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My Daily Life and Thoughts while in San Diego | List of Best Posts
This blog is where I express myself to the world or at least to those who might stop by to read what I post . Maybe God will use what I post (I am a Christian and this blog will have a most decidedly Christian bent to it) to good effect in the lives of my readers.

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Stuck between a rock and a hard place and the hocus pocus nature of "modern" medicine!

Posted 06-21-2009 at 12:07 PM by carlos123
Updated 06-24-2009 at 01:37 PM by carlos123

I've been doing some medical research today. Yes, that's right. Me...a poor non-medically trained individual living in a trailer who owns no car and barely has enough to get around by bus...doing medical research.

Imagine that!

And what I am finding is not pretty. Not pretty at all.

Modern medical science is still too much hocus pocus and guessing. Especially when it comes to things like knee problems that have a myriad of possible reasons for it's cause.

My knee problem for example can be caused by a knee infection, a blood clot, arthritus, a knee sprain, gout, and a hundred other things.

None, and I would like to emphasize, none of which have been entirely ruled out yet. Well...that's not quite true. I think I can safely eliminate gout from that long list. At least I think I can.

Since not all tests results are in yet and I do not have a copy of the official tests results in my very own hand I cannot double check what I have been told, evaluate the results for myself, or even get a second opinion from another doctor about the results.

It's all hearsay at this point. At least from my standpoint in that I can't verify hardly anything.

What kind of antibiotic was I given last night at the hospital? I should have asked. Did the one dose through IV destroy my intestinal floura already? Who knows.

What kind of test was run on the fluid that was extracted from my knee? Has all possibility of gram positive bacerial infection being eliminated? Or is there still the possibility that my knee could be infected?

If it is infected could coilidial silver work as good as any antibiotic?

What are the consequences for my knee if I chose not to take antibiotics and it is infected? Or perhaps more appropriately what are the consequences if it is infected but I wait on further test results for a couple of more days to make sure that an infection shows up in the tests? Is it better to play it safe and start taking antibiotics in this case or to wait?

Are the little buggers eating my cartilage and ruining my knee for life even as I speak...I mean write?

What about the serious, and I mean serious side effects to the antibiotics that I have been prescribed? If it turns out that I have no infection...I just increased the risk to myself by taking something I did not even need to take!

Many questions...few if any answers as yet and little money to afford to pay some high priced doctor to give me at least reasonably good sounding answers.

Maybe I can call the free nurses line in Canada and get some of that good ol free health advice that is so readily available in Canada. They still have my name in their database.

Add to that the incredible amount of misdiagnosis by members of the medical profession regarding knee pain and the resultant damage or seriousness of the misdiagnosis on the poor patients who were unfortunate to have suffered under them and...we have a problem.

Quite frankly some of the things I have read have led me to conclude that a fair number of doctors are either idiots or downright incompetent.

And yet so many of us just go glibly along entrusting our health care to those in the medical profession. Assuming that what the doctor says is correct or that the problems experienced by others getting misdiagnosised does not apply to us and our doctors at all.

I've decided not to go glibly along anymore. At least with respect to my knee problem. I've put the brakes on and will be doing a bit of self-diagnosis and self-evaluation before I continue to step through whatever treatment is tried on me.

The one antibiotic I was prescribed is $136. Out of the question for me. The other can be had through walmart for $4 which is nice but along with that $4 I also open the door to a whole host of possible side effects some of which can be life changing. And I mean for the worst.

Anybody for a severe reaction leading to death for only $4?

If that doesn't sound like a good deal how about Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, hepatic necrosis, and serious blood disorder? Again for only $4.

Not to mention that in my further reading this morning I have come to the conclusion that many if not most antibiotics prescribed are even uneccessary if not downright bad for you.

So here I am caught between taking a prescribed antibiotic and suffering the risk of some potential catastrophic side effects or not taking them and suffering the risk of my knee being damaged for life by an untreated infection (if it is indeed infected at all).

What do to...what to do.

I think I will go eat at Soup Plantation is what I will do.

Yeah..that's what I will do.

But then again I only have one trip left out of the bus tokens I was given so I better make up my mind about whether to get the antibiotic or not before I go.

This is tough. As I can't predict the future.

Will I suffer some serious side affects? Will my knee end up permanentlly impaired if I don't take the antibiotics? Should I wait a couple of more days to get all tests results in?

The answers are uncertain. All I can really do is decide based on the best information I have and the probability of this or that compared to the probability of this or that other thing.

After all that seems to be the way modern medicine does things too. So I guess I won't be too far off if I engage in a bit of hocus pocus, roll the dice type decision making myself.

It's nice that I can do that without having to spend a fortune on medical school!

