White House Easter Egg Roll - Annual Events & Festivals - Washington, District of Columbia

City: Washington, DC
Category: Annual Events & Festivals
Telephone: (202) 456-7041

Description: Children ages three through six, accompanied by adults, gather on the White House South Lawn for the annual Easter Egg Roll. This is easily the best opportunity in town for youngsters—and, for that matter, parents—to play at the president’s house. Each child receives free souvenirs. The event also includes concerts by nationally known family entertainers like Tom Chapin, storytelling by celebrities like Jamie Lee Curtis, strolling costumed characters, and educational exhibits. Arrive as early as you can. It’s not uncommon for the line to start the night before. Free tickets usually run out well before 9 a.m. This Easter Egg hunt features more than 24,000 wooden eggs that are hidden throughout the grounds. It’s an annual tradition established by President Rutherford B. Hayes that dates back to 1878.