Riverside: Geography and Climate

Riverside is located at the center of the Inland Empire area of Southern California, which is comprised of the western parts of the two counties that comprise the Riverside-San Bernardino area. Riverside is 10 miles south southwest of San Bernardino and 53 miles east of Los Angeles. Located on the Santa Ana River, the city is near the San Bernardino Mountains. The climate is characterized as mild and semi-arid. Summer highs frequently reach over 90° F, but evening temperatures can drop as much as 30 to 49 degrees accompanied by cool breezes. Low humidity keeps even hot summer days from being oppressive. The average rainfall each year is generally 10 to 12 inches, falling mostly from September through April.

Area: 85.6 square miles (2000)

Elevation: 847 feet above sea level

Average Temperatures: January, 55.0° F; July, 79.0° F; annual average, 66.0° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 10.2 inches