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  1. What if it was Hillary?: vote, Congress, campaign, liberals - Elections
  2. crass vs. class: vote, Obama, McCain, anti-American - Elections
  3. Wizard of Washington - You're Gonna Love It: Pelosi, most - Elections
  4. Gov. Sarah Palin received blessings in her own church to be protected from WITCHES: anti-American - Elections
  5. Why Obama doesn't want the military votes to count.: work - Elections
  6. Blame It On The Maverick: Republicans, McCain, party, election - Elections
  7. Early Count Shows 17 Million Californians Registered for Next Tuesday; Dems Lead GOP by 12 pts.;1 in 5 are Independents: voters, president - Elections
  8. Will president Obama have his Trinity Church and Acorn pay taxes since they don't keep them self to the tax law?: 9/11, Republican - Elections
  9. is what the democratic bailout bill gave you: Congress, security - Elections
  10. Curious.. about the polls: election, elect, support - Elections
  11. Letting Sarah be Sarah may not be such a good thing. - McCain Campaign Advisor: Colin Powell, Republicans - Elections
  12. connection McCain Palin ties to extremists.: vote, campaign, polls - Elections
  13. Another state shifts into the Leaning Obama Column: polls, president, McCain - Elections
  14. Can Sarah Palin appoint herself as Senator if Stevens wins and then resigns?: vote, election - Elections
  15. FOX News mistakenly airs potentially illegal anti-Obama ad: campaign, controversial - Elections
  16. Boehner's Rapid Economic Recovery Plan Today: Congress, Republicans, extremist, McCain - Elections
  17. GOP doubts growing about McCain: Rush Limbaugh, voters, Republicans - Elections
  18. 'Twas the night before elections....: vote, Obama, Pelosi, political
  19. Spreading the Wealth; A Republican Concept.: employment, Reagan, conservative, president - Elections
  20. Report: McCain Snubbed Palin During Long Straight Talk Express Ride: 9/11, voting - Elections
  21. McCain and Stevens and Whale Hunting: regular, support, senator, news - Elections
  22. After the election, how high do...: gas prices, gallon, Congress, brainwash - Elections
  23. Campbell Brown:Sarah Palin Embracing your inner diva: wisdom, McCain, election - Elections
  24. Obama and McCain Neck and Neck in North Dakota: vote, democratic, Barack Obama - Elections
  25. McCain looked sharp today and made his point clear: liberal, accuses, racist - Elections
  26. John McCain gets a flat tire in Fayetteville, NC: Obama, political, terror - Elections
  27. Hip Hop for Obama '08: vote, political, TV - Elections
  28. Sorry Isn't Good Enough: suspect, Obama, kids, news - Elections
  29. Palin last January on The Bob and Mark Show: interview, - Elections
  30. 8 reasons why Obama might not win: Republican, McCain, elections, elect
  31. Jane Smiley: Goodbye, Cruel World: voters, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  32. Hillary Backers Decry Massive Obama Vote Fraud: Congress, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  33. Will the Palin Legacy come to be known as Senator McCain's Nuclear Option: votes, Republican - Elections
  34. Does McCain now look on Palin as disloyal ?: campaign, liberal - Elections
  35. BASH The Candidate!: patriots, liberal, conservative - Elections
  36. Senator Sarah Palin: Republicans, polls, president, McCain - Elections
  37. Senator McCain's Friend: health care, 9/11, vote, Obama - Elections
  38. Obama be thy Name: vote, president, McCain, American - Elections
  39. Future Electoral Shift to Southwest/West States: votes, American, political - Elections
  40. Sarah Palin Got Her Favorite Consignment Shop in Trouble with Non-Profit AIDS Fundraising Organization: campaign, - Elections
  41. Financial Times.. Obama is the better choice: president, McCain, military - Elections
  42. Republican Corruption Fallout - don't vote for tainted Republicans: house seat, votes - Elections
  43. Obama Fundraising; CBS sheds light: votes, campaign, democrat, Barack Obama - Elections
  44. FYI, Obama didn't delay World Series: vote, democrat, Republican, president - Elections
  45. Don't Count On the Polls Being Wrong: democratic, Republicans, Brown - Elections
  46. Poll: Have you been polled in this Presidential election?: vote, Reagan, polls - Elections
  47. Latest Anchorage News Read on Palin!: voters, candidacy, Republicans, polls - Elections
  48. New Obama Commercial: president, political, TV - Elections
  49. WaPo on Obama's untraceable and suspicious donations: interview, campaign, conspiracy - Elections
