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The Changing Tide- America will Reclaim its Democracy

Posted 07-29-2018 at 09:01 AM by Chance and Change

Originally Posted by Chance and Change View Post
America is Awakened- There WILL NOT be a continuation of the devastation Trump and Republican have engaged

There will NOT be six years more of Trump!!!

Not in America!!!! Maybe Putin may give him a position, but seeing how Putin owns him, it certainly won't be in Russian Government, it might be some servant like role that avoids Trump from being anywhere close to anything that deals with Russian Governments Revenue. They know Trump to be a swindler. One thing is for certain, if Trump were in Russian while working for Putin, they likely would have long ago used the FSB who is skilled at neutralizing a menace and a problem.

Republicans in America is a bad piece of work for America. (Every Republican Administration has damaged America over the past 50 yrs)

Looking Back... and seeing the truths history has recorded:
GHW Bush lied and resulted to destabilize the Middle East and Destroy the Landscape and Society in Iraq, and created the largest weapon selling network in World History. But what he did not do was "attack every Agency, Department, Division and launch an incessant assault upon our legal and judicial systems, and he certainly did not go about publicly attacking the public persons, and threatening congressional people. He did not even amass the Right Wing White Evangelicals to expose themselves for their sanctioning of illicit activity and immorality as we've seen to come into being under Trump. Yes, Bush administration damaged our economic and financial system and left masses homeless and jobless. Trump is taking up on that to recycle it because Republican feel they did not do enough damage and they did not harm the working people enough, so Trump has set out to do it where there is no working poor and dire poor avenues to save themselves from the coming crash and onslaught of economic calamity.

American people who respect America did not buy into the vile of Trump's assault mentality against President Obama, and they certainly did not buy into his Birther Crap. We the Democracy and Dignity Loving People saw him as nothing more than what he is, a swindler, a belligerently arrogant man, who is obsessed with money, to the degree that nothing is sacred and nothing is respected when Trump sets his focus on trying to get more money.

Bush may have done much in damages in the Middle East, but he did not sell out America as Trump has in his lusting for Putin's acknowledgment, and Putin's continuance of feeding its dark money through the Trump network.

The die hard Trumper's... are no different than the make up of those "Anti-Government Types", "The Anti-Tax Types, and those who are Anti-Regulations - They carry forth the same ideology and agenda as the Confederate have done for a Century plus Decades. They embrace within their group make up, the Neo Nazi's, The White Nationalist, The White Separatist, the Right Wing White Evangelicals, The Anti-Government, The Anti-Regulation, The Anti-Environment, and The Anti-Multicultural America, and the manjy factions of White Hate Groups by the many various names they use.

They make up the exact same demeanor as what LBJ spoke about in the 1960's.

They now run around talking about "they were left behind"... when truth and fact is: Their bias, bigotry and racism and incessant creating their motivations to promote prejudices of many kind upon and against many groups, which has kept them locked in a spin of belligerence and attack something, attack anything mentality; until they did not prepare themselves to move forward with the nations and the times. They continued to expect the Jim Crow designed "white privilege", as a desired aim, to allow them to use belligerence and bully stomping to continue to give them first access and first options to everything. When they found out they have to get in the equally line, and they have to be prepared to compete with real capability, they cried louder, and then began to cry discrimination, when they could no longer have unquestioned first access and first options to everything. They became enraged when they come to find out they needed what they did not equip themselves for, which is "competency" in job related skills.

They spent decades supporting the destruction of Unions, they spend every focused effort they could muster to support the Ronald Reagan attack on education and they jumped for joy when he de-funded higher education and made it even difficult for the average working person to go to Community Colleges and State Universities. All these people saw was their aim and intent to try and cut off and block the pathway of women and minorities from getting the educational access that once was wide open to "white only" during the 1940's, 1950's, 1960's and early 1970's.

They stood lock step in those damaging acts, with a single focus, that they'd make life difficult for women and minorities to progress. Never aware, that it would double back and encompass them as well with the hardships invoked to impede women and minorities, by the damages done to devastate themselves as well. For decades, they thought their white skin would save them from being equal victims in the damages they set in motion and supported.

The jobs busted unions and laid off people by the 10's of thousands, and education became more and more unaffordable, and the enclaves of working poor and poor white communities began to find themselves with the exact same decline they had desired to impose on women in general, single mother families, and minorities.

