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Spiritual truth from direct experience over decades

Posted 03-19-2023 at 05:10 PM by david collier

This blog contains descriptions of actual events.
It is placed in the hope it will be helpful.
Everyone is free to accept or reject this information.
I have tried to limit personal opinion, but am as imperfect as anyone else.
I believe this world needs to know what I now know.

Purpose of this blog.
To advertise spiritual truth gained over a lifetime of direct experience* (mostly validated by third parties), in order to introduce some light into a world in darkness -and to offset some New Age fairy stories. This is part of my work towards world peace.
About me.
I was born at the end of WWII and grew up in a small village near the Dartmoor National Park in the UK.

I was trained as an objective observer by the UK government and went on to teach these techniques in Australia.
There has been 30 plus years work on self-purification .* My mind opened at age 45 enabling psychic abilities.* Before this it was closed, and I was a typical sceptic with scientific training; now I have three university Degrees including in psychology.*

God exists.
The only way to know this for sure is the at-One-ment experience, known in Hinduism as union with Brahman, and in the West as spiritual Enlightenment.* In my case this was given at age 55 after 10 years work on myself amounting to self-purification: this included severe tests of character.* In one such test I liquidated all assets (life savings; house, and BMW car) in order to set up a humanitarian business which failed, and had to live as a fringe dweller thereafter, travelling on public transport with a head cold in the rain, with holes in my shoes.
My human father later came through a psychic friend to say I had passed this test 'with flying colours'.
The Enlightenment experience was beyond time and space; my name and personality were obliterated, and my day-to-day mind ceased to operate.* It was an experience of* total bliss; infinite endless love, together with a sense of tremendous creative potential.* At the same time there was a sense of individuality.*
Two weeks prior to this event two psychics had forecast "A reward for effort" and "A great blessing", but the actual event was both unexpected and mind-blowing.

Zen Buddhists may like to note that cessation of mind is consequential to this event, not causal.* So forcibly stopping the mind by whatever means achieves nothing in spiritual terms: it merely shoots oneself in the mental foot, and in the context of Enlightenment is an example of barking up the wrong tree or holding the wrong end of the stick.

Sunrise awakening me: myself.* A feeling, a glow*-love.* More! Overwhelmed; Dissolved.* Here: wordless, timeless I AM.

So now I know that at the highest level of my being I am indeed a son of God; a chip off the block.* Just as Jesus taught when he said 'my Father and I are one'.*

N.B. This experience is a CONSIDERABLE shock to the system, which takes months or years afterwards*to come to terms with. So claims of 'Enlightenment' which do not mention the shock involved are dubious at best.
My Hamster story.
Sitting one sunny morning having a cup of tea with a clairvoyant friend, suddenly she said "There is a Hamster around you...".
I thought to myself "What on earth is she on about?".**
But she went on "..and he is saying thank you for being so kind to him".*
This meant nothing to me until I suddenly remembered at age 11 taking home the school pet for a weekend. This was decades earlier, and I had never mentioned it to my friend, having forgotten it myself.

I recall he was very fond of Jacob's Cream Crackers and showed no fear, pushing his nose forcefully out of my closed fingers.

To me this means that God exists in all living things:* 'Whatever you do to the least of these you do to ME'.

So pet owners need not grieve indefinitely the death of a pet: they survive as we do.*

I once had*a three way conversation with an angel of Peace via a clairvoyant friend (D...), whose Guide was the angel in question. It became clear the angel (I know her name) was telepathic because she answered questions I had only thought.
One of the things she said was "Most people working for world peace are insincere, and of those who are sincere, most are going about it the wrong way".
At one point my friend asked if I could give her a 'reading' so I opened my mind and picked up the words "Don't be so silly D..., you don't need this".
It turned out that this is what the angel was thinking, while not speaking this to my friend.* And she then pointed out through D... that I did not have permission to read her mind.
So I apologised later, and was later told by D... that the angel had given me her blessing.*
On a separate occasion I was out-of-body and about to trespass where I had no right to be, just to satisfy my curiosity.* A male hand then touched me, when I was immediately filled with non-judgemental love, sufficient to stop me in my tracks.* I assume this was a male guardian angel.

