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  1. African American voters being harassed?: Democrats, Republicans, Hispanics, leader - Elections
  2. McCain McCan!!!: Putin, vote, Iraq, Afghanistan - Elections
  3. Election 911: political - Elections
  4. Georgia now a toss-up state: voters, polls, Obama, McCain - Elections
  5. Viet Nam nail techs against Obama: voting, McCain, Americans, politicians - Elections
  6. Would you vote for someone who is willing to discriminate against you in the US Constitution?: McCain, Americans - Elections
  7. Palin - another issue raised?: Congress, ethical, Democrats, president - Elections
  8. DMN Endorses Bush/Star-Telegram Obama: McCain, news, date - Elections
  9. Good Game: Republicans, Obama, McCain, speech - Elections
  10. Corporate taxes with Obama...: economy, pay, work, most - Elections
  11. Visine Election - getting the red out 2004 / 2008: work - Elections
  12. Obama’s crime votes............................: drugs, death, carry, senators - Elections
  13. The Real Problem With Obama's Tax Plan: democratic, Barack Obama, American - Elections
  14. WSJ to do story on ACORN 10/30/08: vote, campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  15. Joe, the Oppurtunistic Plumber meet Charles, the Community Volunteer: most - Elections
  16. having this problem?: conspiracy, racist, McCain, ratings - Elections
  17. Sean Hannity: Living in denial?!: voters, suspect, Obama, McCain - Elections
  18. OBama loss Funny stuff to send to Obama supporters: world - Elections
  19. Andrew Sullivan: Why Conservatives should vote for Obama: illegal, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  20. Big change on CNN electorial map: voters, campaign, Obama, McCain - Elections
  21. Another republican takes swipe at McCain: Congress, Republicans, president, suspect - Elections
  22. Stunning Development: Mexican, Republican, Obama, world - Elections
  23. We Keep Fighting Til The End for Obama!: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  24. My hopes for after the election: Obama, education, money, united - Elections
  25. Joe the Plumber has a publicist?: represent, Barack Obama, McCain, political - Elections
  26. NBC/MD PA POLL; Obama +4: campaign, Republicans, polls, racist - Elections
  27. 127 hours, 56 minutes to go...: polls, christmas, compare, election - Elections
  28. DOJ to Bush: No, we will not help you disenfranchis Ohio voters.: election, elect - Elections
  29. Rasmussen electoral prediction; Obama: 364 McCain: 174: vote, polls, bias, president - Elections
  30. Poll: Will you support the President?: American, terrorist, party, date - Elections
  31. I certainly hope: health care, voting, impeachment, crimes - Elections
  32. Watch this! Obama late to many hearings!!!: voters, million - Elections
  33. where does obama stand on energy?: campaign, Democrats, environmentalist, states - Elections
  34. Quotes from Obama's Book 1: I choose Marxists for friends.: liberal, radical, Barack Obama - Elections
  35. Place your bets.: vote, Congress, Israel, campaign - Elections
  36. Why Obama isn't the man for the White House: Ron Paul, voters, Congress - Elections
  37. Why Has the McCain Campaign Continued Attacks: voters, thoughts, polls - Elections
  38. T-shirt? I voted for a convicted felon - Sarah and Ted: Republicans, conservative - Elections
  39. Fact Check destroys Obama's lies on 30 min infomercial.: health care, voters, campaign - Elections
  40. 10/30 Zogby Poll Obama +7 (scooping Drudge): McCain, radio, news, date - Elections
  41. Which statement is true in your opinion (see post)?: democratic, dollars - Elections
  42. All Lies...: vote, campaign, politicians, government - Elections
  43. Obama Razing Mac's Lead in Arizona: voters, Democrats, Republicans, poll - Elections
  44. Surgeon Ad: American, Bush, support - Elections
  45. Does John McCain hate Jews?: campaign, politicians, leader, economy - Elections
  46. McCain's campaign chief and advisors should all be fired!: health care, Iraq, - Elections
  47. McCain Supporters in PA: vote, Republicans, Obama, speech - Elections
  48. Palin: Smarter than a 3rd Grader?: education, school, kids - Elections
  49. TO OBAMA: I'll admit it: I'm prejudiced!: Brown, political - Elections
  50. Conservatives Are Losing It: voters, campaign, Reagan, Republicans - Elections
  51. When McCain talks about alternative energy...: elections, elect, date
  52. Surge in Southern black voter turnout in progress: elect, work, student - Elections