  50. Phony Flier Trys To Trick VA Democrats: vote, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  51. History repeating itself. Hoover, Roosevelt, The New Deal: wages, Republican, president - Elections
  52. Maxed-out Obama supporter; Checking records on JTP: voters, campaign, legal - Elections
  53. Tic-Tac-Toe - Elections
  54. To Save Money, Let's Have Future Elections in Toss Up States Only: voters, Reagan
  55. White people shouldn't be allowed to vote: Cheney, voters, patriots - Elections
  56. McCain Workers Walk Out in Protest of Robocalls: voting, campaign, ethical - Elections
  57. The Onion. Obama's internship: campaign, president, news - Elections
  58. I'll Take Charles the Volunteer Over Joe the Plumber: campaign, McCain - Elections
  59. Hollywood insiders rip MSNBC, defend Palin: vote, Democrats, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  60. Second Amendment and BHO: vote, Congress, patriot, Democrats - Elections
  61. French Pres. Sarkozy sees Obama stance on Iran as 'utterly immature': vote, Israeli - Elections
  62. is what speading the wealth around meant to obama: campaign, Republicans - Elections
  63. Republicans deserve to LOSE!: vote, patriot, Israel, democrat - Elections
  64. Hahahaha this video is AWESOME...: voting, Republican, conservative, educational - Elections
  65. Obama rumors: Palestinians, Israel, president, McCain - Elections
  66. Vote Flipping - Caught on Tape !!!: votes, Democrats, Obama, McCain - Elections
  67. McCain's mental stability: middle east, campaign, president - Elections
  68. FL Gov Charlie Crist just blew Florida for McCain: voters, Democrats - Elections
  69. For Curious About The Decision Render in Obama vs Berg.: 9/11, president - Elections
  70. Michele Obama tapes to be released in a few days by African Press International: president - Elections
  71. Peter Schiff talks about economy under Obama: Democrats, Republicans, McCain - Elections
  72. Who hates/dislikes Palin?: bias, Obama, McCain, American - Elections
  73. Why gun sales are climbing: NAFTA, voting, Congress, Mexican - Elections
  74. My latest Obama flyer...: votes, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  75. It Is NOT US DEMS That Will RIOT: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  76. Socialism?: Ron Paul, interview, enemy, campaign - Elections
  77. Idiotic journalism at its best - Obama a Marxist?: interview, generations, democrat - Elections
  78. If got nothing to do early tonight...: vote, campaign, Republican - Elections
  79. West Virginia Vote Flipping Caught on Tape: votes, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  80. Fox News Rebukes Joe the Plumber: vote, interview, Israel, campaign - Elections
  81. What Europeans think of the election.: voters, enemies, campaign, - Elections
  82. V for Vendetta...: liberal, Obama, McCain, supporters - Elections
  83. Which candidate will lower the deficit?: Iraq, democrat, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  84. Obama's 30 min speech, just ducking questions he doesn't like!!!: Putin, vote, Iran - Elections
  85. the big obama: Rush Limbaugh, illegal, president, Americans - Elections
  86. Socialism vs Communism vs Capitalism: Congress, security, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  87. McCain can win (if he takes FL, NC, OH, MO, CO, NV, NM, and IA): votes, Congress - Elections
  88. CNN will not preempt their programming for Obama's infomercial: campaign, conservative, spokesman - Elections
  89. Has the internet changed the face of elections?: Ron Paul, vote, generation
  90. Dem. Senator arrested. Embattled State Senator faces corruption charges!! Why is this not on the news?: legal, democratic - Elections
  91. State agency director is behind big brother probe into Joe the Plumber: 9/11, votes - Elections
  92. Boycott the Obamathon and Wear Red Today...: voters, president - Elections
  93. Presidential Race in ARIZONA a tossup!! Will Senator McCain Campaign at home?!: voters, interviews - Elections
  94. trailer for Obama's 30 minute prime time commercial revealed...this could give Obama a convention like bounce: campaign, - Elections
  95. Sarah Palin, you are a Fraud: campaign, Barack Obama, education, McCain - Elections
  96. October 29 Polling: voters, campaign, polls, president - Elections
  97. Solution to stolen yard signs!: vote, Obama, American, jobs - Elections
  98. Something I've ..: Republican, regular, Obama, George W. Bush - Elections
