points Yukiko. I am specially encouraged to hear an opposing viewpoint from a regular reader. Encouraged in the sense that you feel comfortable enough on my blog to speak your mind...even when it goes against the grain of what I strongly believe in.

    I like that Yukiko.

    Regarding what you said....

    I see your point about the post title I chose. There is some merit I think to the idea that I should have labeled this post differently because it is indeed a moral issue rooted in religious values and not so much a simple accounting tax issue.

    Yet I also think that persons who pay taxes and who hold a position on abortion based on moral or Christian values should have a right to express what their taxes should be spent on or in this case not spent on. To the degree that any of us can influence public policy regarding what our taxes are spent on.

    I mean we can either sit by and say nothing such that the government will spend our money in any way it sees fit or we can speak up and voice our opinions about an issue like abortion and hopefully influence the government to not spend our money on things that we consider immoral or ungodly.

    Unless people with moral and yes...Christian values stand up for what is...well...moral and right by God our country will continue to sink ever deeper into an amoral cesspool. Amoral in the sense of no morality.

    Unless people with moral values speak out against what is immoral and ungodly by God, as I am doing in part through this blog, the deception that grips our society and even our churches in general, will grow more intransigent. With the result that sin will abound and become even more prevalent leading to more and more hardness of heart and the judgment of God upon our nation.

    Mind you I am under no delusions about the effectiveness of such speaking out. Biblically I think it is a lost cause for the bible is clear in saying that things will get much worse. Not until they get better...just worse until the return of Jesus Christ.

    But those of us who trust in God through Christ speak out not only in the hopes of having some influence on our nation for good but ultimately because God would have us do so...whether anything good results from what we say or not.

    The U.S. is now bent squarely in a direction contrary to the good and Christian values that formed this nation. And despite various things that have happened in recent years (9/11, Katrina, finanical collapses, and otherwise) the nation continues it's downward slide and falling away from God.

    How much worse do things have to get before we as a people repent of our sinful ways and get right with God?

    Though it may be too late for the nation as a whole there might still be a chance to see some come to their spiritual senses and turn back to God individually.

    So I and many others continue to speak out and all the more as we see the day drawing near when Jesus Christ returns.

    Regarding what you said Yukiko about what is better. To abort a baby or to let a baby live such that they may indeed end up living a life of crime or otherwise.

    The real question in my mind Yukiko is not one of human logic regarding whether one is better or not.

    From a purely natural and humanistic perspective I think aborting the baby would be better all around. Less costly on everyone involved at least on the surface.

    But it is against God's standard of righteusness and love. One cannot simply ignore God's standard of righteousness without loosing something of one's soul in the process.

    That is the real but unseen cost Yukiko.

    Abortion is not about whether it will save our society from the consequences of a baby growing up to live an unwanted life and all that might go along with that.

    It is about doing the right thing by God who creates those babies in the mother's wombs. It is about doing the right thing by Him.

    That is where the greatest and truest blessing lies Yukiko.

    If we deny Him and do our own thing as individuals and a society...we will suffer the farse worse consequences of having our soul ripped out. Of sinking into a deception and coldness of heart that is devoid of love. Consumed by selfishness.

    Our souls will grow dark and foul. We will walk about as blind men. Unable to see the light of truth and the face of God to help us in our need.

    Is that what we want? To sink so deep that aborting a baby becomes no more than a choice made on the basis of whether one or the other choice, to let the baby live, will accrue a greater benefit to ourselves or our society?

    What of old persons? Or the handicapped? Or the mentally retarded?

    If we abort babies on the basis of weighing what seems beneficial to ourselves or our society as opposed to doing what is right by God, are we not then in danger of killing the living after we have sullied and deadened our conscience by continuing to kill the unborn in greater and greater numbers?

    Are not some of the living likewise a burden on us and our society? Are not some of the living likewise deemed lacking in the benefits they bring vs the cost of keeping them fed and alive?

    If we put babies to death on that basis Yukiko why should we not kill off our old folks and others that are deemed to be less desirable?

    That is a big problem with abortion. It deadens our souls both as individuals (if we choose to engage in such a practice) and as a nation.

