
Energy and power

Two of the four Northeast Heating Oil Reserves established by Congress in 2000 are located in Connecticut; their combined capacities total 850 thousand barrels. In 2000 Connecticut's total per capita energy consumption was 253 million Btu (63.8 million kcal), ranking it 45th among the states.

Production of electricity (utility and nonutility) was 28.8 billion kWh in 1999; total installed capacity was 7.1 million kW. The use of coal to generate electric power declined from 85% of the total fuel used in 1965 to 9% in 1999 because of the increased utilization of nuclear energy and oil. As of 2001, Connecticut had two nuclear reactors at Millstone (216,300 kW).

Having no petroleum or gas resources of its own, Connecticut must rely primarily on imported oil from Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Nigeria, and other countries. Most of the natural gas used in Connecticut is piped in from Texas and Louisiana.