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  1. Self-Compassion: psychiatrist, system, anxiety, child - Mental Health
  2. Older Guy With Memory Questions: diet, smoking, MRI, Alzheimers - Mental Health
  3. You think got anxiety?: symptoms, child, stop, long - Mental Health
  4. Is this a real thing?: sleep, menopause, symptoms, long - Mental Health
  5. altitude and well being: depression, symptoms, pressure, effect - Mental Health
  6. fail to see the point of anything?: get, eat, make - Mental Health
  7. Repairing Mental Health Challenges: depression, pill, allergies, anxiety
  8. Looking for people like me: depression, therapy, child, body - Mental Health
  9. Careers for people with social anxiety disorder?: diet, psychiatrist - Mental Health
  10. schizoaffective disorder: quit, paranoid, psychiatrist, medication - Mental Health
  11. I've always wanted to be a Gypsy: depression, anxiety, take - Mental Health
  12. Nothing unique, just communication problems: arrogance, deal, feeling, cost - Mental Health
  13. How to Deal with Lack of True Friends and Getting Others to Understand: depression, Alzheimers - Mental Health
  14. Good psychologist counseling: depression, ADHD, thoughts, child - Mental Health
  15. How to resolve anxiety disorder of College Student?: psychiatric, medication, sleepy - Mental Health
  16. Zoning out while functioning: depression, thyroid, paranoid, sleep - Mental Health
  17. Looking for a BPD friend from Dublin: symptoms - Mental Health
  18. Intermittent Explosive Disorder and hoarding: depressed, cancer, symptoms, deal - Mental Health
  19. Feeling Guilty about Covid-19: depression, smoke, hyper, trigger - Mental Health
  20. 5150 7/19: smoking, schizophrenia, delusion, paranoid - Mental Health
  21. How depressed does this sound?: psychiatrist, psychological, naturally, pain - Mental Health
  22. LCSW or psychiatrist: depression, psychiatric, antidepressant, medication - Mental Health
  23. Working with someone with PPD paranoid personality disorder ?: long, behavior - Mental Health
  24. Severe and chronic autophobia haunts me day and night. Bad luck and the state of things let it ruin me completely.: depressed, recovery - Mental Health
  25. I'm in my mind 30s, am I experiencing night terrors?: sleep, pain - Mental Health
  26. Consistent anxiety and trouble sleeping for first time ever.: depressed, thyroid, - Mental Health
  27. How do you overcome Social Anxiety?: medication, sleep, insurance - Mental Health
  28. Getting Short Term Disability for anxiety: quit, medication, symptoms, effect - Mental Health
  29. Grass is greener syndrome?: depression, pressure, anxiety, miserable - Mental Health
  30. OCD/Don't trust my own memory: depression, dementia, medication - Mental Health
  31. Pre work anxiety: sleep, trigger, system, anxious - Mental Health
  32. I'm worried about my extreme carelessness: stop, get - Mental Health
  33. How to Think About Feelings: 7 Things You Should Have Learned About Emotions in 3rd Grade: psychiatrist, insurance - Mental Health
  34. Losing my Dad at 16 Damaged me so much?: depressed, psychiatrist, deal - Mental Health
  35. Want To Feel Better Technique????: pressure, take, months, eat - Mental Health
  36. Trouble Finding an Understandable Psychiatrist: insurance, problems, father, causes - Mental Health
  37. Just started taking Lexapro: depression, quit, psychiatrist, pill - Mental Health
  38. Does this makes sense to you?: anxious, thoughts, emotions, feeling - Mental Health
  39. Organic/chemical depression vs circumstances?: emotional, feeling, causes, long - Mental Health
  40. Depression and Viruses: depressed, symptoms, pain, fatigue - Mental Health
  41. have experience with Dopa Mucuna?: antidepressants, medication, supplements, symptoms - Mental Health
  42. Estranged from family: depressed, quit, spouse, pain - Mental Health
  43. Panic Attacks, are there hotlines to call during one?: anxiety, take, therapist - Mental Health
  44. Worrying yourself to life: get, eat, make - Mental Health
  45. Wanting to move forward with my life: depressed, diet, quit - Mental Health
  46. The psychological benefits of a 4-day work week: cost, take, long - Mental Health
  47. ADHD and autism linked to Tylenol: addict, hyper, pain, pregnant - Mental Health
  48. Schizophrenia Genes Identified: depression, trigger, psychotic, problems - Mental Health
  49. not sure im on the right medication: depression, psychiatrist - Mental Health
  50. Gay male Depression: depressed, thyroid, medication, hyper - Mental Health