What they did not consider, was the fact that the liberal minded whites male and female, women in general and single mothers, and minorities, already had lived with the bias based hardships and challenges imposed by right wing society, and these groups knew they needed to continue to improve themselves and stay abreast of the change in society and work to continually prepare themselves.
It's why today; the liberal minded whites male and female, the women and single mothers and minorities are able to deal with the challenges and keep working on moving forward and developing skills and gaining competency in our society. It is today, the same liberal minded whites male and female, the women and single mothers and minorities continue to stand and support the Government, the Government System and General Society as being a Multi-Cultural Society that will continue to build the future that is to be America's Future.

None of the liberal minded whites male and female, the women and single mothers and minorities are sitting around screaming a crying with some claim they have been left behind. The liberal minded whites male and female, the women and single mothers and minorities know the impacts of race bias, gender bias, and the bigotry biases that have raged for decades against them as being progressive minded people. So, they continue to prepare themselves for the every unfolding future that is always in process. They ARE NOT sitting around with some backwards agenda thinking of trying to claim to be Conservative with a lusting to recreate the past. The liberal minded whites male and female, the women and single mothers and minorities know the vile that existed in the past, and they are not going to support repeating it, and they are not going to allow society to regress into that vile and madness.

They don't run around with some silly phrase, like "I pulled myself up by my bootstraps', because the liberal minded whites male and female, the women and single mothers and minorities know, that to arise and to advance is only done through a cooperative system of living, where someone is always there to be of assistance and supporting interaction with other people, because they are smart enough to know, nothing is done or achieved, without the help, support, assistance and cooperation as well as the mutual help benefit of people working together.

This is something the delusional "grandstanding of the Republican/Confederate Mind cannot digest, they only absorb themselves into thinking "the wealthy will give them something", so they can blind themselves with a thought they did everything themselves.

You can see these types everywhere, they are the ones calling police on people, as if they can dictate how and what other people can and cannot do. We see them in the communities, as the neighbor who has a selfish obsession that lead them to be in contention with other neighbors, we seek them as the masses who continue to wipe out the entire family, we see them as the make up of those who groom and breed the type kids who go to schools and shoot up other kids, we seek them in the rural sectors, killing babies, molesting kids, and now we see them fill the ranks of the opioid epidemic which they continue even when massive information tries to warn them against its ravages.
They can't help themselves to rid themselves, because they are trying to drown the anguish, that "white privilege is no longer giving them first access and first options in everything. No One wishes such devastation upon these group of people, but no one an help them when the root driving motivation is within their minds, and their obsession of anguish because they can not longer live as if they are white and superior to others and they can no longer get access and first choice, based on simply being white.

Time and life has changed, employer now seek out "people who have invested in skills", but they also seek out people who have the capability and willingness to "work with others as equals". Employers post jobs, and claim they can't find qualified people. Which should tell this group, they can no longer use blind hair, blue eyes, and body shape and body height, and white skin as the only criteria.. yet, they yell discrimination, when the fact is, the employer inthe world of today, has invested in Technology, and Informational/Tech Integration of their systems, and will only pay and invest in training those who have demonstrated themselves as being self motivated and self invested in skill development, that shows a demonstrated potential to become and be a productive asset and one who has the humane capability to know how not to bring racist bias and race bigotry and prejudice stupidity into the workforce.
companies today, are not going to accept anything less. Because they are not going to hire people who create a Human Resource Nightmare, which diminishes productivity and cause social havoc in the workplace, and become a monetary drain on capital resource.

So, when they cry we've been left behind.. NO... they RAN BACKWARDS, in their lusting after desiring the past and trying to recreate the past. This is exemplified in the Ideals of Trump.. who thinks the world will go back to the 1950's youthful world of segregationist bias and bigotry and prejudice, where everything was white dominated, and what authority controlled the economic industrial and business atmosphere and facilities.
That kind of vile past is never to return in America. These are many of the reasons why the Republican Party is dominantly made up of white people, they are grouped as such, who are the make up of white people who cry and scream they have been forgotten, the Neo Nazi's, The White Nationalist, The White Separatist, the Right Wing White Evangelicals who for centuries and decades supported racial bias, racial divisiveness, and held on to racial prejudices, among the many white hate Groups by the many various names they use.

GHW Bush did not openly and directly pander to these groups, and Obama, said openly and directly, "Let's Rebuild America, and Let's Do It So EVERYONE Has Accessibility in Opportunity" He also said, All Americans people Must prepare themselves to be able to meet the needs of that Opportunity. Obama set out to help relieve the unbearable debt imposed upon students, and set forth to restore the accessibility and remove the burden from community colleges and roll back the excessive cost that had been imposed upon people who seek to go to State Universities. He said... Opportunity would open for all who prepare themselves for Opportunity.

