Bridgeport: Geography and Climate

Bridgeport, in the southwest portion of Connecticut, sprawls for two and one-half miles along Long Island Sound at the mouth of the Pequonnock River. Located in Fairfield County, the city is situated on low-lying land that comprises two harbors, the main Bridgeport Harbor and the Black Rock Harbor two miles away. The city lies 150 miles south of Boston and 70 miles north of New York City.

Proximity to Long Island Sound keeps Bridgeport's summers warm and humid and its winters mild and relatively snow-free. Sea breezes can keep Bridgeport's mean monthly temperatures during the summer months three to five degrees lower than the temperatures posted inland.

Area: 19.4 square miles (2000)

Elevation: 25 feet above sea level

Average Temperatures: January, 28.9° F; July, 73.7° F; annual average, 51.7° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 15.5 inches of rain; 26.2 inches of snow