  51. How do wean off Paxil: depressed, thyroid, appetite, psychiatrist - Mental Health
  52. Neuroleptics revisted: bipolar, effect, eat - Mental Health
  53. Does this sound like normal childhood behavior?: deal, thoughts, parent - Mental Health
  54. Has used Ambien while pregnant?: depression, diet, addict, sleep - Mental Health
  55. Does PTSD have to be caused by traumatic events?: depression, alcoholism, sleep - Mental Health
  56. doctors again after a long break: depressed, diet, addict - Mental Health
  57. Fish oil & vitamin D for depression: supplements, exercise, take - Mental Health
  58. I Can't Relate to 'Normal' People.: addict, personality disorders, child, adult - Mental Health
  59. Duloxetine generics - are better than others?: depressed, medication, insurance - Mental Health
  60. Depressed and need time away from work....: insurance, suicide, deal - Mental Health
  61. How to control flashbacks: effect, therapy, thoughts, disturbing - Mental Health
  62. Amount of sleep: depression, menopause, pain, deal - Mental Health
  63. Best supplements/herbs for Bipolar 1?: diet, psychiatrist, medication - Mental Health
  64. Huge anxiety/guilt: depressed, system, deal, thoughts - Mental Health
  65. Family emotional abuse issues and bullying. How do I cope?: depression, quit - Mental Health
  66. Mental Health and Selfishness: depression, paranoid, psychiatrist, spouse
  67. depression test: symptoms, emotional, causes, behavior - Mental Health
  68. Mental breakdown: depressed, recovery, pressure, therapy - Mental Health
  69. Dog allowed to be with owner in health emergency?: take, long - Mental Health
  70. Just find that life is pretty tough. I don't feel happy anymore.: pain, pressure - Mental Health
  71. Can CBD oil cure (social) anxiety?: conscious, feeling, exercise, breath - Mental Health
  72. I am struggling severely. How do I keep going?: depressed, paranoid, psychological - Mental Health
  73. Alternatives to Anti Anxiety Drugs: depression, diet, Ativan, dementia - Mental Health
  74. Low dose naltrexone LDN: medication, sleep, Ambien, symptoms - Mental Health
  75. If individuals have snapped over the Covid-19 shutdown....: anxiety, cold - Mental Health
  76. People with nervous energy: depression, spouse, medication, effect - Mental Health
  77. emergency: depression, Ativan, anxiety, thoughts - Mental Health
  78. I'm trying to come to terms with my dysfunctional family and upbringing: spouse, effect - Mental Health
  79. On the verge of psychosis?: schizophrenic, medication, trigger, depersonalization - Mental Health
  80. SOCIAL TABOO; Discuss openly or in private how we...: addict, pressure, feeling - Mental Health
  81. Um i recently became homeless in rahway nj n am on very low income: take, long - Mental Health
  82. Skin problem: pill, vitamins, take, get - Mental Health
  83. How to help someone cope with a mistake in their past: sleep, trigger - Mental Health
  84. Is there abuse in my relationship?: depressed, antidepressants, personality disorder, symptoms - Mental Health
  85. I hate cooking and it affects my mental health: diet, sleep, pressure
  86. Not depressed, just sick of the extra housework: diet, medication, recovery - Mental Health
  87. Could anxieties cause chest pressure symptoms?: diet, addict, psychiatrist, pill - Mental Health
  88. Student constantly sending messages to most of a school class: psychiatrist, anxious - Mental Health
  89. I have GAD and 'am learning to order my thoughts.: naturally, therapy - Mental Health
  90. (Un) Isolation Day 61: pain, pressure, exercise, problems - Mental Health
  91. Worried and irritated all the time: supplements, pressure, parent, long - Mental Health
  92. dating a guy AND having social anxiety: therapy, anxious, deal - Mental Health
  93. Twice Exceptional: depressed, vision, sleep, naturally - Mental Health
  94. I have no will and I don't enjoy life: quit, psychiatrist, pain - Mental Health
  95. I'm starting as an ABA Therapist...: effect, feeling, exercise, child - Mental Health
  96. Friend least I'm needed for something.: anxiety, syndrome, get - Mental Health
  97. Soudns from Nature help relax and heal people: take, body, eat - Mental Health
  98. what's going on in my mind: thyroid, menopause, effect, juice - Mental Health
  99. I wonder if i will ever recover: psychiatrist, vision, deal - Mental Health
  100. Looking for a Good Mental Health Professional in Chicago Area: body, therapist
  101. Anxious about work: feeling, breath, take, eat - Mental Health