    Our consciences can get seared as with a hot iron. We are liable to become so practiced in sin, ignoring what God says about this or any other issue, that we loose touch with what is right and wrong and become part of the masses going their own way to their own eternal peril.

    That is a far worse consequence Yukiko in my mind than taking the chance that a baby that is allowed to live will grow up unwanted (a baby can always be put up for adoption) and will end up living a life of crime.

    Posted 08-06-2009 at 03:03 AM by carlos123 carlos123 is offline
  5. Old Comment
    As, according to your beliefs, I am doomed and will never even get close to heaven, I am not going to debate religion with you. I don't want to waste your time or mine. I will just express my personal opinion as it applies to me and in turn will always read yours.

    Just like you, I am so grounded in my faith that I will never change. The difference is that I feel free to allow you to have your own personal relationship with God, but because of what you have expressed in your blogs, I feel you are not able to grant that privilege to anyone unless they are willing to walk on your biblical "Yellow Brick Road".

    As usual, we will agree to disagree.

    You have my respect, and I guess I have your sympathy because, in your mind, I am a failure. That's OK with me because I know we do both agree that God is my judge, not Carlos.

    I do want to address one of your points.

    As for putting seniors to death, I want you to remember this when the time comes. I believe it will be very soon. This is my own opinion based on facts that I have paid attention to over the years and also based on how the world works.

    Our generation (born 1946-1964) with the peak year in the US being 1957 is the biggest and wealthiest generation in existence today. Imagine if a majority of us died how much money would be flowing back into the economy and how much burden would be taken off the government. That may not apply to you personally, but I am sure you would agree.

    About 6 years ago a body was discovered in a glacier in Alaska. The person had died from the influenza virus from the 1918-1919 pandemic (which by the way killed 7 of my fathers 8 brothers and sisters) and which killed more than half a million Americans and over 40 million people worldwide. That was way before any research on or vaccination for flu or the collection of samples of communicable diseases. It was also before the day of airline travel. Now we had a sample of the most virulent flu in modern times to "research".

    Since then, there has been a lot of talk about Flu. Mostly during the Bush administration, but still ongoing in the media today.
    We have been fed a lot of facts and fear.
    Do you remember when the flu vaccine factory in the UK was busted for producing contaminated vaccine?
    This is what have we learned recently from the media:
    Flu virus adapts, Flu can kill people but seniors and children are more vunerable, we cannot be sure that flu vaccines will work with the current strain, sometimes factories that create flu vaccines make mistakes. We are expecting a flu pandemic very soon. This year, a new vaccine created for the so called bird flu will be tested in the general population.

    Most seniors and welfare recipients get flu shots at Medicare funded clinics.

    Do you remember several years ago when there were all kinds of reports about jet contrails? I live a stones throw from Widbey Island Air Base and we had many days when the contrails criss crossed the sky 2 or 3 times a week. It looked like a tick tack toe board. This happened all across the US mostly in major cities.
    Some conspiracy theorists thought they were practicing to spray something over the population. Then about 4 years ago it suddenly stopped. I still hear and see the planes, but they dont leave those big contrails anymore which is strange because the military just said it was the fuel and the weather conditions causing it.
    When I lived in CA helicopters used to spray Malathion over the city at night to reduce some sort of fruit fly that most people never saw. They assured us it was perfectly safe, however it was strong enough to dissolve the paint on your car. They haven't done that in 20 years.

    Now, what if they gave the general population a flu shot based on the new flu that was expected, but the batch that went to Medicare facilities was "defective" (or ineffective). Then we had the pandemic. Wow, a lot of seniors and people on welfare would die because having been vaccinated they would not be afraid to be out in public during the flu season.

    Do you think, after all these years of media conditioning, anybody would believe that it was anything but unfortunate circumstances ? Then when their taxes were reduced and jobs were plentiful they would forget all about it?

    Carlos, our days are numbered and just like abortion, in this world, it is all about the money.