Maybe if I see enough doctors I can take the course of action decided upon by a percentage of the majority and thus improve my chances of hitting upon the right course of action.

I think I will just focus on getting copies of the tests results for myself, wait for all the tests results to come, and...well...go eat at Soup Plantation to think things over some more.

On second thought I better not think too much on these things while eating. I might get indigestion and end up with a severe bought of stomach pain on top of everything else I am physically having to endure

Just another post from my Daily Life in San Diego .

At least the sun is peaking out of the overcase sky once in a while


PS. To any long time readers reading this post...please forgive the decidedly negative tone of this post compared to my usual but once in a while I get a bit upset about things and if this blog is nothing else it is at least a place where I can, on occasion, vent a bit of my frustrations. A most healthy use of blogging I think.


Hmm...it does sound like collodial silver is the way to go. Here's a video I found which is interesting YouTube - Colloidal Silver Replies on the Blue Man

Apparently I can make it myself. And silver was used in the old days before commercial antibiotics were developed to deal with infections and is still the active ingredient in a number of modern medicines (though of course the medicine makers won't let on that it can be made at home and be just as effective as their name brand stuff).

Hmm....very interesting. Oh and the side effects are nothing in comparison to the side effects of modern antibiotics. Well...sometimes people turn blue.

The following link is to a man who turned blue and who subsequently moved to California to be more readily accepted despite turning blue (so I guess I am in the right place if I turn blue myself LOL).

YouTube - Blue Man


My leg swelling is finally coming down. I can even walk around without crutches for short stretches of time. I am now doing self-physical-therapy to be able to bend my knee and otherwise have my leg improve enough to use it consistently.

There is still some swelling mind you but not nearly what it was. I think, hope, the worst is over.

But get this...

All tests for bacterial infection came back negative. But...two different doctors thought it good for me to still take the antibiotics prescribed to me (the one with the serious side affects). Advice I completely ignored...thank God I don't trust docs implicitly!

If it was advisable for me to take antibiotics anyway...why in the world was there any attempt to test for bacterial infection?? And if the tests all came back negative, and the docs know this, why in the world did they still advise me to take antibiotics??

This is the kind of hocus pocus nonsense that makes...well...no sense to me at all. I mean the docs could have avoided a bunch of testing and the resultant expense to the State (for the State will ultimately cover the expense since I can't) by just...well...telling me to take the antibiotics with no testing for bacterial infection at all. Couldn't they??

So I skipped their advice, thank you very much, saved myself a bit of money, saved my stomach from nausea as a result of taking antibiotics, and allowed my body to heal on it's own.

Of course such a course of health care makes the docs seem...well...a bit superflous in that I could have stayed at home, taken an aspirion or two, stayed in bed, and been just as well off if not better quicker than by hobbling about all of San Diego to get to a doc who in the final analysis doesn't have any more clue as to what happened to me than I do.

I'm still glad I went but you better believe that I will continue to take what docs tell me with a great big grain of salt and will rely more on my own medical research than what any ol doc tells me in person.

My leg is still not fully healed. I hope to get copies of all tests results soon so that I can carefully evaluate what they say and maybe even get another doc to help me undestand the medical language so that I can continue my self-directed health care.
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  1. Old Comment
    This is my personal opinion. If God wanted you to be a doctor, he would have inspired you to be one. I have always had bad experiences with doctors so I am not so trusting either, but the important thing is to try to find out what is causing your symptoms and fix the cause not treat the symptoms. If you need doctors to do so, please use them.
    At our age, heavy metals are not good for the liver. That is why iron is not recommended for people over 50 and why Geritol when off the market. Colloidal Silver is in that catagory. When you injure your liver, your body fills with poisions that will cause multiple symptoms trying to get your attencion to the real problem.
    I am not a doctor and not telling you not to use it, but I can tell you that if you have a bacterial infection, antibiotics are going to be the best treatment. Perhaps one of your friends could go to the boarder and cross over to Tijuana and buy you the preferred antibiotics at 1/10th the price of your current prescription. There is no perscription required. If I were your local friend, I would do it in a minute. You can also buy them online, but with the postage, they may be more expensive. Also, if you have been referred by a case worker to the doctor, they should have filled the perscription for you at at the hospital at no charge.
    People who abuse antiobiotics have the side affects that you have described. I have taken a course about twice a year for the last 20 years and have never had any side affects at all except the healing of my chest infection from my allergies and before that, the healing of my chronic tonsilitis.
    Medical care today sucks. That is just the way it is. You can only do the best you can with what you have to work with. The rest is up to God's will and your luck.
    Posted 06-22-2009 at 01:57 AM by yukiko11 yukiko11 is offline
  2. Old Comment
    I would ask of you, to have patience and faith. Although my knee wasn't replaced, my left leg suffered quite some damage. My left tibia, fibia and knee were shattered in an auto accident along with a couple of breaks in my femur. The Dr. probably had a mess to try to correct. Along with other injuries that I won't mention, I was nearly dead. My life was in their hands and care. I am permanently deformed in that leg and disabled. My point being, the medical society has made such advances as to treat and correct problems and injuries in our extremities. I can appreciate your concern with the antibiotics but quite frankly, they have the ability to do more good than harm. If it comes down to it in your case, I've met many people who have had knee replacement with spectacular sucess! There may be some programs in your area that you may seek out to aid you in this endevor. I'm no expert by any means and just stubbled across the blog thing, City-Data. Maybe this is a way I may give something into our society. I offer you words of encouragement. Have trust in those who are trying to help others, including you. BTW, for me it's been 2yrs almost 5mo since I incurred these injuries and with therapy you would be amazed. Have faith in your Doctor and modern medicine and by no means concoct your own remedies. Hey the Blue Man Guys Rock! Good luck to you.
    Posted 06-22-2009 at 04:25 AM by JSuwanee JSuwanee is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Hi yukiko,