  53. good news for Republicans.: campaign, Obama, independent, McCain - Elections
  54. Fox News Shep Smith after Interview with Joe: It Just Gets Frightening Sometimes: vote, Israel - Elections
  55. New Obama ad targets Sarah Palin: campaign, liberal, McCain - Elections
  56. For who are worried and I know there are many: Reagan, Obama - Elections
  57. McCain never met Khalidi and never gave him money.: Palestinians, Israeli, campaign - Elections
  58. Tito the Builder Interviewed on Fox: interviews, campaign, drug, president - Elections
  59. Obama takes fraud credit cards. On purpose..: vote, campaign, illegal - Elections
  60. Yard Signs, has one ever changed your choice?: vote, poll - Elections
  61. SHOCKER!! Obama really was Pallin around with PLO Pal: enemies, patriot - Elections
  62. America is at war with itsself: Again!: votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  63. Did Hussein's 30min infomercial change your vote??: votes, Iraq, millionaire - Elections
  64. US Groups Warn Of Moves To Deny Obama Victory: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  65. Why is Obama ashamed of being an anti-Semite?: vote, Palestinian, Israel - Elections
  66. Republican Party RIP 2008: voters, Iran, middle east, campaign - Elections
  67. Bill Clinton great job tonight: vote, Democrats, Republican, president - Elections
  68. Early Florida voting: voters, Democrats, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  69. McCain crying about Obamas commercial pushing back World Series by 15 minutes: voters, campaign - Elections
  70. About Obama and the Military: voting, Congress, Iraq, marines - Elections
  71. Getting ugly in Florida and dangerous: voters, Congress, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  72. Video of the year!!!!: vote, president, Barack Obama, speech - Elections
  73. Reaganomics- THE OFFICIAL END: Congress, democrat, statistics - Elections
  74. Why is Cindy McCain ALWAYS standing next to John McCain?: Obama - Elections
  75. Palin As President: Colin Powell, conservative, wisdom, McCain - Elections
  76. Obama will be a number of firsts...: votes, president, black president - Elections
  77. McCain- Eject Eject Eject! - GOP crash: Cheney, Congress, campaign - Elections
  78. Top Obama guy calls Barack unqualified to be Pres: Cheney, president, Senate - Elections
  79. Obama's cheap-shot attack on Sarah Palin: Republicans, vice president, racism - Elections
  80. Hilarious Obama Ad; Dictators Mock you: 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, McCain - Elections
  81. Going Nookular in Warshington: vote, nuclear, suspect, McCain - Elections
  82. My predictions if the Democrats get a super majority.: Rush Limbaugh, vote, Republican - Elections
  83. Sarah Palin: The REAL Socialist!: president, Barack Obama, McCain, Americans - Elections
  84. dual presidency?: campaign, representation, vice president, Reed - Elections
  85. Poll: Do you think Obama is a Muslim?: christmas, president, political - Elections
  86. Will undecideds just not vote?: Ron Paul, voters, Republican, liberal - Elections
  87. Poll: 23% of Texans are seriously misguided: Colin Powell, president, Obama, education system - Elections
  88. McCain trying to scapegoat Palin: campaign, nuclear, Reed - Elections
  89. What do You expect to hear from Senator Obama tonight at 8:00PM?: president, Reed - Elections
  90. Lets give ExxonMobil another Bush tax cut!: gas prices, vote, generations - Elections
  91. Did Joe the Plumber forget to showup today for McCain rally.: vote, campaign - Elections
  92. Why the stories about Obama's birth certificate will never die: vote, security - Elections
  93. How many people do you know who are not voting?: vote, - Elections
  94. Chris Matthews Delivers: salaries, campaign, bias - Elections
  95. I'd sooner vote for NCyank than Obama: votes, McCain, school - Elections
  96. under an obama administration, will we see a drastic increase in homeschooling and private education?: voting, legal - Elections
  97. Poll: Do you think Palin is a Christian?: voting, radical, Obama - Elections
  98. Poll: Do you think Palin is a Christian?: political - Elections
  99. I just spread my wealth around: unemployed, votes, patriot, conservative - Elections
  100. the result of sharing the wealth: vote, Reagan, liberals, Obama - Elections
  101. The Economist endorses Barack Obama.: unemployment, vote, security, liberal - Elections
  102. Were of you not radical or had radical leanings when you were younger or students?: vote, Republican - Elections