  99. Will gas prices go up with Obama in office??: vote, Congress, liberals - Elections
  100. The LATimes responds: vote, campaign, accuses, Obama - Elections
  101. Armegeddon?: global warming, vote, democratic - Elections
  102. Broken promises...why do we forget so quickly: campaign, Republican, Bill Clinton - Elections
  103. Tina Fey: Sarah Palin Offered Me Daughter Bristol For Babysitting: Republicans - Elections
  104. Sarah Palin, Socialist: gallon, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  105. Obama, the Hoax: democratic, represent, American, military - Elections
  106. Vote McCain.... or Go to Hell: Democrats, conservative, extremist, Obama - Elections
  107. This says what a lot are thinking but won't say: Obama, senator - Elections
  108. Why Obama needs to win: A different perspective: vote, Congress, Iran - Elections
  109. This time next week...: votes, polls, president, racist - Elections
  110. What Will Your WEather Be Like Next Tuesday?: voters, president, McCain - Elections
  111. Obama Supporters Don't Know What Their Candidate Stands For! Listen to interviews, it's funny.: votes, Congress - Elections
  112. Obama held to Higher Standard than McCain: campaign, illegal, democratic - Elections
  113. Miami Dolphins owner rushes to sell in case Obama wins: statistics, president - Elections
  114. Guns in Tennessee/have the sales increased (moved from TN forum): votes, Congress - Elections
  115. Mississippi is pink!: voters, polls, Obama, McCain - Elections
  116. The obama acorn connection, oct., 28, 2008.: voters, campaign, Republicans, spokesman - Elections
  117. BARACK OBAMAs MAMA: vote, Americans, election - Elections
  118. Obama rallies, McCain cancels: vote, democrat, Barack Obama, political - Elections
  119. To be I think African Americans will have it hard if Barck Obama gets elected: FBI, president - Elections
  120. Politics of Fear: voters, Iran, Iraq, - Elections
  121. Ridiculousness About Redistribution: employment, voting, security, campaign - Elections
  122. The chickens are comin home to roost: voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  123. Top McCain aid calls Palin a Whack Job: Huckabee, vote - Elections
  124. Joe The Shooter: campaign, accuse, McCain, assault - Elections
  125. South Dakota!! Seriously? South Dakota un-Anchors and becomes a Leaner - Wow!!: votes, Reagan - Elections
  126. How distribution of wealth ticks people off.: vote, wages, Obama - Elections
  127. Part of Obama tax plan...: patriot, Reed, cost, million - Elections
  128. What Has the Democratic Party Done for Women Lately?: vote, campaign, Republican - Elections
  129. Why should you vote early, why not wait until Nov. 4th and wait until we know as much as we can on both sides!: voters, campaign - Elections
  130. Presidential Election Poll*: voters, thoughts, democrat, polls - Elections
  131. Obama's assault on the Constitution: enemies, liberal, conservative - Elections
  132. Why didn't the Democrats choose Hillary?: vote, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  133. Election's Over - On Fox News!: liberal, poll, Barack Obama - Elections
  134. New Pew Poll: Obama by 16%: voters, interview, Democrats - Elections
  135. What? McCain involved in a Fatal Car Crash?: campaign, legal, Republicans - Elections
  136. Riots after elections?: security, campaign, Obama, McCain
  137. Is Palin preparing for 2012 and throwing John to the curb now?: voters, Congress - Elections
  138. Liberal democrat defends Palin, rips MSNBC: vote, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  139. Hispanics could put Obama over the top in key battleground states: vote, generation - Elections
  140. Palin Claims Buying Wardrobe From Consignment Shops: voters, interview, campaign - Elections
  141. So what are you Obama detractors gonna do...: vote, enemies, - Elections
  142. Early Voter Turnout Interactive Map: voters, CNN, statistics, Obama - Elections
  143. State By State Voter Information, 7 Days to Go: voters, Congress, liberal - Elections
  144. Absolutely disgusting..: Congress, campaign, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  145. If your voting record has been Bush the last two elections, you have NO right to...: vote, Congress
  146. Obama; Supporters use mace to attack Mac supporters: campaign, democratic - Elections
  147. A new method of voter suppression: voters, democratic, Republican, compare - Elections