    If God wanted you to be a doctor, he would have inspired you to be one.
    Yukiko...I think you have a gift for cutting right to the chase or getting right to the meat of the matter LOL.

    What you say is quite true. I think I am overreacting to the medical establishment but it's hard for me to believe that they always know best. They clearly don't.

    Even harder for me to see how many people take what they say hook line and sinker as if they always know best.

    I don't know what's worse. The medical establishment thinking they always know best or patients believing that they do.

    I have always had bad experiences with doctors so I am not so trusting either, but the important thing is to try to find out what is causing your symptoms and fix the cause not treat the symptoms. If you need doctors to do so, please use them.
    Absolutely I will yukiko. I will be setting up an appointment with another doctor today to get a second opinion once all tests results are in.

    The fact that my ankle has swollen up too is indicative of something besides just a knee things I think.

    Oh..I've added another possibility to the 99 possible causes of all this...I may have been bit by some spider overnight and the swelling and fever might be accounted for such by such a bite.

    That would explain the waking up in the morning with knee pain leading to it swelling later that day, the fever, the lack of finding bacterial infection (so far), and the general swelling of my leg vs just the knee at this point.

    I did show the doctor some suspicious bite looking marks on my good leg so he was aware of that possibility but may not have thought it serious enough of a possibility to look into that at the time.

    At our age, heavy metals are not good for the liver. That is why iron is not recommended for people over 50 and why Geritol when off the market. Colloidal Silver is in that catagory.
    Well colloidal silver is not quite in that category yukiko. A lot has to do with the ppm concentration of the metal in solution and how it is found in that solution. How soluble it is.

    Colloidal silver in proper concentrations has been found to be incredibly safe. So I have no problem at all with it's safety.

    The people who turn blue (a condition called argyn or some such) are generally because they have taken a collodial silver concentration that was too high, took great quantities of it for a prolonged period of time, or else used it in combination with some other things that caused the silver to be more potent than it would have been otherwise.

    Apparently this condition was more prevalent in the old days when many nose drops and other medications had silver in them.

    Never killed anyone or otherwise harmed them but would just turn their lips or other skin areas...blue or gray.

    On the other hand something like 140,000 people die from antibiotic side effects in the U.S. every year!! That's a lot of mothers, sisters, brothers, fathers, sons, and daughters!

    I am not a doctor and not telling you not to use it, but I can tell you that if you have a bacterial infection, antibiotics are going to be the best treatment.
    Not in all cases yukiko. It depends on the kind of infection and how serious the complications are. Many times the complications of taking antibiotics are way higher in potential than any harm that will result from letting the body handle the infection naturally.

    It is common knowledge yukiko that antibiotics are way overprescribed in this day and age when doctors should know better. As a result we have ended up with nasty bugs that are highly resistant to even the strongest pharmaceutical antibiotics. The so-called super bugs.

    Which are killing untold many tens of thousands more!

    All along lining the pockets of pharmaceutical companies that bow down to the God of money as their idol.

    Perhaps one of your friends could go to the boarder and cross over to Tijuana and buy you the preferred antibiotics at 1/10th the price of your current prescription. There is no perscription required. If I were your local friend, I would do it in a minute.
    Thanks yukiko.

    I am still learning about hightailing it over the border to get what I need. That one of my present local friends is willing to go over the border for me and to risk having his head cut off by some drug lord is a testament to his willingness to die to self. Kinda like when David's mighty men ran to the well inside Jerusalem behind enemy lines just to give David a drink of water from that well. That he had nonchalantly said he wanted a drink from.

    So one doesn't need a prescription down there to get whatever they need in medicine? Is that the way it is?