    Something to contemplate.
    Posted 08-07-2009 at 12:56 AM by yukiko11 yukiko11 is offline
    Updated 08-07-2009 at 02:31 AM by yukiko11
  6. Old Comment
    Hmm...yes I have heard rumblings of a possible flu vaccine problem Yukiko or conspiracy afoot. Not much to go on in my opinion though. At least with respect to having hard facts for that.

    Regardless...old folks are definitely being looked upon more and more as a costly burden on society. Add to that the general turning of our back on God and the loss of the value of all human life that has creeped in through abortion and it is certainly possible that old folks will at some point be encouraged to die off quickly at the very least. If that is not already happening.

    Pat Buchanan wrote a piece I just read on that in fact. It's worth reading. It's titled "Time to Go, Grampa".

    Time To Go, Grampa - HUMAN EVENTS

    Posted 08-07-2009 at 03:47 AM by carlos123 carlos123 is offline
  7. Old Comment
    Pat Buchanan has spent his whole adult life sucking the life and finances out of faithful but unable people. There is nothing to learn from him except that his message is based on greed and self indulgence.
    I know this first hand as many years ago I worked for Dr. Gene Scott. He was a genius and had a great message that sometimes, I felt came from God, but in the end, his message taught me that he was not the messenger and so I left. But in the 6 years I was involved with his church, I saw and experienced things that gave me a very deep insight into religious leaders. I looked around me and saw people who worshiped him like he was GOD and felt sorry for them. I would never trade that experience for anything, because, I learned the basis for my faith, but realized that if the message is not in your heart, it is false. I always felt he had the option of being a man of God, but he choose to be a man of the world because he was greedy.
    There was justice though. When Dr. Scott got old he went kind of crazy and he started bringing in groups of showgirls from Las Vegas to his church. According to the web, they would enter the church after everyone was seated and Dr. Scott would insist that everyone give them a standing ovation. In the end, he married one and died of cancer a couple of years later. His wife who was outed as a former porno star is now Pastor Melissa Scott and can be seen on TV. It is obvious that her sermons are based on a written script created by someone else and there is no feeling in your heart for her message
    She has in the last few years liquidated all of the holdings of the church which Dr. Scott wanted to be used as the retirement security for his devoted staff and she fired the whole staff.
    She has been linked to the son of Paul and Jan Crouch who divorced his wife. I guess she is going for a second fortune. In my heart, justice has been served and the devil won by being patient.

    When was the last time Pat Buchanan couldn't pay the rent or buy food or get medical attention?

    Like many pleasurable things in life, just because it makes you feel good doesn't mean it's right.
    Just something to contemplate.
    Posted 08-07-2009 at 09:38 PM by yukiko11 yukiko11 is offline
    Updated 08-07-2009 at 10:00 PM by yukiko11
  8. Old Comment
    Pat Buchanan is one of those people that most either love or hate with some like me who are in between. I read what he says on occasion and when something he says seems to be right on I commend it and recommend it. When it isn't I ignore it.

    Respecting the article I linked to I think he was right on though certainly there are other things that he has written that seemed a bit...well...weird when I read them.

    I don't put any man or woman on such a pedestal that I end up taking everything they might say hook, line, and sinker.

    In my life I tend to focus on the message not the messenger. Not entirely so mind you because the message is oftentimes either backed up or undermined by the messenger themselves.

    But for me personally the message is what it is about. If I never stopped to listen or hear a message from anyone because their lives were less than perfect I don't think I would end up believing much at all.

    You are correct in pointing out that there has been some absolutely sick stuff done in the name of God Yukiko. What you describe regarding these pastors who go around acting as if the church is their personal fiefdom is sick! A disgrace to God.

    It goes against the grain of everything that God calls his shepherds to be and is a shameful thing.

    The actions of these so-called pastors that you describe are deplorable.

    Posted 08-07-2009 at 10:56 PM by carlos123 carlos123 is offline
  9. Old Comment
    Wow! We finally agree on something! )
    Posted 08-08-2009 at 04:59 AM by yukiko11 yukiko11 is offline
  10. Old Comment
    Posted 08-08-2009 at 10:05 AM by carlos123 carlos123 is offline

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