When he said those things, the Wealthy amassed and led the poor whites and dire poor whites to go into all out attack upon and against Obama and the Administration. They formed the Tea Party, and fired up the the Neo Nazi's, The White Nationalist, The White Separatist, the Right Wing White Evangelicals- to push forward with the same 'hate agenda they previously promoted during the 1960's. They have been attacking anything and everything they think will benefit "ALL" American People as a whole. They want to recreate the 1950's where everything was directed to "white only".

We have DeVos attacking every aspect of education, and trying to roll thing as far back to Pre 1954 as she can. They have again, absolutely no thought that everything she destroys, will also be destroyed for working poor and dire poor whites as well, but many don't care... all they care about is how much damage they think it will do to minorities and how much it can set back women.

When it comes to Environmental Matters, they never stop to think how it impact the poor whites who live in the fringes and the rural run down and fast declining areas, all they can think of, is "it will benefit the wealthy" because they still cling to the desperation of thinking the wealthy will give them something. It's the darn'est stupid thing that continues to persist within their minds and their vain self centered desires.

These are the same people, who detest paying taxes, because they cling to the ideal of a time when public tax money, only went to build up white only communities, as a means and process to keep taxes low, while they benefited from the tax money of minorities. They resent the fact that taxes must be improved and in some cases increased to be utilized for "ALL" people and "ALL" communities.

There are many reasons why the Majority of American Public Does Not like Trump!!! One among the many is, because the America's Public knows that we are not going to recreate the 1950's and we are not going to go back into the bias and bigotry that raged across the nation of the 1950's and early 1960's. The America people who detest Trump know we are not going to go back to a white dominated society where white people controlled everything, and we are not going back to a system where white society thought it could ration out rights and benefits to women and minorities, based on scraps left after white people took everything as a first option for themselves.

Society and the World is Moving Forward... Foreign Nation are No Longer submitting themselves to be dictated to, or covertly influenced by America, and they will No Longer allow American Investment to be done in ways that give American influence in their politics and influence in their economic systems. Trump can rail all he wants against our Allies, but the people of the Allied Nations, know they can no longer allow American investment be done in ways that give America power to influence their nations internal policies and governance systems.

These Nation awakened to by and through the "age of information technology" to learn that they gave America too much influential power in their nations for the investments America made in their nations. They are however, appreciative of the American investing in their nations, but they want it done where it is "mutually agreed upon as a Mutual Benefit, that does not invade their governance of themselves and their nation. These nations watch, as they see China, invest in their nation, but they see China doing so, as a "Mutual Benefit through Cooperative Mutual Agreements, which does not seek to gain dominant influence in the nations governmental affairs.

Right Winger Republican System and Ideology, does not want to give up the long held power and influence and the ability to manipulate foreign nations, for the sake of improved International relations and acts and efforts to have diplomatic peace.

Trump demonstrated that with the damages he has done to our Diplomatic Corp, and his direct and incessant attacks upon NATO and the Insulting and degrading ways he deals with the UN by the conduct of Nicki Haley and the constant conflicts she initiates within the UN Assembly.

Trump wants to tell the world, that America's money should give it dominant influence and the ability to dictate policy... and the Global Nations, are saying "NO MORE"... They are reminding America that the money America pledged, is based on Nations GDP... and that does not give one nation power over other nations. Trump wants what existed in the past, when these nations did not have information, which technology has given them, and they did not have the independent ability to craft agreement and policy with other nations without American approval.

These Nations are telling America, they don't need America's approval as if American is their Boss and the Dictator over them. They are telling America to respect the independent sovereignty of each nation as an independent self governing nation among nations. America under Trump does not want to give that respect to other Nation, they want the dictatorial power it had in the Post World War II era when these nations were rebuilding.

America is trying to tell these nations, it owes us for helping them. When these nations are telling America, the Post World War II agreement were a "mutual help" program agreed to for the building of equanimity among nation. Not, one that was of design to give American dominance over all other nations. These nations were before too weak to stand up for themselves, but the age of information and the system of global trade has given them the ability to stand up to the "bully on the block", and they are saying "NO MORE".. they are saying, WE as a world of Nation must meet on Diplomatic Terms of Mutual Respect and Mutual Regard and a Playing Filed of Equality as Nation and People.

They are telling America, that the agreement was that the most economically prosperous would pay in relations to their GDP... as agreed. Nothing more. Everything else will be dealt with through Balanced Fair Play Diplomatic Negotiations. Trump can't digest that!!!! he wants the abuse system to continue, even when America is strapped with internal debt.
Our debt has nothing to do with agreements based on GDP figures. We incurred the debt and our debt has nothing to do with our International Agreement that were based on GDP. Our Debt is due to "internal greed of the wealthy"... it has nothing to do with laying blame on the working poor and the dire poor of this society.