    What about coming back over the border? Without a prescription could you not then get into trouble for smuggling in a controlled substance?

    Also, if you have been referred by a case worker to the doctor, they should have filled the perscription for you at at the hospital at no charge.
    Yes. I was referrred by a case worker on an emergency CMS (County Medical Services) basis but in truth they had no way to verify that at night and I had nothing to prove that this was so. A case worker actually just told me to be admitted on that basis and to tell them so. Gave me her card and all.

    But the nurse that was shooing me out into the night without pain medication and without my having any place to go or even sleep wasn't interested in being reasonable. He could have cared less.

    He just had a job to do and was going to do it no matter whose need got in the way.

    People who abuse antiobiotics have the side affects that you have described.
    Few of the side effects noted are because of abuse yukiko. Most of these side effects occur just because a certain percentage of persons taking antibiotics will experience the nasty side effects. No matter how safely x percentage of persons may be able to take them there will always be a much smaller but definite x percentage of persons who will suffer serious side effects up to and including death.

    Taking them is like playing Russian roulette. One hopes that ingesting them will not cause a serious side effect but no one can determine whether that will or will not be the case with absolute certainty until after one starts taking them (i.e. pulling the trigger).

    I'd rather bank on something safer if I can do so.

    I have taken a course about twice a year for the last 20 years and have never had any side affects at all except the healing of my chest infection from my allergies and before that, the healing of my chronic tonsilitis.
    I am not saying that antibiotics are all bad yukiko. In your case they were obviously needful and useful.

    Only that they are greatly overprescribed and in many cases not worth the risk. In my case I don't even know for sure yet that I have an infection!

    Medical care today sucks. That is just the way it is. You can only do the best you can with what you have to work with.
    You can say that again!

    The rest is up to God's will and your luck.
    If we leave out the luck part (I don't believe in luck ) I totally agree that we must do the best we can and leave what we have no control over to God.

    Posted 06-22-2009 at 10:49 AM by carlos123 carlos123 is offline
  4. Old Comment
    Hi JSuwanee,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us and welcome to my blog!

    My point being, the medical society has made such advances as to treat and correct problems and injuries in our extremities.
    So sorry to hear of your accident JSuwanee. At least you lived and are taking the consquences in good spirits. You are a good example in that regard!

    Yes...medical science has indeed made great strides in some areas (though there are some glaring examples of where they haven't such as actually healing cancers and other issues).

    I can appreciate your concern with the antibiotics but quite frankly, they have the ability to do more good than harm.
    That depends JSuwanee. You should read some of the alternative literature from medical doctors rebelling against the establishment as to why antibiotics are not all that they are cut out of be.

    That they can do more harm than good in some cases is a given. But that they are the best good that can be given a patient in all the cases that they are given is likewise just as certainly not the truth.

    In many, many cases the potential downside to not taking them is far less worse than the potential complications arising from taking them.

    I am speaking mostly of how they are prescribed for everything from ear infections to colds and flus, and sinusitus and to everything in between. Leading to what are known as super bugs today who are resistant to the strongest of present day antibiotics.

    I just read of a beautiful young woman in Brazil who had her whole life ahead of her and who died from such a super bug just the other day. Tragic.

    I offer you words of encouragement.
    Thank you JSuwanee. Such words are always much appreciated!

    Have faith in your Doctor and modern medicine and by no means concoct your own remedies. Hey the Blue Man Guys Rock! Good luck to you.
    Hmm...I don't believe I would encourage anyone to have faith in their doctor and modern medicine JSuwanee. Rather I would encourage them to have faith in God, use doctors but keeping an ever watchful eye on what they are up to, and most definitely try to find alternative medical treatments that do not involve the types of side effects that many modern pharmaceuticals come with.

    I mean in every day life we see as suspect the claims of various individuals if we discover that they are trying to sell us something. Don't we?

    So why is it that we take what pharmaceutical companies dish out hook, line, and sinker simply because they use as spokepersons a doctor to speak and promote their stuff to us? Yes...the doctor is supposed to be impartial but the pharmacetuticals are deeply and I mean deeply involved in every step of that doctor's training and influence most doctors to a degree that what doctor's tell us should at least be suspect.

    Pharmaceuticals are trying to make money. Money is their god. That is the bottom line for all the pharmaceutical drugs ever made.

    Certainly money has motivated a great deal of innovative and useful medicines. But we need to keep in mind and be ever aware that money is what drives these companies and not an altruistic desire to do what is best by us.

    Many times there are other, alternative treatments, from which pharmaceuticals cannot make much money...which are just as good if not better than what they are promoting through doctors.

    We just need to be aware of that.

    Posted 06-22-2009 at 11:15 AM by carlos123 carlos123 is offline

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