Waterbury: Geography and Climate

Located in west-central Connecticut, Waterbury lies in a hilly woodland portion of New Haven County. Built on a rocky plain in the Naugatuck River Valley, the city is bounded by granite hills to the east and west. The Mad River runs through the city's east side, curves to the west, and joins the Naugatuck River.

Waterbury experiences breezy spring and autumn seasons, warm, humid summers, and cold, dry winters. Snowfall averages 35 inches per year.

Area: 29 square miles (2000)

Elevation: Ranges from 215 feet to 965 feet above sea level

Average Temperatures: January, 23.8° F; July, 69.9° F; annual average, 47.4° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 47.4 inches of rain; 35.2 inches of snow