Concord: Geography and Climate

Concord, situated on the west bank of the Merrimack River, is located in south-central New Hampshire. Part of Merrimack County, Concord is 70 miles north of Boston and 18 miles north of Manchester, New Hampshire's largest city. Concord's terrain is hilly, with heavily wooded areas and many ponds and streams. Soil in the area is thin and rocky, suitable mostly for root crops such as potatoes.

Northwesterly winds are prevalent in the Concord area, providing cool dry air all year long. Temperatures are moderate in both summer and winter; average yearly snowfall is 65 inches. The short growing season calls for hardy, frost-resistant crops.

Area: 64 square miles (2000)

Elevation: 288 feet above sea level at the State House

Average Temperatures: January, 21.1° F; July, 70° F; annual average, 45.9° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 50.3 inches of rain; 65 inches of snow