Cellular memory.
Years ago I attended a kinesiology workshop in Bondi beach. Another participant came up to me and told me I had anger stored in my right shoulder: presumably this was her psychic impression.
On investigation via kinesiology it turned out to be true, related to a vaccination at age 9 – effectively an insult to my body without my personal permission.
A couple of days after the stored emotion was neutralised my right arm and upper right back came out in a florid display of fluid filled vesicles, as if I had smallpox. There were also six reddish dots on my upper arm arranged in a hexagon. This correlates with my conscious memory of a six-pointed needle, though this memory may not be accurate.
Photographs were taken by a friend and sent with the negatives to an Australian registry for vaccination side effects. Conveniently (??) years later they had 'lost' them in an office move.

It came as a pleasant surprise when my mind opened in mid-life to discover that Spiritual beings actually do exist.* One day I had a vision of a small group of people a few yards (metres) away.* I could see they were talking but could not hear what they were saying.* Perhaps because I had just completed a 7-month esoteric meditation**to clear out my chakras this gave rise to some despair.
Within 3 or 4 seconds four cherubs appeared in front of me, looking like their portrayal in religious art.* Their energy was a mixture of pure joy and amusement, the last probably with me.
This was so curious I asked if I could touch them.* There was an immediate response: "Don't".
My forehead (third eye) then became hot and they disappeared from view.
Presumably I had opened my brow chakra too much, and Cherubs were sent to close it for me.* I now know we can only hear speech spoken to us, so I need not have worried.* And it is presumptuous to try to hear what is not spoken to us.

Contact with a still-born sister.
A psychic friend told me one day I had a sister in Spirit, who was given a name by my mother.* This came as a surprise until I remembered a mysterious visit to hospital by my mother in my early teens. She returned home and nothing was said.*
So I asked to see my sister.* A few days later she appeared in a vision.* Brown hair; blue eyes; about my height or a little less, and dressed in a shiny blue dress with sequins.
I could sense that she was nervous.* She is aware of what is going on in my life because one cold winter day I went to university lectures forgetting to close my window.* When I came back the room was unaccountably warm.
I was later told she had warmed it up for me from 'above'. Presumably using the power of God.
Parents with still-born babies need not grieve indefinitely therefore: their babies simply grow up in the next world instead of this one, looked after by deceased relatives or other people.* But who is aware of this in our existing religions?

Energetic mastery.
I am certainly not a spiritual master, but I am an 'energetic master'.* This is not a siddhi but was part of my self-actualisation process and comes from practice in a past life as an authentic magician in what is now Iran or Iraq, in which I wore a turban and enjoyed myself entertaining others.
At the end of an intensive 6-month personal development course all participants were required to stand up on stage and say what they wanted to be.* Some said 'a millionaire'.* When it came to my turn the words 'an energetic master' came out of my mouth.
At the time I had no idea what these my own words meant, but an Egyptian spirit Guide subsequently appeared, and helped me to visualise and manipulate chakras down to the sub-vortex level in other people using my mind.* So I am a master of chakra energies thanks to work done in a past life. The discovery of which is obviously part of my self-actualisation process.
This has been confirmed by some other psychics who do not have this very rare 'gift of the spirit'. There is some pretentiousness around this ability.
Experience of channelling.
I once attended a meditation group in which some people channelled beings 'in spirit'.* Most impressive, and I thought they were much more gifted than I*was.
Until the day I had a go myself.*
Three beings then announced themselves to me by saying in my mind 'I am...".
The first was Moses, who talked about the necessity*to keep up the effort until a matter was properly concluded rather than slacken off towards the end.
Ahura Mazda then announced himself.* I did not know who he was, but felt I was sitting on a throne holding a sceptre.* The person next to me told me afterwards she could 'see me' sitting on a throne and holding a sceptre as I spoke.
I do not recall what he said: he was worshipped by Zoroastrians prior to the Abrahamic religions.
Then the third being announced himself by saying "I am the lord thy God".
At*which I thought to myself "This can't be right, this must be my ego trying to out-do other channels".* So I passed on that opportunity and said nothing.
Imagine my surprise when the next person channelled someone who turned to me and said "Brother, why do you think you are unworthy?"
So it seems I am worthy.* And God respected my free will decision not to channel Him/Her on that occasion.*

