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  1. Illinois Lt. Governor Pat Quinn Should Replace Blago: Obama, politician, election - Elections
  2. Terrorists' Restless Leg Syndrome: legal, liberals, president - Elections
  3. McCain Advisor Impressed by Obama Cabinet Picks: Iraq, Republican, dollars - Elections
  4. PE & Mrs Obama interviewed by Barbara Walters: Americans, children - Elections
  5. for who switch from D to R in 2008: John Kerry, vote - Elections
  6. With Love From Bill Ayers .. now leave it alone!: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  7. Obama National Security Picks Get High Marks: voters, Iraq, middle east - Elections
  8. Obama Picks Volcker to Head Economic Group: CNN, president, economy - Elections
  9. Fox News gives Obama credit for cabinet picks: vote, campaign, - Elections
  10. Oberman to talk about the citizenship case: Obama - Elections
  11. Mr. Obama: Don’t Miss Next Week’s Chicago Tribune: Republican, statistics - Elections
  12. Is Pennsylvania ready for Sen. Matthews?: Al Franken, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  13. Last hope for the Ridiculous Right ?: vote, Obama, most - Elections
  14. Socialist Republic: vote, democrat, vice president, Dodd - Elections
  15. hear Bush tout his 'Ownership Society' lately?: Dick Cheney, voting, Iran - Elections
  16. 'Hardball' host still testing waters for 2010 Senate run: vote, patriot, campaign - Elections
  17. Zogby praises Obama's Principled and Pragmatic style: voters, polls - Elections
  18. General Shinseki will head Veteran Affairs: Iraq, patriot, soldiers, controversial - Elections
  19. The experts say the President does not control the economy, then what is Obama going to do?: Congress, political - Elections
  20. A great summary of Wonderboy's administration: American, government, official - Elections
  21. On the lighter side of things ...: John Kerry, Al Gore, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney - Elections
  22. Vote (again?!): What was the Most Inane Punditry of the 2008 presidential campaign?: Clinton, Obama - Elections
  23. Happy Thanksgiving!: Barack Obama, election, elect - Elections
  24. News, Obama doesn't worry about threats against him.: interview, security, Reagan - Elections
  25. Bush Lite or Clinton Lite? Change?: vote, campaign, democrat, Republican - Elections
  26. News Video, Obama: ‘Give Thanks That a New and Brighter Day Is to Come’: speech, politicians - Elections
  27. Obama souvenirs & kitsch: campaign, christmas, president, American - Elections
  28. Are you sick of bailouts?!: billion, rating, economy, money - Elections
  29. Bush vs Congress Approval Ratings: interviews, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  30. Why do we have a two party system?: voting, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  31. CNN Poll- Most approve of Obama's Cabinet Picks: Democrats, Republicans, polls - Elections
  32. Hispanic Caucus pushing Rick Noriega for Obama Cabinet: Congress, Mexicans, illegal - Elections
  33. I see it's business as usual in Washington: party affiliation, vote, president - Elections
  34. Another political prank call? not...: Obama, news - Elections
  35. Another Survey: Let's Face it, We Believe What We Want to Believe: September 11, voters - Elections
  36. News, Jamie Foxx: The Obamas need a pitbull.: vote, president, solution - Elections
  37. The End of Shock Capitalism: Obama, economic, world - Elections
  38. What qualifies Hillary as Secretary of State?: senator, Washington - Elections
  39. Hillary Clinton Officially announced Secretary of State: Condi Rice, Colin Powell, security - Elections
  40. News, Obama's New World Order.: security, president, Barack Obama, Bush - Elections
  41. Remaining Senate Seats: Franken, vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  42. Man behind curtain is wizard of Rod, Rahm: Cheney, vote - Elections
  43. Obama to Limit Inaugural Donations: health care, vote, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  44. Could Harry Reid Lose in 2010?!: voters, Congress, Iraq, democrat - Elections
  45. Good news if you want to toast Obama on inauguration day (or drown your sorrows...): president, crime - Elections
  46. Obama to name Energy and Environment Team: Al Gore, security, Republican - Elections
  47. Shocking Obama Controversy!!!: liberal, bias, Americans, Bush - Elections
  48. Obama/Biden House Meetings: health care, Iraq, Republican, American - Elections
  49. Potus: president, Obama, states, united - Elections
  50. The Onion: Supreme Court Overturns Bush v Gore: news - Elections
  51. Gates Will Join Obama's staff for 1 Year: spokesman, CNN, Afghanistan - Elections