  103. Scumbag Obama Supporter: legal, Democrats, McCain, supporters - Elections
  104. Do you think Obama's 30-minute commercial might backfire on him?: campaign, regular - Elections
  105. Mike Savage Endorses McCain! Will it help or hurt?: vote, thoughts, Republican - Elections
  106. Israeli people have been blown up by Palestian people just for pieceful living in theri country. Obama has Hamas friends: Iran, interview - Elections
  107. from obama's own website: president, education, American, states - Elections
  108. boy gets shocked after touching McCain-Palin yard sign: campaign, thoughts, supporters - Elections
  109. 26 million watched Obama last night: vote, generation, campaign, CNN - Elections
  110. Is Election Tension Getting Ugly Where You Live?: vote, campaign, - Elections
  111. Don't forget the McCain camp called us Whiners with a mental recession: vote, millionaire - Elections
  112. October 30 Polling: voters, polls, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  113. Florida Cubans; Fear of Communism: voting, generation, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  114. Should the President Have Military Experience?: Cheney, vote, Republicans, poll - Elections
  115. sick of Joe the Plumber and Sarah from podunk?: campaign, - Elections
  116. Palin Comments on Khalidi & LATimes: vote, Israel, campaign, Obama - Elections
  117. Obama vs Palin in 2012: Colin Powell, voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  118. Dems Ready To Kick Lieberman To Curb: security, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  119. Sarah Palin openly talks about running for president in 2012 six days before the election: vote, interview - Elections
  120. Obama's going down quick: vote, liberals, polls - Elections
  121. Bricks thrown thru windows at Kansas City Obama Headquarters: vote, McCain, Bush - Elections
  122. Palin Hit with New Ethics Complaint: legal, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  123. Summarize the 2008 Presidential Election in 3 words:: Republican, Obama, McCain - Elections
  124. FOUND: Poor Obamas Aunt living in a slum in Boston- Sickening!: Barack Obama, Americans - Elections
  125. I cannot get an answer to this: name a bill that MCain championed that benefits the middle class: votes, Congress - Elections
  126. Cubans said the OBAMA reminds them of Fidel Castro: NAFTA, voters, Mexicans - Elections
  127. Tom DeLay Thinks Michele Bachmann is Brilliant: Rush Limbaugh, vote, interview - Elections
  128. Wow, the Obama assassins sure disappeared fast!: votes, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  129. Once Again I Ask, How Does Obama's Tax Policy Differ From The Tax Policies Pursued Over The Last 75 Years?: employment, security - Elections
  130. Obamas speech writer quits...: vote, campaign, Democrats, Clinton - Elections
  131. Obama like dummy found LYNCHED at University of Kentucky: democratic, president, racist - Elections
  132. an entire university in Florida shuts down for early voting: votes, generations - Elections
  133. 76 American Nobel Laureates Endorse Barack Obama: Al Gore, global warming, campaign, president - Elections
  134. The Constitution is a flawed document?: vote, Congress, interview, enemies - Elections
  135. Students ejected from McCain rally for... being young?: vote, campaign, Republican - Elections
  136. Conservatives, place your predictions of what an Obama presidency will result in ..: voters, Congress - Elections
  137. Joe the Plumber holds news conference: Huckabee, Cheney, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  138. Cory the driller...: 9/11, vote, generation, ethic - Elections
  139. Obama's answer to McCain's charge that he is a socialist: president, college - Elections
  140. Republican Hypocrisy: Congress, campaign, legal, Democrats - Elections
  141. obama offers hope? for what?: represent, conspiracy, McCain, leader - Elections
  142. CNN's Campbell Brown: Obama broke promise on campaign finance: Republicans, biased, Bill Clinton - Elections
  143. Obama always late..... Just in time to vote present... - VIDEO: interview, Democrats - Elections
  144. Name one Obama Family member who has endorsed him.....: vote, interviews, president - Elections
  145. Is Governor Palin the rift at the Heart of a Republican Party Civil War?: vote, Congress - Elections
  146. jobo robo. the ospamma nation: vote, campaign, Barack Obama - Elections
  147. Pull out of chicago....: vote, Iraq, security, - Elections