Hindu gods.
Two Hindu gods appeared in visions. First an Indian lady in traditional clothes, but bent over backwards (meaning she would help!).* She had only two arms, not four. I got the name Lakshmi, and had to enquire who she was in the Hindu panoply -apparently she is the goddess of good fortune.
Then a teenage boy named Ganesha, who pointed to a cast iron stove with Hindu swastikas in groups of four around the edges.* This is something to do with kundalini, but I do not understand it, except that we are 'cooked' when kundalini rises up in us.
There was a later vision of some Indian sadhus who had clearly been so cooked.* They appeared to me as cherry-red detached heads.* This is significant because the spiritual path requires 'getting out of one's head, a sort of voluntary decapitation.* They commented accurately on my life and told me (i) that I 'hold' kundalini number 94, (ii) that it was 'A wonderful experience for me to have a daughter', and (iii) that 'I have something for the British people'.* Exactly what this last is, I do not yet know.*
I presume Hindu gods are either facets of God, or man-made through collective belief. However; Brahma is apparently synonymous with God.**

Inflated ego.
Consequent to an intensive personal development course a deal of repressed energy from childhood trauma was released and apparently travelled up a lateral nadi leading to an inflated ego.* It also enabled spontaneous out of body travel.
There is a considerable sense of power with an inflated ego, detectable by others to the extent that while walking along a corridor at work some coming the other way walked into the wall to avoid me.
However, a friend contacted me in a vision to warn me about my then state of being.* She was also the one who encouraged me to attend the personal development workshop, which saved my life.* For which I am eternally thankful.

This word means what is accrued or has to be paid for from action in a past life, or indeed the present life.* The American psychic Edgar Cayce said a lot on this topic: for example, 'Every cent earned dishonestly has to be paid back in a future life'.* So a physical disease in this life can be related to negative action in a past life.* If we hurt others in some life we may in due course experience the same hurt ourselves.* So a Jewish person who despises or abuses Palestinians in this life may be reborn as a Palestinian to experience such abuse from the other side.
'Justice is Mine saith the Lord'.* The overall purpose is to learn the hard way to accept and love others as ourselves.
In my case I was unexpectedly kicked in the groin at age 11 by a girl on the school bus.* This went back to a life in Spain as an Inquisitor for the Catholic church when I promised the girl (then a husband with a family) that I would not persecute him if he gave me information, but then broke my promise. So I thoroughly deserved such treatment in this life.
However, one afternoon out of the blue many years later I suddenly 'knew' that my karmic debt was no more, a form of clairsentience.*

Life after death 1.
When my mind opened there was contact with numbers of 'deceased' persons, also the Hindu gods Lakshmi and Ganesha who came uninvited: all offered their help.* Lakshmi was dressed in traditional Indian costume and bent over backwards (meaning symbolically she was willing to help).* I did not know who 'Lakshmi' was until I enquired: she is the goddess of good fortune. Ganesha appeared as a teenage boy and tried to explain kundalini to me, pointing to a cast iron stove with Hindu swastikas in groups of four engraved on it. When kundalini rises we are in effect 'cooked'.
Once I was 'taken up'**(to the next world)*to see my deceased father.* He was enjoying a party in a typical room in a house from whose window I could see a garden outside.* He gave me a crystalline artefact he had made for me with English wild flowers inside as if preserved in clear epoxy resin.
I knew enough to take in into my system.

Later that day I was in a kinesiology workshop in Sydney, and a couple across the room came up to me to say I possessed something they needed.* This turned out to be the complete set of Maui Flower Essences (the English wildflower kind, not the Hawaiian kind), which are about self-confidence: that which my father had undermined in my childhood. Their testing indicated I needed to touch one of them for a few seconds in order to give the required energy.

This incident confirms the power of specialised kinesiology (the unconscious or body mind keeps a complete record of events and is virtually omniscient), apart from anything else.

Life after death 2.
A dear friend and mentor**passed on at age 60, probably from a surfeit of Black Forest Cake.*
I attended her funeral along with her relatives.
A couple of weeks later I woke up and knew immediately she was in the room, albeit invisible to me.* Suddenly she spoke so loudly in my left ear (ONE ear only!) that I protested "Hey I'm not deaf you know".* I heard her words "Have faith" very clearly.
Then she jiggled part of my physical body to confirm who she was and her sense of humour.* This went back to her criticism of me sometimes jiggling coins in my trouser pocket.
We recognise people in Spirit by their energy signature before they speak.* And love is the connection that enables such communication.

