Cota De Caza, CA City Guides

1. Thomas F. Riley Wilderness Park

City: Cota De Caza, CA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (949) 923-2265 or (949) 923-22
Address: 30952 Oso Pkwy.

Description: Located in a remote area of south Orange County is this 523-acre wildlife sanctuary where an abundant crop of native plants thrive as well as mature sycamore and live oak groves. There are two creeks, surrounded by rolling hills and canyons, which flow seasonally. Perhaps the tamest residents that live here are the butterflies, which have their own garden filled with plants that attract these winged creatures. There are also horse trails to enjoy and ranger-led sunset hikes. Bring a picnic lunch to savor at one of the many tables.
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