  148. If Obama wins - The floodgate will open on his lies & scandals: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  149. North American Union: NAFTA, Congress, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  150. Electoral College, does your vote matter?: votes, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  151. A Post-American World: 9/11, democratic, vice president - Elections
  152. Do you think Alaska Voters will Governor Palin and Senator Stevens?: Ron Paul, interview - Elections
  153. Obama took the gh road' throughout his entire campaign: Rush Limbaugh, vote - Elections
  154. why would a teacher or other public servant vote republican?: salary, Israel - Elections
  155. Obama Yard Signs in Abilene, Texas: vote, Iraq, democratic - Elections
  156. McCain and Palin running against each other: vote, interview, campaign - Elections
  157. Obama's tax increase threshold coming down: voters, Iraq, campaign, liberals - Elections
  158. I Predict...: votes, campaign, Obama, McCain - Elections
  159. More Love From the McCain /Palin Base: Limbaugh, patriot, campaign - Elections
  160. Palin's AIP Buddies: campaign, Obama, independence, McCain - Elections
  161. McCain has 20pt lead in Nevada.: votes, campaign, polls, represent - Elections
  162. I'm a Mavrik: represent, president, anti-American, election - Elections
  163. Avoiding Blame - Florida emergency: extend early voting hours: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  164. Who are people who think like me voting for?: Al Gore, vote, Congress - Elections
  165. Palin the hypocrite taxed food: campaign, conservative, economy, government - Elections
  166. McCain camp To LATimes - Release the video: Palestinians, enemy, Israeli - Elections
  167. A government big enough to give you...: voters, Congress, - Elections
  168. Why does no one attending Columbia University remember Obama?: vote, Barack Obama, school - Elections
  169. Liz Edwards does not like Obamas health care plan, and she is an adviser to him: Cheney, Congress - Elections
  170. Obama has firm leads in Colo., Pa.: campaign, polls - Elections
  171. Dow Sruges 900 on news McCain has a good chance to win: voting, wage - Elections
  172. The Obama campaign is proof that....: president, McCain, Americans, Bush - Elections
  173. MCCAIN/PALIN: Hershey, PA - Most Powerful Performance!: campaign, Obama - Elections
  174. Republicans who vote for Obama are NOT traitors: voters, patriots, conservative - Elections
  175. A poll for voting McCain: vote, campaign, thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  176. The McCain campaign is proof that....: vote, liberal, conservative, polls - Elections
  177. about Socialism: Ron Paul, vote, campaign, Obama - Elections
  178. Vote Obama 08: 9/11, votes, Congress, Iran - Elections
  179. Joe Momma ???: vote, Obama, McCain, speech - Elections
  180. Polls Show Little Movement for McCain in PA: votes, campaign, - Elections
  181. A vote for Obama is a vote for the death of Israel: votes, Iraq - Elections
  182. What Will Happen To Johnny Mac Nov 4th!: Obama, race - Elections
  183. Election humor about FedZilla, the horribly huge Fed government McCain wants to reduce.: news - Elections
  184. Campaign dance-off: president, Obama, McCain - Elections
  185. Obama tax plans; Reason for market tanking?: polls, death, American - Elections
  186. Where is lost of congress candidates? - Elections
  187. Ed Rollins, McCain campaign staff are disgusting: Reagan, top - Elections
  188. The South: democratic, program, world, Washington - Elections
  189. McCain calls for Sen. Ted Stevens to step down from the U.S. Senate, should Palin worry?: governor, senator - Elections
  190. Professionals(?) working the voting booths..: vote, poll, represent - Elections
  191. Take the day off and make history: Obama, election, elect - Elections
  192. The World hopes to restore the American Brand with Obama at the helm: vote, president - Elections
  193. McCain Ad; Redistributer: Obama - Elections
  194. Early indications point to Ruthless Purges of the Republican Party - Whose Heads will roll Nov 5th?!!: conspiracy, McCain - Elections
  195. Gallup poll; 2, 7, 7: president, race - Elections
  196. Obama has 40+ point lead in Texas.: McCain - Elections
  197. LA Times/Bloomberg Polls: Obama leading in Ohio and Florida: voters, McCain - Elections
  198. A very crude analogy !: voting, Americans, million, elections
  199. Princeton publishes how-to guide for hacking Sequoia e-voting machines: election, elect, program - Elections
  200. Says it all: Democrats, Republicans, election, elect - Elections