Life after death 3.
*This concerns my deceased human father, and validation from third parties.
I was staying at a friend's house in Sydney while attending workshops in specialised kinesiology.* This involves experiential work at cellular memory level, unknown to most psychologists.
One morning I awoke from sleep and then found myself 'upstairs' apparently lying on as couch in a room full of people including my father, who looked much younger.
There was a celebratory party in progress; I could see a flower garden outside through a window.
My father presented me with a significant artefact he had made for me.* This was a four-sided crystal with metal scroll-work top and bottom.* Inside the crystal were English wildflowers as if preserved in epoxy resin, visible through each of the four faces.* I knew enough to clasp it to my heart.
I was also given a song about enjoying life, before finally coming back to this reality.* I told no-one of this experience.
Later that morning I was involved in working in pairs in the workshop.* Suddenly a pair from across the room came up to me to say that (on testing) they needed particular therapeutic energy from me.
This turned out to be Maui Flower Essence energy, unknown to me before this day.* Further testing indicated I needed to touch the person for a few seconds in order to give the required energy.
Maui Flower Essences are well-known in complementary health.* They are based on twelve English wildflowers, (namely Borage; Calendula; Cornflower; Dandelion; Heartsease Pansy; Wild Iris; Lilac; Nasturtium; Sunflower; Wild Rose; Violet, and Yarrow), rather like the Bach flower essences.* And they concern future self-confidence, that which my father undermined in me when I was a child.
This was a remarkable gift, with which I can still help others as required.
And the circumstances in which third parties unknowingly validated my metaphysical experience were significant.*
Out of body travel.
*My experience is very limited compared with that reported by the American business man Robert Monroe (1915-1995).
For me it was a spontaneous travel across town to a friend's house in which I could see some details of a sitting room as if through a porthole.* A visit in the flesh a couple of weeks later confirmed these details.
We are Spirit clothed in a material body.* When this body dies we pass on to the next world in which we find ourselves occupying a similar or identical 'spirit' body.* It is perceived just as material as this one when we are there; but metaphysical or etheric while we are here.* In other words we*already have*a spirit body as well as this physical one.
And the next level, or world, in my experience is very similar to this one, perhaps without the ecological damage we have inflicted on this one.

Years ago I had a vision of a bonfire dangerously close to our house.* A couple of days later a daughter came home late without her house key, and lit some newspapers to keep warm!
A much larger event came to me as a vision of the aftermath of a catastrophe.* Buildings had been smashed; detritus was everywhere, and a few people were walking around as if in a daze.* I did not know where this was.
At this stage I felt only curiosity.* However, out of nowhere I was suddenly hit with overwhelming grief (lung meridian) to the extent I could not breathe.
A voice in my head then said " Your family will be safe" and "You will be given more".
12 months later the Indian Ocean tsunami of 26 December 2004 occurred, in which around 200,000 people died.* The newsreels at the time showed
what I had seen 12 months earlier.

We all do it!* I am aware of many past lives.* Once there was a vision of dusty feet along with the knowledge that I had lived 'in all human families'.
Perhaps my first life was Keeper of the king's hunting dogs in ancient Egypt: they looked to me like large shaggy greyhounds. Another was as a black skinned baby in Africa, when I soon died of starvation.
Most recently I was a French* medical doctor in WWI: spectacles and khaki*uniform.* At the end of that life my last thought was "There has to be a better way" (en Francais).
I was a blond female with pigtails in Germany in the Middle Ages, dying of tuberculosis.* I was Lord Burleigh in Elizabethan times.*
I was a Spanish Inquisitor subsequently.
At age 11 in this life a girl I hardly knew kicked me in the groin for no apparent reason on the school bus one day.* It turned out she was a husband with a family in that Spanish life, from whom I had extracted information on the basis I would not persecute him afterwards.
However, I broke that promise so thoroughly deserved being kicked in this life.
It seems we keep reincarnating until we have accumulated sufficient experience of the human condition, and finally worked off all negative karma resulting from hurting others.
Only then may we become a spiritual master like Joshua ben Joseph, permanently at One with God.*
I am told My next life is to be a Rabbi in Israel.**
Idly wondering one afternoon why I had not formed another heterosexual relationship after my divorce, a voice in my head said "You are one who develops alone".* This was apparently my spirit Guide.
That was many years ago, before much subsequent 'development'.
N.B., personal development is mostly about letting go of accreted or programmed untruths, more 'undevelopment' then development.