  52. Acceptance of Obama: vote, patriot, campaign, - Elections
  53. Obama's plan to create 2.5 million jobs by 2011: health care, Congress, school - Elections
  54. Zogby Polling- he's really digging: voters, liberal, poll, Obama - Elections
  55. A Obama Eligibility for POTUS: Cheney, vote, campaign - Elections
  56. What will Bush do in his post-presidency years?: Iraq, Republican, conservative - Elections
  57. Obama's citizenship cover up! Breaking....: vote, Attorney, conspiracy, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  58. At Least Bush Kept Us Safe!: 9/11, Iraq, Democrats - Elections
  59. Book about Obama to be released on Jan. 5th: christmas, Barack Obama, money - Elections
  60. Remember that Zogby poll on Obama voters .....: Congress, Democrats, president - Elections
  61. Obama's 3 Million Donors Asked to Pay Clinton Debt: vote, campaign, ethics - Elections
  62. Obama fundraised 100 million in final weeks of campaign: polls, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  63. Clinton ineligible to be Sec. of State? You decide.: vote, Congress, salary - Elections
  64. I Voted For Obama, And All I Got Was A Lousy T-Shirt?: voters, security - Elections
  65. Bush Admits We Are In A Recession: liberals, president - Elections
  66. RNC Chair: GA Victory Proves 'Republicans Do Know How to Win Elections': Congress, Democrats
  67. Obama Staffer Caught Groping Clinton cutout: Iran, president, speech, party - Elections
  68. 72% of Americans approve of the way Obama's handling the transition: poll, president - Elections
  69. How to deal with Sarah Palin's Senate Run: vote, Republicans - Elections
  70. 20 Harvard Buds now Obama: parade, campaign, legal - Elections
  71. Where is/was Al Gore in '08?: Cheney, Obama, McCain - Elections
  72. Despite earlier furor, Palin shopping continued: vote, campaign, Republican, liberals - Elections
  73. Biden plans to limit role of veep: Dick Cheney, regular, vice president - Elections
  74. I rather like this one: president, Barack Obama, McCain, Bush - Elections
  75. Poll Shows Obama Gains Support: voters, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  76. Parents World Wide Name Kids After Obama: voters, Iraq, African - Elections
  77. Predictions on Wrotnowski case today?: radical, death, Barack Obama, wisdom - Elections
  78. Dems get nervous about special election: vote, legal, impeachment, Attorney - Elections
  79. listening to Obamas speech now: health care, Congress, ethical, represent - Elections
  80. News, He's Black, Get Over It.: vote, president, suspect - Elections
  81. 7 Questions for Obama: Attorney, FBI, president, Bush - Elections
  82. The Blagojevich Timeline: Everything Fits Easily Obama's Monday Denial: voters, Republicans - Elections
  83. Obama most notorious criminal in the history of the world!: elect - Elections
  84. The World is Flat so Obviously that means Obama can't be President: vote, democrat - Elections
  85. Great News for Franken: health care, Al Franken, voters, Congress - Elections
  86. How an idiot deals with nukes.: unemployment, vote, Iran, Israeli - Elections
  87. Foes ready to test Obama overseas: Hugo Chavez, Cheney, 9/11, enemies - Elections
  88. Gates warns enemies not to test Obama: middle east, security, campaign - Elections
  89. Obama supporters ready to slice their wrists: vote, candidacy, Republican - Elections
  90. Sarah Palin plans new Alaska governor's mansion: Obama, top, town - Elections
  91. Union-Busting Republican Congress: vote, wage, Democrats - Elections
  92. Post Election McCain on Letterman: campaign, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  93. Bush White House to Obamas: Sorry, Booked: president, Barack Obama - Elections
  94. Obama names energy chief!: president, regime, suspect - Elections
  95. Barrack to use full name at swearing in ceremony: interview, liberal, Afghanistan - Elections
  96. Wow! I can't believe Obama and Clinton were going to do this!: votes, legal - Elections
  97. Another politician goes down...Blago: democrat, Republican, Attorney, spokesman - Elections
  98. will rod bring down the obomination?: vote, conservative, Barack Obama, Bush - Elections
  99. Obama's Birth 'Controversy'? National Review says 'Get Over It!': employment, voters - Elections
  100. Liberals Concerned About Obama? Apparently Yes.: Iraq, Republicans, president - Elections
  101. Supreme court rejects Donofrio case - Obama's citizenship challenge rejected: vote, legal - Elections
  102. Obama the Moderate: voters, Congress, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  103. sick of the Kennedys?: vote, generation, parade, campaign - Elections