  148. What did you think of the 30-minute Obama ad?: vote, millionaire, - Elections
  149. LOL McCain helped to fund Khalidi: Palestinians, Israeli, campaign, - Elections
  150. Obama will only be happy when we all poor!: enemies, millionaire, patriot - Elections
  151. Obama Timeline - Get informed about our (likely) next President!: vote, state - Elections
  152. Everyone.... $250k...$200k...$150k... $100k... $42k...: vote, Reagan, president, Clinton - Elections
  153. Joe the Country Singer - I Knew It Was Fixed!: 9/11, liberal - Elections
  154. Obama donor list to ACORN: vote, campaign, FBI, president - Elections
  155. Joe the Plumber hires Nashville publicist: vote, campaign, Obama - Elections
  156. Did Barack Obama say that he will change this country and the world at his speech?: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  157. What happened to all the McCain/Palin supporters on this site?: campaign, president - Elections
  158. I'll Be Very Happy When This Election Is Over: Obama, Reed, McCain - Elections
  159. watching Obama's campaign commercial: unemployed, gallon, wage, thoughts - Elections
  160. Obama said he will not raise taxes for all Americans making less than $200,000 a year.: vote, Iraq - Elections
  161. Now a decided voter: Dick Cheney, 9/11, Iraq, ethics - Elections
  162. Barack Obama has pulled ahead in enough states to win the 270 electoral votes he needs to gain the White House.: polls, president - Elections
  163. Israel has no God right to occupy Palestine”-there's been genocide against Palestinian people by Israel: Palestinians, Israeli - Elections
  164. A Totalitarian government - what should we call it??: vote, Congress, generation - Elections
  165. McCain Says Obama is NOT a Socialist: Barack Obama, election, elect - Elections
  166. Dear Obama Supporters: vote, campaign, Reagan, polls - Elections
  167. King Barry: Obama, McCain, Americans, supporters - Elections
  168. Joe the Talker - We Love Ya!: voters, Barack Obama, politician - Elections
  169. Kindergarten Kommies!: Obama, McCain, political, news - Elections
  170. Obama and McCain to appear on Monday Night Football - Elections
  171. New Pew Study; Bias, Negative coverage - not close: Barack Obama, McCain - Elections
  172. An example of how pro USA Palin really is - Elections
  173. The difference between lack of experience and ignorance: Congress, represent, president - Elections
  174. Palin:Pallin around with convicted felons: American, state, senator - Elections
  175. Al Gore to campaign for Obama in Florida - Elections
  176. Sarah Palin furture: Obama, election, elect, state - Elections
  177. State of Georgia Turning Tossup?!!?: Obama, McCain, election, elect - Elections
  178. What if McCain had really gone maverick at the convention?: vote, salaries - Elections
  179. When McCain talks about alternative energy: elections, elect, date
  180. Which video is the scariest? You rate em! - Elections
  181. 61st Amendment: Fast food, Barack Hussein Obama, wars, born - Elections
  182. Ad on Economy: thoughts, Barack Obama - Elections
  183. CNN Commentary: Obama Breaks His Promise: Brown - Elections
  184. You Can Vote However You Like: interview, election, elect, kids - Elections
  185. McCain running robocalls in home state of Arizona: president, Obama, election - Elections
  186. The real Nobama infomercial - Elections
  187. The Big Flip: John Kerry, Obama, Kerry, McCain - Elections
  188. Free Press: ethical, bias, Obama - Elections
  189. Latest state polls - the Fat Lady is warming up in a blue dress - Elections
  190. Palin as President - Elections
  191. McVain vs Pagan in White House: represent, McCain, election, elect - Elections
  192. Our busy, busy polls: voting, Obama, elect, supporter - Elections
  193. McCain sat on Board that provided arms to death squads in Central America!: Iran, - Elections
  194. The tide is turning!: polls, Obama, state, work - Elections
  195. What attack is next?: Obama - Elections
  196. CORRECTED: Palin remains focused on November 4: report: Republican, spokesman, president - Elections
  197. Joe Klein interview: president, Barack Obama, senator - Elections
  198. Inspiration from Senator Obama, Bill Clinton and - Karl Rove?!!: vote, Reagan - Elections
  199. Indiana now a toss-up, Virgina is blue, Nevada and CO are now leaning towards...: Obama, election - Elections
  200. McCain's 'Alfred E Neuman' look, like Bush when he was reading 'The Pet Goat' and Card whispered that ANOTHER plane hit: Iraq, economy - Elections