  102. I don't understand how and why my brain operates the way that it: sleep, hyper - Mental Health
  103. So...I had a total breakdown: sleep, problems, father, teeth - Mental Health
  104. Seasonal Affective Disorder treatment: diet, vitamins, symptoms - Mental Health
  105. Isolation Day 40: sleep, hyper, cancer, emotional - Mental Health
  106. A Critique Of Tony Robbins: effect, deal, take - Mental Health
  107. Not Talking About Mental Health Is Literally Killing Men: depression, suicide, chewing
  108. Career choice with Social Anxiety Disorder: psychiatrist, antidepressants, effect - Mental Health
  109. disability is a crock.: depression, psychiatric, naturally, effect - Mental Health
  110. Screaming at people in my mind: medication, bipolar, deal, thoughts - Mental Health
  111. Healing from anxiety: conscious, feeling, body, therapist - Mental Health
  112. Cheerful Things In This Stressful Time: eat - Mental Health
  113. Isolation Day 29: sleep, effect, deal, exercise - Mental Health
  114. Study-psychiatric-diagnoses-are-scientifically-meaningless: psychological, prejudice, symptoms, effect - Mental Health
  115. How do people with Narcisistic personality disorder feel on the Inside?: depressed, narcissist - Mental Health
  116. Living with Schizophrenia: get, eat - Mental Health
  117. Does have a child on or has had a child on Straterra?: depression, - Mental Health
  118. How does someone deal with sexual addiction?: insurance, trigger, effect - Mental Health
  119. How to get someone help?: addict, bipolar, stop, take - Mental Health
  120. Can someone read my story.: depressed, insurance, pregnant, therapy - Mental Health
  121. Low Self-Esteem and General Anxiety Disorder: depressed, smoke - Mental Health
  122. My brother's wife secret Podcast and mental problems: depression, addicted, MRI - Mental Health
  123. Getting off Benzodiazepines and feeling 24/7 sick: depressed, addicted, Ativan, psychiatrist - Mental Health
  124. Extreme anxiety: medication, sleep, symptoms, effect - Mental Health
  125. help?: psychiatrist, vision, symptoms, pressure - Mental Health
  126. Suicide Mental Illness: depression, spouse, trigger, Ambien - Mental Health
  127. Mental health for people aspiring to go into higher math or science: depression, sleep
  128. Anti depressants: nicotine, diet, medication, Bupropion - Mental Health
  129. When did you first notice something was wrong and how did you deal with it?: depressed, medication - Mental Health
  130. Alex Berenson book:Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana & Mental Health: smoke, effect
  131. I have stopped talking to people: quit, coffee, feeling, problems - Mental Health
  132. How often do alcoholics have mental health problems?: depressed, quit, addicted
  133. Isolation Day 41: depressed, smoke, addict, alcoholism - Mental Health
  134. Why aren't they being called sick and evil?: naturally, problems, child - Mental Health
  135. The Brain, Chronic Stress and Irrational Hoarding of Toilet Paper and Hand Sanitizers: psychological, system - Mental Health
  136. Severe MI is not treatable, so it is not treated: schizophrenia, psychiatrist - Mental Health
  137. Why Is America So Depressed?: quit, psychiatric, ambition - Mental Health
  138. How to take care of my mental health after being isolated due to COVID-19: sleep, emotional
  139. The System is Failing Me.: months, body, get, eat - Mental Health
  140. Advice urgently needed from mental health professionals,: addicted, therapy, suicide
  141. Previously a headache, now something: diet, medication, sleep, psychological - Mental Health
  142. Does feel like they lack common sense?: paranoid, medication, therapy - Mental Health
  143. Saw a therapist and am disappointed: diet, personality disorders, pressure, system - Mental Health
  144. Natural Ways to Help Anxiety!: psychiatrist, medication, sleep, yoga - Mental Health
  145. i feel like i'm too worthless to be alive and like i'm waste of time for everyone: depression, sleep - Mental Health
  146. I don't want to binge eat anymore: smoking, psychiatrist, medication - Mental Health
  147. I am convinced that I have been misdiagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome: depressed, gloomy - Mental Health
  148. Anxiety cause for hand, finger and legs?: depression, addict, thyroid - Mental Health
  149. 38 and Feeling Hopeless. Can a person be happy alone?: depressed, quit, spouse - Mental Health
  150. Why is depression hard to understand?: depressed, addict, thyroid, - Mental Health