  104. A Seriously Entertaining Four Years: Republican, represent, Bush - Elections
  105. Help pick Michelles dress for the inauguration: vote, CNN, president - Elections
  106. Obama corruption story to be exposed!: illegal, president, crime, Americans - Elections
  107. Report: Jesse Jackson Jr. Allegedly Named by Blagojevich as Willing to Pay for Senate Seat: interview, campaign - Elections
  108. TV station says Obama met with Blogojevich day after election: vote, Democrats - Elections
  109. Obama's Chief-of-Staff Rahm Emanuel may be in big trouble!: Congress, Mossad, campaign - Elections
  110. 10,000 buses going to Obama's inauguration: illegal, CNN, stats, crimes - Elections
  111. Bush will end up pardoning Obama!: Brown, most - Elections
  112. tragic what has happen today.: votes, liberal, president, Obama - Elections
  113. Joe The Plumber - I was appalled by McCain: vote, interview, campaign - Elections
  114. Is Wall Street Really Optimistic About Obama Spending Plan?: interstate, vice president, highway - Elections
  115. The Mental JuJitsu Of The NoBama Crowd.: vote, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  116. Turkey slaughtered on palin video on Ebay: abuse, world, official - Elections
  117. Obama is a mastermind: vote, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  118. News, 'Average Joe' Biden Rents $4 Million Home.: campaign, democrat, holidays - Elections
  119. News, Obama girls will do chores in White House.: interview, Democrats, president - Elections
  120. Does still think Obama is a terrorist?: 9/11, interview, Mossad - Elections
  121. Talk About Revisionist History: legal, deaths, Americans, speech - Elections
  122. Obama family helps at food bank: president, Bill Clinton, school, carry - Elections
  123. No matter who you voted for: liberals, conservative, Barack Obama, Texas - Elections
  124. Obama Snipers... You're only making the Republicans weaker...: Limbaugh, vote, Iraq - Elections
  125. Something to read....: voting, Congress, Republican - Elections
  126. If you don't like Obama, this could happen to you...: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  127. Lie after lie...: voters, Congress, Iraq, security - Elections
  128. Joint Chiefs Chairman 'Very Positive' After Meeting With Obama: Iraq, security, campaign - Elections
  129. Is Obamania fading?: health care, legal, democratic, president - Elections
  130. Obama, do something for the Progressives who elected you, consult with Kucinich and Gravel, who REALLY want change!: vote, security - Elections
  131. an example of the change Barack Obama is bringing to the country?: Baby Boomers, campaign - Elections
  132. Am I the only one who can't wait until Inauguration day: party affiliation, voting - Elections
  133. Yes We Can!: president, Barack Obama, speech, elect - Elections
  134. Obama continues to spark market rally: president, Barack Obama, million, leader - Elections
  135. Obama won by largest non incumbent margin in history. Wow!: voters, campaign - Elections
  136. Mr Bush...WHY????: Congress, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  137. Why Obama should end the war on terror: Al Gore, 9/11 - Elections
  138. Hillbilly Alert! Palin to go back on the campaign trail: patriot, racist - Elections
  139. Did race influence your vote?: voters, Democrats, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  140. Well, I have to give Bush credit...: 9/11, liberals, CNN - Elections
  141. From a non-Obama supporter: Comments on his first few weeks as President Elect: Iraq, campaign - Elections
  142. Obama skips church: vote, security, Reagan, regular - Elections
  143. Obama pledges lots of money: Congress, thoughts, Democrats, president - Elections
  144. News, Barbara Walters to interview Obamas.: millionaire, president, Barack Obama, million - Elections
  145. News, Despite Bells and Whistles, 'Office of President-Elect' Holds No Authority.: Bill Clinton, Barack Obama - Elections
  146. What is the greatest benefit of Obama's win?: Cheney, president, black president - Elections
  147. Obama is becoming a Bush-lite.: vote, patriot, security, campaign - Elections
  148. Our Country PAC; Thank you Sarah Palin commercial...............Laughable!: interview, - Elections
  149. Who Will Be Obama's Intern?: educational, American, political, terrorists - Elections
  150. Frivilous lawsuits about Obama's citizenship - who's tired of this soap opera?: campaign, president - Elections
  151. Sen. John McCain is Giving a Press Conference: president, Obama - Elections
  152. Will Obama be the next president or will he not?: interview, Democrats - Elections