Self-purification chemistry.
Some time after my decision to work on my own psychology in my mid-40's (i.e., to purify my psyche) I noticed an unusual odour in my urine.* This immediately took me back to a stock-take of the poisons store at the Ministry of Agriculture office at Westbury-on-Trym in my late 20's, where organochlorine insecticides were stored and some spilt on the floor.* Last in, first out.
The next day another odour took me straight back to playing in the sea near a sewage outfall at Thurlstone in south Devon as a small boy.* I recall the bright green sea lettuce in the water.* Presumably I absorbed some other agricultural poison at this time.* First in, last out.
In theory organochlorine pesticides are stored in body fat, and are almost impossible to remove from the body once so stored.* So my experience was exceptional, and perhaps mediated by an outside agency?
These are special abilities which sometimes arise on the spiritual path, perhaps linked to kundalini arousal.* There is a story of a chela who proudly mentioned a new found ability to his guru, who promptly said "Don't worry about it, it will go away in due course".
Such special abilities can lead to an inflated ego and can stall spiritual development if treasured by the owner.* My ability was of use only to myself, so I let it go.
I once met a person who was so enraptured with his newfound ability that he refused to let it go, not understanding the pitfall mentioned above.
The only worth-while spiritual gift is one that can be used to help others, not merely oneself.**
Spirit Guides.
*We all seem to have these guides.* Various guides have appeared to me in visions to announce their arrival, ranging from a meso-american warrior named 'stone-face' to a world famous University professor of sociology and psychology.
Usually I do not get a name, but when I went back to university in my 60's a new guide appeared. I then had sufficient presence of mind to ask his name and he gave me his surname.
With his face and surname I identified him via Google as a recently deceased professor, as mentioned above.* Significantly, I was about to study for a degree in psychology.
Guidance happens on a subtle level; nothing is done for us.
As an example, one day I* repaired a daughter's car and chose to test drive it up a steep hill.* On my arrival at the top I noticed some people I knew and got out to say hello.
The response was "You're just in time for our meditation on world peace".* I assume my presence was required at this exercise, unknown to me, so a suggestion was made to me by my guide on a subtle or unconscious level.
On another occasion (18 January 2003) I was planning a run in a pine forest, but happened to ask God what I should do that day.
There was a powerful response: "Stay where you are!".
On that day a bushfire unexpectedly came through that forest like an express train, unforecast and unexpected by authorities.* It was so hot it melted 50 gallon steel drums to the ground.
The response probably came from my main Guide, to whom my question was delegated.
One of my guides was female, and used to visit often, when I could feel her 'physical' (metaphysical) body.* She has a considerable sense of humour, but really helped me one day when I was beginning to feel superior to other people.
I could then sense that I was 'falling' and she was holding onto my wrists to keep me safe.* A feeling of superiority is of the ego, and leads to a literal fall from grace, like the snake in the game of snakes and ladders.

Thought forms/entities.
Yes they do exist.* I was staying at the house of a friend's friend in Sydney while studying for my Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy. I slept on a mattress in a spare room.* As I was drifting off to sleep I noticed a life-size man's head skittering along the skirting board next to me, on spindly legs. On the head was blood.* Most curious!
Later I discovered the couple were going through a messy divorce.
It does not take much imagination to suppose that the wife had thought (with some energy) "I'd like to knock his bloody head off!"* And there was her metaphysical creation, now with a life of its own.
Given that we are gods (Psalm 82, 6) we all have such creative ability, positive and negative.
Perhaps 'Witch doctors' use this ability too, to influence other people.
Universal Brotherhood.
It seems*I am a member of this Brotherhood of 24.
One day there was a vision of a rectangular table with 12 seats on each side, one being empty.* Somehow I knew this was my place.

This has been confirmed by a 7-foot plus man in spirit from another Universe named Isopenda, who says he is here to learn how to use his mind in this reality, just as he says I need to do.

He says I am much older than I know: presumably much older than ancient Egypt.

Perhaps there is representation from 24 different Universes; presumably I attend meetings while asleep in this world, or my higher Self or Soul does.

N.B., I assume that this is about separate Universes rather than separate Galaxies; the two can be confused. But there are many more than 24 Galaxies in the known Universe, so it has to be separate Universes.

One morning I awoke to find an unknown and invisible hand rubbing a highly scented oil into my forehead. I still do not recognise the scent.
The Hebrew word for one who is so anointed is 'messiah'.

I understand hundreds or thousands of people around the world have this experience; it merely means that a special life-task has been given by Spirit. Many are called but few are chosen? Hence there is no such person as 'The Messiah'.

In my case the task is to be a spiritual Medium with the highest responsibility, as my Guide tells me. My role is not to pass on messages from deceased relatives, as most Mediums do.

Needless to say the anointment process in the Church is but a pale shadow of the real thing, almost meaningless.
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