It was GHW Bush's wars, and the explosion of massive greed devastating and exportation Industry, for the sake of seeking slave wages labor in lands where American did not respect the people or the nation in which it ran to with exportation of industry in its global search for slave wage labor.

President Obama's plans to help ALL Americans, met with a devastated economy and massive economic draining wars, and an incessant attack by Republicans, as well as many Right Leaning Democrats who did not support and stand in support of the ideals to help "ALL" Americans. Many of these same Right Leaning Democrats did not stand up and promote the policies to help "ALL" people, they did not get out and present to the public the ideals and programs that Obama's Administration designed to help "ALL" America people., Sadly, some of the same Right Leaning Democrats were not unlike some of the white people were duing the Jim Crow era, they feared the Right Wing Republican, the same as people did during the reign of Jim Crow Racism and Segregation. Because some of them grew up within and through the grooming of Jim Crow ideals. They could not reconcile, that they needed to change within their minds and heart to devote themselves to "Full Circle Human Equality in the Civic and Civil Society of American People, and they abdicated their role and hold on the Political Congress to the Republicans soon as Obama got the Economy off its Knees.
They fell victim to the same Selective Amnesia that is a constant standard within the Republican System
and their followers mentality.

This became part of the same system where people chose position and some chose silence, not to support and promote full humane equality in America, and they stood in position with silence, as a stand against the demolition of the basis and function of white privilege. Some went to the Independents, and other ran to the Greed Party, all seeking means to avoid standing in support and promoting the demolition of white privilege, instead of standing up for "Democracy's basis and principles of Human Equality in Civic, Civil and Social and Economic Society.

Trumps presence has exposed the vile of madness and presented again in America the reality of what negative vile, bias and bigotry that once created the pre-1964 society and the devastation it invoked in the social atmosphere along with the civic imbalances that once raged across this nation.

People detested the work of LBJ, when he set out to create programs to elevate the economics of all people, and eradice the wide spread of poverty, and he was distracted by the military industrial system by their lies and crafted deceptions known as the Gulf of Tonkin which escalated the Vietnam War, thus distorting the programs for the broad base of Civil and Economic Rights, which was of design to empower the people, "ALL" people in America to build and have a Great Society where Equal Rights was Equal for All in both social, civic, civil and economic uplift for ALL of American People.

Then we resulted to have the madness of Richard Nixon, who created a mess in America and damaged our political system and brought the Dixiecrats to invade and take over the Republican Party with direct aims to seek and try to overturn as much of Civil Rights Legislation as he could, his exportation of Ore Processing to China set in motion the damages that have only escalated in harms to our industrial and ultimately our overall economic system as well as set in motion a inflationary period that Carter could not stop, and that was followed up by Ronald Reagan, who set in motion a Right Wing Agenda, that has grown more vile over the decades since.

Trump cannot return America to the 1950's, not economically, and not socially and not by damages to our Civic System and our Civil processes of our Governance system. He cannot recreate white dominance in business and industry, and he cannot create the hardships denials of Multi cultural people the accessibility to opportunity in education or jobs or community concerns; No matter how many Agencies, Departments, Division and Organizations he attacks, No matter how much of social norms he tries to sow divisiveness, and no matter how much he tries to delude the people, that he can bring back industry, that shall never be brought back. Technology is widespread around the world, and it will not reverse itself and it will not stagnate itself and it certainly will not re-create the mechanized industrial age.

A segment of society may aspire to "Categorical Illiteracy", but the broader society will expand and expound on improving overall Literacy in every Category. The lack of understanding of the power of Democracy by some, will not destroy Democracy for All.

Just As President Obama said: We must recreate and rebuild America with Industry and Business, Technology and Education designed to build the Future, NOT waste our time and efforts trying and recreate and bring back the past.

We must as citizens of America, RE-Invest ourselves in "Civic's Education". Which means we muse modify our educational system to be one that is designed to promote a better future for all. When we do so, we will modify how our Education System is focused and what it teaches, to better improve the society and its ability to work to build the Future that America is to become.

(As to the writing, those who fight it, is No problem, as most won't read any of this, and some with go into every spin of deflection to promote their denials. But fact is: It is not written for the short attention span, and it is expected that those with such short attention span who also are ingrained with selective amnesia, will do as they usually do, come with a litany of slap stick attacks and belligerent assaults) It is written for the thinking minds, that care to investigate and find means and reasons to build upon in the promotion of a a better future for ALL American, and better diplomacy of America with Sovereign Nations of The World and our closet Allied Nations.
The Rebuilding of America will proceed far and beyond the damages that Trump and Republican are trying to promote.

America Democracy will Prevail.
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