  153. Latest Gallup Poll Americans still have confidence in POTUS Elect Obama: vote, Congress - Elections
  154. Hillary will be appointed SOS tomorrow: security, democratic, controversial - Elections
  155. Was the 2008 election a strong repudiation of Bush?: voters, Iraq, patriot - Elections
  156. Congressman: Obama's Senate Replacement Must Be Black: campaign, represent, racist - Elections
  157. GOP's Chambliss wins Georgia Senate runoff: vote, illegal, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  158. Who is going to cry out of joy when Obama gets inaugurated?: vote, liberal - Elections
  159. Villaraigosa says he won't join Obama administration: vote, illegal aliens, president - Elections
  160. Election over: Candidates move on to do the peoples work.: security - Elections
  161. Impeach Bush ornament to hang from White House Christmas tree: votes, Congress - Elections
  162. For the sake of the discussion, assume that the Supreme Court decides in Obama's favor...: voters, - Elections
  163. Is the Republic dead?: illegal, drugs, represent - Elections
  164. Obama Free to Move to The Center, or Right of Center?: votes, liberal - Elections
  165. Obama Proposes Public Works and Job Creation: unemployment, Iraq, illegal - Elections
  166. Has Governor Palin abandoned Alaskans?!: gas prices, gallon, salary, democratic - Elections
  167. Video proof that Obama was not born in the US: economy, claim - Elections
  168. Chris Mathews down by only 3% in Senate race: Al Franken, votes, Republican - Elections
  169. Democrat asks Supreme Court to halt electors: votes, Attorney, Obama - Elections
  170. Inaugration Day: parade, campaign, Obama - Elections
  171. Jeb Bush run for senate: vote, campaign, ethical, illegal - Elections
  172. Michelle Obama looks like a black Sigourney Weaver: represent, American, compare - Elections
  173. How do the people who voted for Bush feel?: 9/11, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  174. Part two (or three or four ) of the bailout story: health care, vote - Elections
  175. Hiring a pro-illegal Gov for director of homeland security--what are you thinking NObama?: democrat, president - Elections
  176. Condi Rice headed to India today: represent, nuclear, Bill Clinton, border - Elections
  177. Palin back on the trail ...: campaign, Democrats, liberals, christmas - Elections
  178. Bill Clinton has no interest in replacing Hillary in the U.S. Senate: Congress, Democrats - Elections
  179. Now with Obama soon to be in office, can blacks complain about racism?: thoughts, Reed - Elections
  180. What if Obama were born in Kenya...would it: voters, interviews, campaign - Elections
  181. For the sake of the discussion, assume that the Supreme Court decides against Obama...: Clarence Thomas, votes - Elections
  182. Mr. Obama: Don’t Miss Next Week’s Chicago Tribune: campaign, - Elections
  183. Latinos not happy with obomination's picks: security, illegal, marines, death - Elections
  184. Faux News shut out at Obama press conference: campaign, Democrats, president - Elections
  185. I understand an election can be toff, but why all the smears and than the smiles...I don't get it.: vote, campaign - Elections
  186. Gibson interview: Bush might still have attacked Iraq if Intel showed that their were no WMDs: 9/11, vote - Elections
  187. News, Obama vows to keep military 'strongest on the planet': Democrats, president - Elections
  188. Very disappointed in of Obama's choice of cabinet members. What do you think?: Condi Rice, voting - Elections
  189. Gun control: voting, Congress, Iraq, illegal - Elections
  190. Recession since December of 2007: voters, campaign, Obama, lobbyists - Elections
  191. 16 year Financial Expert comes up with Economic Solution?!: politicians, date - Elections
  192. Obamas interviewed by Barbara Walters - Full Video on YouTube: Barack Obama - Elections
  193. News Video, Florida Congresswoman Hangs Up on Obama Twice Thinking It Was Prank Caller.: Hugo Chavez, - Elections
  194. Hey! Obama and I agree on something!: polls, layoff - Elections
  195. Governors Applaud Obama Spending Plan: Michael Bloomberg, Congress, president, Americans - Elections
  196. Seven Years After 9/11 Bush Administration's Counter-Terrorism Policy Leaves Us Less Secure: security, work - Elections
  197. Obama to Offer More Details on Economic Plan - Elections
  198. Whoppers from the 2008 Presidential Campaign: elections, elect
  199. Another reason why Foxnews is pure entertainment - Elections
  200. Tired of hearing how great Republican are with Money: Republicans, abortion, children - Elections