  151. Becoming old and decrepid: diet, smoke, pill, sleep - Mental Health
  152. OCD discussion with my doctor: psychiatrist, sleepy, deal, thoughts - Mental Health
  153. Public Speaking Anxiety?: pressure, phobias, anxious, thoughts - Mental Health
  154. Working with brain fog.: depression, psychiatrist, medication, sleep - Mental Health
  155. Daughter with Munchausen by proxy: sleep, psychological, wellbeing, syndrome - Mental Health
  156. Can you mix natural mental health supplements?: medication, effect, magnesium
  157. My life is over but I don’t want to die: depression, diet - Mental Health
  158. Single People...How Do You Deal With Lonliness?: smoking, cigarette, anxiety - Mental Health
  159. I need a therapist but how do I get over my fear of asking for it?: insurance, therapy - Mental Health
  160. As I get older I find I speak to my friends and family less and less: insurance, father - Mental Health
  161. What co-morbidity is this?: antidepressants, medication, trigger, therapy - Mental Health
  162. Anxiety/Panic Disorder: antidepressants, medication, sleep, toxins - Mental Health
  163. Strange claustrophobic feeling has started. What is going on?: depressed, sleep, insurance - Mental Health
  164. How to help a friend with depression s of suicide.: diet, medication - Mental Health
  165. Quitting job due to anxiety feel terrible: depressed, quit, medication - Mental Health
  166. I think my husband has depression and I need help: depressed, quit - Mental Health
  167. Is it ok to talk to yourself in private?: thoughts, emotions, memory - Mental Health
  168. Should I say something?: stop, parent, take, long - Mental Health
  169. Anxiety/Panic Attacks: Are there natrual ways to cope?: medication, hyper, therapy - Mental Health
  170. Went to see my doctor about getting off sleep meds; prescribes me bupropion and trazodone: depression, quit - Mental Health
  171. Going through a very rough time right now: dementia, medication, sleep - Mental Health
  172. Relational Aggression: depression, psychological, pain, effect - Mental Health
  173. People don't want me as I am, so I'm done with bending over to others: addict, suicide - Mental Health
  174. Sober February: quit, take, body, sobriety - Mental Health
  175. Will alcohol and drugs help if you can’t handle life anymore?: depression, sleep - Mental Health
  176. Could Psychedelic Drugs Be A Cure For Depression?: diet, addict, schizophrenia - Mental Health
  177. Adult separation anxiety disorder: medication, pressure, therapy, phobias - Mental Health
  178. and Wellbutrin: depressed, quit, thyroid, - Mental Health
  179. Natural Bipolar fixes?: addict, appetite, psychiatrist - Mental Health
  180. Esketamine FDA approved for treatment-resistant depression: addict, antidepressants, medication, pain - Mental Health
  181. In the stupidest place following crisis: supplements, months, get - Mental Health
  182. Feeling depressed due to turning 30 and having always been single and a virgin: naturally, pain - Mental Health
  183. Have you ever been to a Mental Health Unit?: bipolar, child, stop
  184. Can't think of a reason not to, sometimes....: depression, quit, spouse - Mental Health
  185. Strange incident that woke me up (mental): sleep, hyper, symptoms - Mental Health
  186. What most people get wrong about suicide: depressed, cancer, thoughts - Mental Health
  187. What were the best age range in years of your life: depression, spouse - Mental Health
  188. Free resources online? Families of loved ones- husband went off meds: insurance, therapy - Mental Health
  189. 8 Surprising Reasons Why You Are Grumpy: feeling, take, get - Mental Health
  190. Anxiety? Help: psychiatrist, antidepressant, medication, Celexa - Mental Health
  191. Why do I feel awful after starting a new relationship? - Mental Health
  192. I would like to get my social outgoing self back and become more social at my university: depressed, trigger - Mental Health
  193. What You Think About Your Emotions Matters: eat - Mental Health
  194. Awkwardness of mental dysfunction: deal, feeling, child, parent - Mental Health
  195. News, FDA Bans Shock Devices Used On With Mental Disabilities: long - Mental Health
  196. Looking for friend named Josh who posted on mental health forums
  197. What mental health issue might I have?
  198. Anxiety help: eat - Mental Health
  199. Need online support group for parents with an adult bipolar child: tell - Mental Health
  200. Bipolar and borderline personality disorders: depression, psychiatrist, symptoms, therapy - Mental Health